The Lounge => General => Topic started by: MasterXtreme on 2023-07-12 01:53:55

Title: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2023-07-12 01:53:55
Do not worry, this is a temporary topic that will be merged eventually.  This is mainly a survey purely out of curiosity. I feel enough time has passed and for the majority, the pandemic is "over."  The topic  of the pandemic was talked about here at PSF, but overall, I didn't see a lot of people ever say they caught it except for one or two, which leads me to believe in theory, a very small percentage caught it here on the forums.  You don't need to post if you don't want to, but you can if you wish to share experiences.  Again, this topic is temporary and will be removed after we get a good sample set for no reason other than curiosity.

I only have the dates 2020-2023 based off when WHO 'started' and 'ended' the pandemic.  I realize much of the world went back to normal in 2021 and 2022 and some earlier.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: TheBeesSneeze on 2023-07-12 01:55:59
I never did and I didn't know anyone personally (Friends/family) who got it either.  At work there was a scare that someone might had caught it early on, but it was a false alarm and she just got the flu.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2023-07-12 01:58:09
Nope. Haven't been sick since 2018. Most of the people I knew never got any type of sickness during the pandemic years because everyone was being so clean with everything they did.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: timmelon on 2023-07-12 01:59:12
A couple of my family members did.
But not me. Also, I got an achievement «didn’t have any PCR test» ;D.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2023-07-12 01:59:33
I guess I should answer this poll.  I did not catch it. No one in my family caught it and no relatives I knew caught it.  None of my friends got it either.  I never took a test either, but I did get a bunch of free kits from Uncle Sam.  They are still sitting in my pantry, probably expired.  I never opened them.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Darrin on 2023-07-12 02:03:30
No.  None in my family acquired the virus.  There were a few minor cases at work with these girls who always hung out together, but it never spread around at work.  I think in total 3 people got it at my work, but they got it from other places. 

None of my close friends got it.  We received the PCR test kits, but I never had to use them.  I see a lot of videos online of women trying them and it making them sneeze.  That might be the only good thing to come from this horrible event that altered society.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Blurr on 2023-07-12 05:22:39
Yes I did. Twice in fact
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Nemesis Prime on 2023-07-12 05:51:27
I did catch it, but like way over a year after the worst pandemic was gone already and what i had was very mild if not including the first night.
It was detected by the home test kit and lasted about a week with very mild flu like symptoms. Zero sneeziness thou, just really drowsy. My sister got vaccinated against it and had way worse symptoms, which is very strange to me, but everyone is different so ofcourse it will react different ways too.
My girlfriend caught it at small family trip, but had very mild symptoms too, but the quarantine had to be applied so i had to do store runs for her, leaving the bags out her door and ringing the bell, then dashing to the outdoor. BUT i didnt get infected by that, i actually got it at workshop place, not surprising since there was a lot more people, but i am surprised that i didnt catch it from all the bus rides i had to take.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: 1234 on 2023-07-12 07:21:01
Like Blurr, I got it twice.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Crimson Crest on 2023-07-12 08:10:00
Nah, I didn't. It's one of the pros of being an introvert. :)
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Sniffles on 2023-07-12 12:48:09
I did not. Never even had any scares about it.

Besides 2020, life has been pretty normal here.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Rainberry on 2023-07-12 23:47:33
I did not nor did my family.  I had no close friends catch it.  I only heard of people catching it from the few who mentioned it here.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: RainySunshine on 2023-07-13 00:18:46
Worked the whole time and never caught it.  I seemed to notice the people who got vaccinated had it very severe compared to the people who didn't, at least it worked out that way from the people I know at work.  There were a few cases at work, but it didn't start happening until vaccines were available.  So that was weird. 

Never had to get tested as I never got sick.  Thankfully no one in my family got it either and no friends.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Soda on 2023-07-13 01:43:28
Call it luck of crazy, with as sneezy as I am, and I work in a logistics [COMMAND CENTER] where people congregate and intermix after delivering goods from all around the country, I never got the virus nor did anyone in my office.  I never heard any of the drivers I talk to regularly catching it either.  Did people get skittish around sneezy me?  Probably, but I always covered them.

I am also a no.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: kiku on 2023-07-13 11:59:54
I caught it exactly one year ago. It was like having the flu - fever, dry cough (especially the first night which was awful), stuffy sniffly nose and more sneezes than usual.  ;)
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Grapefoot on 2023-07-13 12:47:12
I did not. 
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Bumble on 2023-07-13 13:12:03

I was worried for my Father who worked every day amongst people during the whole thing but he never caught it or got sick.

I worked through it all, except for the first month when our company kind of shut down for a bit.  We did remote, but then we went right back to work with no issues. 
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Kiwi on 2023-07-13 23:59:46
My country went overboard and nuts.  We lost our freedoms we thought we had.  The main difference is we didn't have a Bill of Rights like America did.  Thankfully no one in my family caught it, but I did have one friend who caught it.  She didn't even know she had it until she took the test for 'curiosity's sake' and found out she had it.  Who knew?
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: megacycle on 2023-07-14 03:36:09
I caught it once, my mother caught it first, my father caught it after her, and I finally got sick.
There quick test came back positive, my quick test was negative, but the doctors at patient first urged me to take the more thorough test. It came back positive. By the time I got those test results back I was feeling like myself again. I was sick for about 24-48 hours. My great grandmother lived with us and she didn't even get sick.
Which I am thankful for.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Bondi on 2023-07-18 11:57:54
Never got it, to my knowledge, though I only tested once when I had a really bad headache. I work retail, so was around people a lot.
Title: Re: Did you catch Smiles?
Post by: Smiles2us on 2023-07-22 13:42:18
I did not catch it.
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Grapefoot on 2023-07-27 01:02:08
So if there are 19 who didn't get it so far, and five who did, that is roughly.... 25%?  :o 
Title: Re: Did you catch Covid?
Post by: Graymist on 2023-07-27 12:55:10
That seems like a lot.  But a ton of people here didn't respond either.