Community => Site News & Feedback => Topic started by: Darrin on 2016-01-23 12:07:31

Title: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-01-23 12:07:31
Welcome to PSF everyone.  We are pleased to have you here and hope you enjoy your stay.  In this topic, we will keep you up to date with the latest site news and events.  It is also a topic for us to get your feedback as we ever continue to grow and improve our community.  So sit back and enjoy the ride, and thanks for checking in. 


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Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Furry-Sneezes on 2016-01-25 01:08:05
Good luck at the new forum/home. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2016-01-25 17:51:08
So far so good man. And I like the color.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-01-25 21:18:08
Great to see so many people here. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2016-01-26 14:27:31
Come back old friends. COME BAAAAAAAAAACK! *Blows conch shell*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-01-27 16:56:18
So starting TODAY, our PSF Photobucket is going to instead organize art by artist and not just throw them into a pool.  We won't change our old pics already inside, because it would screw up the MLPS.  So artists who use the bucket, contact me if you have questions. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-01-27 17:21:48
Do you guys want a live chat like we had at PSF 1.0? 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-01-27 17:26:13
I think that'd be pretty cool. I say yes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-01-27 18:11:02
Yessss, that would be cool
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-01-27 23:19:09
yeah that would be nice :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-01-27 23:36:59
May i have one suggestion could we have a testing area like the blue forum as that may be handy.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-01-28 01:39:00
May i have one suggestion could we have a testing area like the blue forum as that may be handy.

What would you use the testing area for?  Like what could you possibly test? 

If you really need to test something, you can make a test topic, then delete it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-01-28 03:50:08
Ok fair enough than.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-01-28 11:54:04
Ok fair enough than.

You can also preview any post you make before posting it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-01-28 11:56:35
Here is some stuff I wanted to share from PSF 1.0.  These were done by the talented, Erudi.



Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-01-28 12:49:29
Oh cool!  Lol!  I remember that banner. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-01-28 12:54:54
I remember this one as well.
Oh! Maybe we could make one with Margo? She still kinda has the site colors right?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-01-28 12:56:55
I believe they said changing the banner on this is much harder then before.  So it will probably stay as is. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-01-28 13:25:22
Oooh, right right. Nevermind then haha
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2016-01-28 14:29:12
Any ideas for another banner?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-01-31 12:05:03
Less then a week on the docket, we've had over 30 members join and over 20,000 page views. 

Monday will mark our first week online, and I will get the stats up then. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-02-01 11:24:56
Week 1 Review and Updates!

As you know, we have been online for exactly one week.  Today is Feb 1, 2016.  In that time, Yasl has been working overtime to make this site the best they can, and Smiles2us and I have been trying to answer your many questions and find improvements.  We are currently looking into a Booru for our site.  We have also added a new feature you guys wanted.  At the top menu bar, we have added the CHAT ( button for live chats with members if you so choose.  So give it a check out.

In one week of being online, PSF has done quite well if I saw so myself.  39 members have joined and have created 71 topics with 1,672 posts.  Our site has been visited 26,033 times.  LeapingRiver is our top poster with 338 posts followed by Blurr001 nipping at her heels with 328 posts.  The PSF Chat has the most posts, with 437, as well as the most views with 836.  Blurr001 has started the most topics, at 11.

Thank you for the stellar first week everyone.  You are the reason we are here.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-02-01 17:41:39
That is pretty nifty!  Good job everyone. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: mysteryserpent on 2016-02-01 18:09:02
It has only been one week, but it's been a great week =) I think it's awesome what has been accomplished.

Some weeks won't go like this XD, but let's all do our best and enjoy the blessing of having this place.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-02-01 21:41:28
Oh kewl, I win at something :D

But those are awesome stats for the first week! Absolutely amazing!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2016-02-01 22:01:20
I won something too! Woot!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: ✨proponypal✨ on 2016-02-02 05:15:03
Too bad that we're still missing a few members like Ponysneeze and Dasiy
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: ✨proponypal✨ on 2016-02-02 05:15:50
Also I was never told that this new site was up :c
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: mysteryserpent on 2016-02-02 08:13:06
Also I was never told that this new site was up :c

I am so happy you are here!!!! It is great to see you! *hugs you*
Stupid da notes :( I thought that I sent you something in a note but there have been a lot of stupid things going on with my computer lately. People here have been thinking a lot about you, not just me :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2016-02-02 10:40:07
I know we can't expect that in week 2 or week 19, but that is a good start.  No slouch at all.  Probably better then other related sites when they started. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-02-02 11:44:25
Too bad that we're still missing a few members like Ponysneeze and Daisy
PonySneeze left the pony fandom, remember? And Daisy is here. She just hasn't commented much.

