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« Reply #5190 on: 2024-05-09 08:08:21 »

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« Reply #5191 on: 2024-05-09 12:15:56 »

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« Reply #5192 on: 2024-05-09 12:29:14 »

LET'S GO!!!! That means 1.50 is right around the corner too!  So new reworks galore AND a new State DLC.  [excited] [excited] [excited] [excited] [excited] [excited] [excited] [excited] [excited] [excited]
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« Reply #5193 on: 2024-05-09 12:30:21 »

Awesome news!!! Does that mean 1.50 will release probably next Tuesday?  Or will they do it the day Nebraska releases?  It has to be really soon.

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« Reply #5194 on: 2024-05-09 12:33:22 »

There are some chances that 1.50 will be released after the DLC ;D. As you remember, the Balkans DLC were also released before the big update (there was a half-update named 1.48.5).
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« Reply #5195 on: 2024-05-09 12:35:48 »

That is possible.  Earlier though, in a blog post, they said this would release after 1.50.  But they can change their minds.  If everything works fine, there may be no need to release 1.50 yet.  Make sure the BETA work is perfect.

« Last Edit: 2024-05-09 12:36:02 by Grapefoot » Logged

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« Reply #5196 on: 2024-05-09 12:36:32 »

Awesome news!!! Does that mean 1.50 will release probably next Tuesday? 

I hope it is this.
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« Reply #5197 on: 2024-05-09 12:40:15 »

Awesome video and great information upon the release.  I am excited for the hand crafted depots this time around. The further we get away from prefabs, the better in my opinion! Every place should be unique. 

I hope they keep 1.50 as long as they need to squash any bugs or issues.  I also feel that Nebraska should get it's own attention and the California rework and Swiss rework deserve their own attention as well instead of being overshadowed by a whole new state DLC.
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« Reply #5198 on: 2024-05-10 02:43:42 »

It's a shame a lot of the beauty for the USA side was done while SCS didn't have the chops to make the highest quality versions yet, but I know they touch over stuff with time.

EU they have Northern Scandanavia, England, and Greece to go. :D Lot's of opportunities.

I'd rather have two separate releases for the 1.50 and the dlc.
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« Reply #5199 on: 2024-05-11 17:32:15 »

I think the 1.50 update is coming out Tuesday.  A lot of chatter about it, especially on the SCS forums.  They seem to believe it is needed before Nebraska to be compatible. Some are thinking the 1.50 BETA will actually become the in the 1.51 release, since they may be out of time with the release window of Nebraska.  Though I am not sure why they would do that to themselves if they choose the release windows.

Lot's of discussion in the forums. Always fun to see the theories from the ATS and ETS2 groups.

I did see one comment that confuses me a bit.  Here it is:

"Let's laugh at those who installed 1.50, taking away from them the roads traveled and missions completed, the updated California, and now they will not be able to restore their saves. But they will be able to install new DLC for the previous version of the game. LOL" - Seerman

Apart from their broken English, they seem to think the BETA will ruin people's profiles.  What are they talking about?  Has this been confirmed? Thankfully the game does auto backups.  Some are saying saves will be incompatible between updates.  Not sure why.

ETS2 1.50 BETA discussion.

There is also a growing ire within the ETS2 1.50 discussions section about people becoming angry with SCS saying they will no longer support them or buy their DLCs.  I haven't seen this before and I don't want to see this kind of behavior grow.  They are claiming SCS is creating more bugs and issues and not fixing them, and also not fully implementing things they have promised.  They also think the 1.50 release will be a disaster.

ATS 1.50 BETA discussion.

The ATS 1.50 discussions seems to be a discussion on whether or not the Nebraska and reworks for both games will require 1.50 or if they can remain in 1.49, so the 1.50 BETA can continue to be worked on.  They mention how there is a lot of issues in the BETA currently and they think, as said above, that SCS is running out of time to fix it.  Their conclusion is 1.50 will be held back, or some of it's features will come in a 1.50.2 type update.  Still some think 1.50 will release on Tuesday, then have another significant update on Thursday, the day of the Nebraska release.
« Last Edit: 2024-05-11 17:49:14 by RainySunshine » Logged
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« Reply #5200 on: 2024-05-11 22:33:39 »

Well, playing beta version always have some risks, so there must be no reason to complain. There must be a backwards compatibility between versions (saves from must work fine with, the tricks may be in some details changed in one beta sub-version and returned in another, like adding the new tuning options may reset them on the trucks you already own. So it’s still better to wait a retail version release — I usually switch to beta only for making the side-by-side map or truck comparison screenshots, and after that return to the actual release version (the latest autosave may be lost in this case, so I copy all saves from the backup folder and paste them back after returning).

As for the bugs... I don’t remember the really serious ones. The parts of the map which remain grey after you drive there, or the invisible walls in the middle of the bridge — this stuff is usually fixed in the first day after the developers collect enough feedback. Something bigger, like an invisible pit near Chemso depot in Portland or a situation with crashes I have experienced, the feedback about them can appear a little later, but they still are fixed the next day after report. Of course, there is a category of players which really suffer from the bugs — the pirate version users C:-). The pirate makes a repack from a first release version, and... updates it only after the next release in three or four months :nervoussmile:. I remember the similar situation with Shantae and Seven Sirens — the forum had a lot of complains about the long loading screens... which were posted long after this was fixed in the actual Steam version ;D. Also, the update of the pirate version means you need to delete the game (making a backup of the save folder) and install the updated repack again, so, just imagine there are someone who have installed and deleted their ETS2 folder 49 times since 2012.
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« Reply #5201 on: 2024-05-12 00:01:56 »

You guys have to remember, the people on their forums are often the most critical and view things so finely, we just gloss over it.  I wouldn't worry about the people on the forums.
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« Reply #5202 on: 2024-05-13 00:07:51 »

Yeah, I think we will be getting 1.50 anytime now between now and Thursday.
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« Reply #5203 on: 2024-05-13 10:05:08 »

That means the ETS is going to be updated tomorrow ;D.
Also, the map of Nebraska is revealed on today’s stream:
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« Reply #5204 on: 2024-05-13 12:02:25 »

I knew I should have said it earlier.  I was going to say that maybe they would release ETS2 1.50 first to allow for some time to drive the new map.  Then later in the week release the 1.50 ATS and Nebraska / central California.  Short amount of time, yes, but still would allow them both to be played alone in theory. The Swiss event ends on July 14th.

Now for the Nebraska map. I am looking at that HUGE empty area between Valentine and Norfolk.  Note there will be other Norfolk's eventually in ATS when they get to the east coast such as Norfolk, Virginia.   This map is smaller, but the SCS crew certainly made sure to add a lot of criss crossing roads.  That will help so much of the area seem bigger.  Looks good!

All the big cities in these flat stats seem to be on their eastern edges with a smaller big city slightly to the west.
« Last Edit: 2024-05-13 12:06:46 by Silverwing » Logged
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