And no one told you? How strange, I thought you would have known. I guess you didn't check the temp PSF or MasterX's journal updates? Either way, it's great to have you here :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2016-02-02 13:51:30
Ponysneeze had his fill but his legacy lives on through the many stories he left us with
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-02-02 16:55:12
Indeed, but some of them we don't have the pastebin link. So unless we can get ahold of him, we might lose some of those stories.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2016-02-02 16:57:46
I have him on skype. I can try to message him but I don't promise anything.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-02-02 17:05:00
Yeah, I know you said he doesn't respond much.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-02-02 17:20:31
Wha? 3P, I think I sent you a message on steam asking if you knew about the new site.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: ✨proponypal✨ on 2016-02-02 22:24:46
Wha? 3P, I think I sent you a message on steam asking if you knew about the new site.
You did? O-o Huh must've missed it I guess XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-02-02 23:42:04
Wha? 3P, I think I sent you a message on steam asking if you knew about the new site.
You did? O-o Huh must've missed it I guess XD

I think I sent you some messages somewhere too.  Lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2016-02-03 14:13:33
Oh well. All that matters is you're here now
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-02-03 16:49:39
No "Oh well", I am triggered reee.
(Nah, it's gute to have you here now!)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-02-04 09:39:18
Woooowwwweeee!  What a fun roller coaster this morning that lasted all of ten minutes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-02-04 09:44:01

This is very important to all PSF members who want to stay in the loop.  We are also going to work on an email message to those who want to be a part of it.  On Feb 4, 2016, the site went offline for about fifteen minutes, probably less.  It was due to an error on our end.  It is our first time, and we make mistakes.  You just have to bear with us.  Hopefully this won't happen again, and this should not be expected to be a normal thing.  Below I am going to link IMPORTANT links for you to go to incase the forum is ever knocked offline again.  These links will hopefully have information about outages or anything about the site within a reasonable amount of time. (Unofficial PSF News, but posted faster then me every time.  First to have the news out.) (New Official PSF Blog.  Will have the latest news and a good way to contact us.) (Second Official PSF Info Center.) (Unofficial PSF 1.5.)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-02-04 09:51:51

This is very important to all PSF members who want to stay in the loop.  We are also going to work on an email message to those who want to be a part of it.  On Feb 4, 2016, the site went offline for about fifteen minutes, probably less.  It was due to an error on our end.  It is our first time, and we make mistakes.  You just have to bear with us.  Hopefully this won't happen again, and this should not be expected to be a normal thing.  Below I am going to link IMPORTANT links for you to go to incase the forum is ever knocked offline again.  These links will hopefully have information about outages or anything about the site within a reasonable amount of time. (Unofficial PSF News, but posted faster then me every time.  First to have the news out.) (New Official PSF Blog.  Will have the latest news and a good way to contact us.) (Second Official PSF Info Center.) (Unofficial PSF 1.5.)

Save those links!  Put them in your favorites bar!  Who here would also be willing to receive an email update if something happens to the site?  Just post below and we will work on that more in-depth later.  Just testing the waters.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-02-04 11:45:51
I was scared.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2016-02-04 13:48:31
No need to be now
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-02-04 17:17:09
Well if the site like... (and lets hope it doesn't) gets down, then I spose I'd like an email.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-02-04 18:17:49
Yes, message me.  Email me.  Have a carrier pigeon. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-02-06 11:26:45
So have created the "Gaming Board", and updated our "Animation Discussion", to now be called, "Television and Film Discussion."  I am thinking of a way to streamline all the topic names as well.  Right now we have board, lounge, discussion, and many others. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-02-06 12:22:56
Hm, what do you mean by streamline?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-02-06 12:25:48
I think Smiles means the board names.  Having more fluidity in their names. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-02-06 13:12:51
Ah. I see.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2016-02-06 14:23:03
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-02-06 23:07:38
I guess so. We'll see what they mean soon, I suppose.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-02-07 01:38:11
I spent a good while looking over everything on the site, and I am very happy it is back.  Thank you guys for your hard work and money.  I am willing to donate money to help you pay for the costs if you guys would open a donation pool. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-03-11 11:38:19
You guys rock!  I love seeing our community continue to grow.  Hopefully someday to pre-PSF 1.0 shut down days. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-03-11 13:00:25
I think we're on our way there!
I've been thinking of making graphs and stuff to show some of the diversity we have. It's been a thought in the back of my head.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-03-11 15:00:43
Definitely on the way their were making good progress. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-03-12 11:07:56
I think we're on our way there!
I've been thinking of making graphs and stuff to show some of the diversity we have. It's been a thought in the back of my head.

I've thought the same thing. 

I have been noticing a lot of names of new members, are names from PSF 1.0 that never posted. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-03-12 12:00:04
Yeah I noticed that too. Hence why I tried incentive on my story to get them to come out. But no dice.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-03-12 17:58:48
I hot one new person to post with my free art spring raffle. Lol. I dont think they have posted since.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-03-12 18:17:31
Ha, wow.
Guess my shit ain't good enough to get people to comment XP
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-03-12 23:14:51
Ha, wow.
Guess my shit ain't good enough to get people to comment XP

Guess PSF as a whole isn't good enough to get people to post.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-03-13 04:13:16
Crin erytim.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-03-13 16:46:57
I think it just a waiting game for more people to come out and post 23 haven't posted in total

*hugs leap*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-03-13 23:25:17
Some join just to look and never post.  Others join, then forget they joined. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-03-27 03:56:11
Want to wish our whole community a Happy Easter and Passover. Thanks for your support and commitment to us and we will continue to strive to be the best we can for you! Have a great Easter Sunday!
PSF Crew!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-03-27 07:13:42
Happy Easter everyone. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-03-27 12:25:59
Thanks and happy Easter to all.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-03-27 12:59:51
Happy Easter everyone!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-03-27 17:14:02
Happy Easter! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-03-27 23:13:18
Happy Easter guys. I love this place. The staff is so cool and personal unlike other sites.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-03-29 05:54:01
Thank you guys.  We are happy to see most of you had a terrific Easter!  Makes me happy. :)

Remember, anytime you guys have site suggestions, to post them.  One suggestion I have is a "link to post" button.

Hey Rainberry, there are many awesome sites with great people running them.  You just haven't found them yet. ;)  Plus, I am no different then all of you.  Heck, I am probably a bit weirder. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-03-30 10:57:24
Darrin.... Smiles.... 

Hehehehe. :)  I think I am gonna draw you guys. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-03-31 13:33:39
Darrin.... Smiles.... 

Hehehehe. :)  I think I am gonna draw you guys.

Oh my gosh!   :o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-04 20:15:05
Artists board is about to hit 3,000 posts!  :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-04-04 20:19:25
Thats pretty good nearly 3000.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-04-04 20:25:05
Another thing I noticed, is that in 4 days of April.... we are already about to surpass all the views we had in the month of March.  Were we really that slow in March?  Lol. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-04-04 20:26:42
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2016-04-04 20:38:40
That is good news. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-05 06:08:57

You can find that next to the applesauce. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-04-07 05:19:21
7 days into April, and we are already squashing all previous records in site view count. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-04-07 05:20:44
That's amazing. ;D And a little strange. ???
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-04-07 05:26:55
How?  How did we do that? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-04-07 05:27:35
120,923 views in seven days. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-04-07 05:29:17
No idea...

Just last week, I was a bit worried because we had less views in March than in February, and now, we're just a week into April, and we've gotten more views than ever before!

That's what's strange.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-04-07 05:32:20
I guess March was a slow month for us.  Interesting.  I love looking at stats.  But really, we are too early in our development to really know how things will go from month to month.  Like I predict summers to be slower here since people will be away more.

But in our few short months online, I bet we have amassed a ton of artwork. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-04-07 06:34:21
Yeah, it's pretty great.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-04-11 03:58:04
Nice. Still going up.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-04-12 10:46:55
Over 200,000 views this month.  That is awesome considered how limited we are in terms of people we draw in. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2016-04-13 12:48:28
Idea to toss around.  I know it is a bad idea.

To force lurkers to post... what if you made it mandatory to have like three or five posts before you can see any artwork?  Lol! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-04-13 13:41:19
Geh! But where would they comment and stuff?
The art would be the place they would most likely comment.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-13 14:21:08
A very evil idea, I kind of like it.  I know we wouldn't do that, but it's still evil and funny.  They would be sweating bullets. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-04-13 14:23:23
I just learned something REALLY COOL!  You can go to any members profile, and there should be a tab on the upper right and you can click, "show stats."  It has so much info plus like the times the member is most on and their most posted in topics by percentage.  Very cool.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-04-13 14:24:42
Yeah, it is cool. :)
Yeah, I already knew about it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-04-13 15:21:31
Stalker much, Numbers?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-04-13 15:44:15
Please, I only used it once.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-04-14 02:46:26
That is a pretty cool feature. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-04-15 00:54:50
Is there new features you guys would like or new boards/topics?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-15 02:55:04
Look at me!  I am working late on the site! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-04-15 07:31:19
Okay, here's something that slightly bugs be when I'm on here, and I was reminded of it when I was finally back on a computer.

Is there anyway the "Community Links" didn't have the other fetish url's on full display? It kind of ruins the incognito-ness that the site is going for by showcasing other fetish forums. I don't know if it only bugs me, but since the start it's always kind of had me on edge.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-04-15 08:13:35
Oh, good point.  So like hid them? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-15 08:15:01
Okay, here's something that slightly bugs be when I'm on here, and I was reminded of it when I was finally back on a computer.

Is there anyway the "Community Links" didn't have the other fetish url's on full display? It kind of ruins the incognito-ness that the site is going for by showcasing other fetish forums. I don't know if it only bugs me, but since the start it's always kind of had me on edge.

I will work on that now and get back to you. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-15 08:27:49
Sadly that was unsuccessful.  I have looked under every single option to remove them.  I will keep looking.  If not, I would have to just delete them. 

I did place a default image size for the forum, so if you image is larger then it should be, it will hopefully auto size to 640x399.  That is a pretty typical message board size for photos on most computers. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-15 08:29:54
Testing large image to see if it reduces in size automatically.


Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-15 08:36:18
At this moment, LP or anyone else, if you want that section to not appear, you will have to click the down arrow on the boards name, and it will close that section so no one see's it.

There are three boards.  "The Lounge, Creative, and Community."  You will have to click the "Community" arrow for it to disappear. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-04-15 10:34:00
Woo, we fixed the huge image problem. Nice.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-04-15 12:09:37
Oh, cool about the image resizing!  Now I can actually post my stuff instead of link it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-04-15 14:12:34
That would be cool too.

I went back on old threads, it doesn't resize previous posts. Hm. Oh well.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-16 08:43:20
That would be cool too.

I went back on old threads, it doesn't resize previous posts. Hm. Oh well.

I guess it will just be current posts onward.

Also, I went through again this morning, and can still not find a way to remove those.  I looked for a place to "hide child boards" and "sub boards" but to no avail.  They have options for them, but just not those options we need. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-16 09:03:47
So this morning I went to our group Deviant Art.  I got all giddy because I saw we were about to hit 2,000 page views.  Now lets put this into perspective with some of our members here, and others related due to various reasons.  It humbled me fast.

KUWRComicsInc - 129,888
Umeko - 70,946
Erudi - 53,979
ProPonyPal - 28,836 (Senior artist, yes, but also they showcase their other art too)
FullMetalPikmin - 19,305
MasterXtreme - 16,810 (Leads the dedicated only pony sneeze profiles, so yes, still a master.)
Sudosnz - 11,719
GeniusArtStuff - 7,443
Daisymeadows - 7,274
Snifflynose - 6,905
SwimmingInTheInkwell - 3,545 (Also way too low)
PSFForum- 1,955
RainySunshineArt - 1,946 (That is way too low)
SneezeFetishPonies - 1,104
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-04-16 10:18:45
So humbling indeed, lol! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-04-17 07:57:46
We all need to be humbled. It just makes you appreciate the empires some of these people build.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-26 05:56:35
Little update, I went through the art and media boards and edited titles to make sure we had designations where they were needed.

M = male.
F = female.
N = neutral.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-04-26 07:03:07
Sweet, now we know. Thanks Darrin :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-04-26 07:07:58
Look how industrious he has been this morning.  ;)  I just woke up and lounged around and did nothing.  I should probably get dressed for the day now. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-04-26 07:08:41
Thanks, Darrin.

I ain't dressing up!  I got the day off.  Gonna relax, lounge, and be absolutely worthless all day! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-04-26 08:08:42
Thanks, Darrin.

I ain't dressing up!  I got the day off.  Gonna relax, lounge, and be absolutely worthless all day!

That is not what a productive citizen of society does!  They work every single day up to 60 hours a week!  BWAAA!  *Tightens my tie and holds up a suitcase.*


*Musical beats are heard as an all out musical number begins with the beat of, WORK WORK WORK!*

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-04-30 09:45:49
Thanks, Darrin.

I ain't dressing up!  I got the day off.  Gonna relax, lounge, and be absolutely worthless all day!

Dad voice time!

*In typical Dad voice.*

Now... now, NOW Rainberry.  You want to grow up and be BIG and strong like your Mom and I, right?  You got-sss you gots to work and do things, eat your veggies, drink your milky.  You need to be a productive person, a cog in the wheel.  That is how you become successful, like your Daddy. 

I have a wonderful familyeh.  Don't you want a wonderful familyeeeeh?  Dad voice. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-05-01 12:46:44
I might be offline for a few days.  Pretty busy. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-05-01 13:09:19
Thanks for the update!  Take care, APD. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-05-01 13:12:01
Take care, APD!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-05-01 13:19:44
Be well APD.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-05-01 13:26:41
See ya, APD.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-05-03 03:54:54
Lol!  Love that Pika avatar, Sparky.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-05-03 17:46:55
Well thanks but i changed it again.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-05-05 14:42:13
Also thank you everyone for the kindness.  Work has been pretty stressful recently and will still be for a bit.  So thanks for the support. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-05-05 14:43:56
Of course your supported all the way :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-05-06 11:41:00
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-05-07 23:56:51
Got nothing new to report. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-05-11 02:28:46
Just for the heck of it... As of May 11, 2016.

PSF has 79 members.
Sneezefurs has 381.

PSF has 15,297 total posts.
Sneezers has 15,186 total posts.

PSF has 0.72 registrations on average per day.
Sneezers has 0.38 registrations on average per day.

PSF has on average 145.03 posts per day.
Sneezers has on average 6.14 posts per day.

PSF has 5,727.62 page views per day on average.
Sneezers has 3,430.23 page views per day on average.

PSF has 687314 total page views.  Been online since January 2016.
Sneezefurs has 9,896,211 total page views.  Been online since June 2008.

So how do we get more members and grow, PSF?  We are seriously destroying that site in nearly every aspect and stat currently.  We only lose on some due to time factors.  There is no reason why PSF should be seen as third fiddle to the blue forum and the red forum.  We need to promote ourselves and get on links pages.  We have momentum, and growth, and are far more active then the second biggest sneeze forum.  We've already beat their entire post total.  It took them 8 years and we beat their post count in 5 months!   
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2016-05-11 07:42:33
While there is a fair deal of overlap between this forum's potential audience and that of Sneezefurs, I don't really think either is really comparable to the SFF (Blue Forum).  The audience there is focused on stories/obs, whereas here is more art-focused.  SFF has a broad spread of participants, while here tends strongly towards The Young and People Within 1 Or 2 Social Degrees From Pone And/Or *Chans.  SFF is grounded in real life, whereas here is grounded in fantasy.  SFF runs a very tight moderation ship, whereas here (thankfully) is small enough to scarcely need moderation (the only ban to date was against a spambot).  I think SFF is the more general-purpose forum.

Hypothetically, if someone in meatspace expressed interest in the fetish, I'd direct them to SFF (*).  It has a degree of "adultness" (as in "maturity", not "XXX") that PSF lacks.  One would not be likely to find a "Plots" thread on SFF, to take one of a multitude of heuristic indicators.

None of this is a condemnation of PSF.  Indeed, I'm very glad that PSF exists, with it's warm, tight-nit community and its particular focuses.

I just don't think there's any /need/ to compete with other forums.  Not Sneezefurs, and definitely not SFF.  The way to "grow" is to be more like SFF -- general purpose, perhaps to a fault.  And I don't find that desirable.

Probably, getting PSF onto SFF's Website Links list is the easiest available short-term win for growth that wouldn't cause or require a significant change to PSF culture.  And courtesy of Smiles, that's already in the pipeline.

(*) Well, okay, in truth I'd apply my poker face and pretend utter ignorance of the subject.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-05-11 11:58:53
But I believe we mostly all agree we have to broaden our approach or else we will eventually risk becoming stale.  One could argue Sneezefurs is stale.  Those numbers are horribly low for any site, yet it remains the second biggest sneeze fetish site (though an offshoot for sneezing).  PSF is currently branded to take that second actual SNEEZE FORUM title.  Personal Sneeze Forum.  It has clean lines, and is sleek. 

So I guess the real question is, how do we broaden our approach?  We might risk losing some of the smaller, tight knit, aspects, but I believe that will always still be there. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-05-12 00:26:12
I think we are growing at a good pace.  We just need those new members to become active.  We need new waves/generations of people to keep posting and stay active. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-05-24 02:19:50
Just shocked when I looked at our member count.  83.  We keep growing. :)  Three new members in three days. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-05-31 22:20:42
Based on personal observations on a number of other boards over the years, I wouldn't be too overly concerned about boosting numbers.  Bringing in too many with too wide a range of interests outside of the board's purpose can kill a place pretty well too.  And there are already, what, three of us non-snotophiles who've invaded here?  Madness!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-06-04 21:37:14
Based on personal observations on a number of other boards over the years, I wouldn't be too overly concerned about boosting numbers.  Bringing in too many with too wide a range of interests outside of the board's purpose can kill a place pretty well too.  And there are already, what, three of us non-snotophiles who've invaded here?  Madness!

Very good advice. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-06-04 21:38:08
Now for some news.  Starting Sunday, I will be away for about a week.  That leaves Smiles2us and Yasl in charge.  If I can access a computer (I will certainly check my phone when I can, but probably not post) I will.  With that, I wish you all the best and take care. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-06-04 21:53:58
You too take care, Darrin. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-06-04 22:59:30
Wow!  Have a good trip.  Take care. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-06-17 01:35:38
Best topic warning (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-06-18 12:24:31
Best topic warning (

Good news there, Darrin. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-06-25 10:52:19
Wow, it's funny.  We just got no news to share. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-06-27 11:39:00
It's okay.  Kind of a good thing. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-06-28 12:08:06
Yeah, just some quiet time.  No drama for once. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-06-28 13:34:03
So is this the thread for requesting bugs?  The board hasn't been glitching enough.

Actually, a suggestion:  Since SMF supports hidden boards, what are the staff's thoughts on a less restricted board for stuff not really fit for the board's public image?  I know I've sort've been pushing the limits of good taste lately.  Old habits.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-06-28 16:36:15
Haha, like a restricted board say for adults? And not minors? But that would require people to state their ages on their profile, which many users don't do. Though it would be nice to talk about shite like that away from public eye. I don't know what else you'd have in mind, that's all that pops into my head haha
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-06-28 18:23:00
Yeah, just a place where we don't have to worry so much about self-censoring.  Other places I've seen tend to keep quiet about 'em until they're confident enough that a user's adult enough to join, and extend an invite.  Just having users state their age doesn't guarantee they're being honest, but you can usually get a feel for if someone's mature or not after enough time.

Argh.  And it took me this long to realize I misclicked.  Meant to post my proposal in that other thread.  Hulkbow not smrt.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-06-28 18:47:03
Yeah, you can definitely tell. Though someone's maturity sure isn't always definitive about someone's age. But you're right, you can gauge it by maturity if you don't trust someone is being truthful.

Which other thread haha? Oh the suggestion one? It's cool here too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-06-29 00:13:18
I actually am all for an adult board, but I think this has been discussed before and it might not fit with hosting rules.  But I think we could see what could happen if it was private.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-06-29 04:12:22
Ah, yeah I originally went looking for this place right around the time it got the boot from the last hosting place (I have amazing timing).  Didn't realize it'd returned to the same place again.  I wouldn't want to risk a second occurrence.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-06-29 11:02:23
That is what we don't want to risk as well.  I will look over the rules once again and discuss it with the crew. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-06-29 11:08:05
We've studied this idea before and have always come to the conclusion we don't want to risk it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-06-29 15:44:38
Returned to the same place again? This isn't on ProBoards anymore.

Well, adult board could be where adults discuss adult things and not be so, SFW. Doesn't mean we'd be posting smut and stuff.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-06-29 15:47:19
Bleh, didn't realize there was a page after the one I was on. I got to stop doing this >_>
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-06-29 20:44:37
Heh, yeah I was too lazy to check before and went on dim recollection of how I'd heard things went.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-06-29 23:35:33
Adult doesn't mean it will be garbage we are talking about.  Just more adult topics, like taxes and mortgages. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-07-01 10:16:45
How would people here was an adult board conducted?  Do you want us to get ages of people, or control it some other way?  Now note, even though it is an adult board, it will not allow for certain materials we will go over more in depth. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-01 19:37:21
But of course, Smiles. We'd be civil and stay within the parameters set by the host site.
I think the board should allow access to people who are of age and show that they're, you know, mature people.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-07-02 01:35:33
Whats the age?  21? 18? 65? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-07-02 10:49:53
It is impossible to grade by maturity shown on the site.  So many of us are goofballs. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-02 19:01:05
Well, we're goofballs. But when it's srs we get srs. You usually can tell when someone's purposefully being silly or just plain childish.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-07-02 23:54:37
Okay, I am pretty sure this is going to happen.  Maybe tomorrow, Monday, next week.  We will hammer out some details when I am not so sleepy and whatever.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-07-03 04:51:30
How would people here was an adult board conducted?  Do you want us to get ages of people, or control it some other way?  Now note, even though it is an adult board, it will not allow for certain materials we will go over more in depth.
I mostly saw it as a place to take conversations which start going into areas that might upset passing soccer moms, not like a 24x7 extreme porn dump.  EG, depending on how far someone wants to stretch child endangerment/corruption of a minor issues, the drinking thread might be better on an adult board.

As the current membership stands, I'd trust the staff to make the call for who qualifies; this could be revisited if the site's popularity booms and there are more strangers than familiar names.  There's really not an easy way to ensure you have everyone's real age.

And yeah, take care of that cold.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-07-03 13:13:19
We will work on it.  Probably next week.

Have a GOOD ( day everyone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-07-03 15:16:03
Messaged u Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-07-06 20:18:20
Got it Sparky. Thank you for the notification.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-07-07 13:20:36
Anything else you all want?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-07-07 15:03:14
World peace? ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-07 15:39:16
To not get an email when I'm PM'd?? Pls.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-07-07 17:42:30
Working on the first one but i cant figure it out LP. Unless you make a temporary password and i can access your account and try and fix it, i dont know.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-07-07 18:14:41
Here's to your problem LP set notify by email to never.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-07-07 23:16:02
Here's to your problem LP set notify by email to never.

Good idea to take a picture. :)  That's correct.  I used that to have emails notify me. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-09 18:18:54
Could have sworn I've done that before but maybe I didn't. I'll try that then.

Also, maybe I missed sign ups :P but I don't seem able to comment in the midnight lounge. Tis only me or did I miss something?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-07-09 22:34:17
That is only you.  Anyone has access to it at the moment. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-10 10:18:51
I feel so persecuted.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-07-10 10:33:46
As you should. ;)

That is odd though, it had no restrictions. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-07-10 10:41:47
A Midnight Member Membership (haha) is needed to access the Midnight Lounge.  I am working on that aspect now.  It will be free.  It is as simple as requesting access and the moderators SCRUTINIZING your account to see if you are an adult or a diaper wearing babeh.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-07-10 10:57:05

Becoming a Midnight Member allows you access to a secret board on PSF.  But there are some important guidelines and information to know about the membership below.


1. Click "Profile" on the upper control panel.

2. Go to "Modify Profile" and on the pull down tab go to "Group Membership."  Click it.

3. Below "Current Memberships" should be an option called, "Available Groups."  In that section will be any available groups you can join by application.  In this case, "Midnight Member."  Click it and follow the simple rules below.


State if you you are willing to adhere to the rules below.

1. Partake in civil and mature conversation.

2. Willing to read conversations and view topics that may be more mature in nature then the rest of the site.

3. Must be over 18 years of age.

Note, debates may be more heated and conversations can stray to more mature levels in this board then the rest of the forum.  If you lie about your age, you will be locked out of the membership.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-10 11:05:19
Hmm, weird. The comment box doesn't show up for me at all and not even the quote or modify options.

Heh scrutinizing. So how would that be judged, on age or does she not matter :p
Or are we Ageist?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-07-10 11:06:57
I think we are ageist.  But there will be other determining factors that I will look at one on one basis.  I will be judgmental based on the information provided to me. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-10 12:14:06
I think it would also make sense. If there are 18+ conversations in there, 18 below shouldn't be in there haha.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-07-10 14:27:38
Is being civilly immature acceptable?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-07-10 17:23:30
Is being civilly immature acceptable?

I'm pretty sure that is what will mostly happen there anyways. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-10 18:51:27
Haha. Civilly imature. Don't worry, Smiles, we won't pull each other's pigtails.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-07-16 22:17:06
12 Guests, 10 Users Users active in past 15 minutes:
1234, Rainberry, Claof, Blurr001, LP, sarahgirl, yasl, Kyrl, System423, Drimbledorf   <Busy night! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-16 22:20:43
Wow, busy night indeed. It's usually not this busy. Especially on a Sunday.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-07-17 10:27:57
It was busy, nice to see! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-07-24 01:57:10
We are less then 10,000 views from 1 million views.

We are also at 314 posts today so far... and it is 2am Pacific.  Lol!  Thats awesome. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-07-24 01:59:05
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-07-24 02:04:07
A million views is . . . NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT!!!! Hahahahahahaahahahahahahaa!!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-07-24 02:05:38
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-24 02:05:54
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-07-24 02:06:04
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-07-24 02:53:12
A million views is . . . NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT!!!! Hahahahahahaahahahahahahaa!!!!
'Snot funny!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-07-24 10:33:39
Bad puns is a Sunday morning thing now?  Okay.  I'm down. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-07-24 11:38:43
Besides a handful days in February and January, July 24, 2016 was our highest post day. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-07-24 11:54:31
Pretty good i must say.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-07-24 12:19:58
Jolts... that you Sparky? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-24 13:00:49
I would assume so, since they're still "an electric rodent".
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-07-24 13:02:27
They're avatar scares me... those teeth.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-24 13:08:11
Yeah, off putting heh heh.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-07-24 13:37:30
Sorry lol and yeah im still sparky and that avatar made me laugh so i set it as my profile pic.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-07-24 13:58:19
Good news on the post count today. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-07-25 12:53:53
*checks stats*

*THUD* ...a million views... ...we did it...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-07-25 13:02:12

I need more gifs of characters doing this.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-25 17:57:57
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-07-25 21:57:43
^ Thats awesome!!!!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-07-26 09:18:58
We hit a million?  I think that deserves a round of chocolate milk all around. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-26 09:32:50
I love chocolate milk!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-07-26 10:18:32
I'd drown in it. :)
...but then I'd be recognized as "the nut who died in the most ridiculous way possible".
I mean, chocolate milk is good, but... c'mon, you can't drown in it. It's unhealthy, man.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-07-26 11:24:20
Chocolate milk is the best.

Also just drowning in GENERAL is unhealthy. It's so unhealthy you DIE.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-07-26 11:25:22
That was the joke, man. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-26 12:19:23
That was also the joke, Numbers :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-07-26 12:30:33
Oh. :-[
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-26 12:41:35
Haha, don't feel bad you silly. *pokes*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-07-26 15:51:25
There's normal chocolate milk.... good.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-07-26 15:53:16
Straight from a dairy in Washington State.  Darigold Old Fashioned Chocolate Milk is the creamiest, best, commercial chocolate milk you can buy nationwide.  No competition.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-26 15:55:30
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-07-26 15:56:36
Straight from a dairy in Washington State.  Darigold Old Fashioned Chocolate Milk is the creamiest, best, commercial chocolate milk you can buy nationwide.  No competition.


You sir are correct.  The only area of the country you can't buy it... or can't find it nearly at all, is the eastern seaboard.  But Walmart signed a deal with them, so it will probably spread now. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-26 15:58:43
Oooh, I'm excited to try it then.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-07-26 16:03:33
If you like creamy chocolate milk, that is super smooth with even a hint of vanilla, you have to try it.

It costs a dollar more then the normal chocolate milk.  Has more fat content too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-26 16:12:11
Hmm, sounds delicious. Really creamy mmm
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-07-26 23:12:45
I am going to buy a bottle of chocolate milk tomorrow. :)  You guys swayed me. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-07-27 10:10:09
We should have done something special at a million views, but I was not prepared.  I didn't have time to gather stuff up when I realized we were at 997k or something.  There is always two million. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-07-27 11:18:18
It's cool we managed to hit a million so it don't matter too much.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-27 16:18:24
Haha, very true :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-07-31 00:41:34
27 Guests, 10 Users Users active in past 15 minutes:
1234, Rainberry, HulkbowSMASH, Silverwing, System423, LP, stereo, Stripestep, sarahgirl, yasl

Lots of people on after midnight.  Early morning hours. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-31 00:46:28
Is it that the majority of forum seems to be from West Coast or something?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-07-31 00:55:19
Is it that the majority of forum seems to be from West Coast or something?

It is more then that, because it is early morning for everyone right now.  West or east. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-07-31 01:04:18
Hmm, true. True.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-07-31 01:08:56
Our friends from across the pond don't keep things pumping when we are all asleep!  Come on Europe! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-07-31 22:33:52
The last few days our site has gotten way more then our average view count.  Yesterday was 11,000 views and today we are at 25,000 views.  Any ideas why?  They like, net bots? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-01 00:00:36
I will look into that, Soda.

Could anyone else not access the website for the past 45 minutes?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-08-01 00:02:03
I could. You couldn't? Peculiar... :o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-01 00:06:45
Internet probs maybe?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-01 00:06:55
I freaked out, couldn't access for 45 minutes.  I then ran around posting on all our media outlets for people to know.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-01 00:07:58 <----- Posted the news here.

I also posted the news on the front page of the MLPS, but have sense removed that one.  Also emailed Yasl and our host in a scared tizzy. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-08-01 00:09:41
Well, at least emergency mode Darrin works. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-08-01 00:11:47
And that's good! ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-01 00:15:28
I was real worried for everything.  I was scrambling all over the place.  I like flung all the papers from my desk, re-did my router, knocked over more stuff from my desk, flipped over my chair, kicked down my door, woke up everyone who's door I could knock on, shook all the parked cars in the neighborhood till their alarms went off, went through the late night Taco Bell drive thru and just screamed at the top of my lungs into the voice box, ran through the streets yelling, rode a rope swing, came back in, screamed some more, watched the ending credits of an Adult Swim show, screamed, knocked over my pencil cup on my desk, woke up more people, then posted this. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-08-01 00:15:57
That is quite the detailed story.  Glad I could be a part of history and witness how Darrin works. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-08-01 00:16:43
Aww, you really care about this place. ^-^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-01 00:17:29
I do, and now so does everyone else in a 4 miles radius. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-08-01 00:18:09
I do, and now so does everyone else in a 4 miles radius.

That is how PSF advertises.  Sets off car alarms, screams, and streaks naked through the streets of peaceful residential areas. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-08-01 00:23:52
The "Is It Down" type sites can help verify if it's actually down or just you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-08-01 03:21:36
I could still access the site.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-01 10:05:05
The "Is It Down" type sites can help verify if it's actually down or just you.

I used about five of them, not believing it was just me.

But yeah, good advertising money spent on people streaking...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-08-03 10:11:23
Those sites are pretty trustworthy.  It should help you save time and worry in the future. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-03 16:20:59
Huh, hat sounds like a cool idea. I'll give them a look when I'm home!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-03 16:29:32
I'm going to give them a look-see. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-08-05 15:09:51
They are pretty mindless fun. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: HulkbowSMASH on 2016-08-05 22:28:41
Glad people are enjoying 'em!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2016-08-05 23:26:30
Yeah, they are pretty decent. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2016-08-06 03:14:01
(FYI: With apologies to Claof, I've disabled <marquee> in signatures.)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-08-07 23:34:49
So let us say for the sake of saying, we found tons of Zootopia sneeze art and wanted to have a place to share it all... should we make topics to keep art from other shows in them?  Like how can we branch out from just MLP.  We have a lot of MLP and we just make tons of topics about it, which is great.  But what do we do for other shows? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-08 05:49:01
We make topics for the other shows I guess. If the art isn't from one of our artists, I guess it's better to have one big umbrella topic to share all the art at once that we've found of Zootopia or of a different show. Otherwise, if someone is trying to find more art of say idk Pokemon, they don't have to go scrounging through pages of art just to find them. It'll all be safe and sound in one topic. I know on SneezeFurs there's like 3 Zootopia works already posted, but since I'm not a member I can't view them. I imagine they're cool looking haha.

So yeah, one umbrella topic. And it would probably be cool if the person who starts the topic edits their original post to include any new links someone else finds. To keep it nice and organized. But that's just what I think. If the links are at least in the same topic, I think that would also be okay.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-08 10:22:46
I'm fine with anything right now.  Organization is nice, umbrella topics can be nice, but can make it hard to find stuff in massive topics.  Separate topics are fine if properly marked and labeled. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-08 10:32:12
Well the thing is, the search function is kinda wonky in my opinion. Hence why I felt umbrella topics would be easier. Especially if OP edits to include all new links.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-08-08 13:20:32
I'm fine either way.  Umbrella topics are probably good if we won't have as much to say about a certain topic.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-08-11 14:33:34
It is pretty clear people have there fetishes here.  I keep seeing the foot fetish pop up.  I am sure someone could create a general foot fetish topic in "community general" or something like that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-11 17:09:41
To me it just seems Blurr posts a ton of foot fetish pics. Might as well rename his topic in ML "Foot Fetish Pics".

I know on FurSneezes they have a separate board completely for other fetishes that aren't sneeze stuff. I feel if we had enough people who want to converse about their other fetishes and post pics with each other, then we could make one. Not much sense to have it and only like one person post in it and have others just ask him why he likes feet so much.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-08-11 17:54:12
I know I have more than 1 fetish but I just feel uncomfortable sharing them and I'm sure others feel that way too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-11 18:27:53
It is pretty clear people have there fetishes here.  I keep seeing the foot fetish pop up.  I am sure someone could create a general foot fetish topic in "community general" or something like that.

And this is how we fall into dangerous territory.  If we deny a certain group from posting what they want, then we could get in trouble for it by them causing a ruckus.  So they would be like, why do you allow topic A and B, but I can't post topic C?  We would have to rewrite the rules to a degree to limit topics to soft core things.

Sneezing is harmless, but other things, not so much. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-11 18:31:23
Well, how about the fact that this is mostly a sneezing community. Why would other fetishes be discussed in the community thread?...

Like I said, if there were enough people wanting to, I guess there could be a different board made for them. But then I kind wonder... There aren't like other fetish sites? I mean, we don't go to say... Tentacle Sex Central and ask for a sneeze thread to be made for us to discuss sneezing when the sites purpose is all about tentacles and the community surrounding it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-11 18:34:42
That's true too.  We should cater to our small sub fetish.... though again, if there is big enough demand, someone can always make a thread for it, or try even if there is no demand and maybe people will come out. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-11 18:41:00
Well, again, why would it be in the community thread?
I mean, there's already basically a foot fetish thread in ML where not even explicit foot stuff is posted. Just SFW foot stuff. And so far as of recently, only two people who contribute to that fetish.

As for you, Sparky, there's no need to feel uncomfortable. We're all nice, but it's up to you to say or not say.

There is a topic already that asks if we have multiple fetishes. So....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-11 18:47:04
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that, if probably wouldn't be in community initially, since community means the sneeze fetish community in our discrete way... but it could eventually mean, if we followed this path, fetish community in general.    Don't think we will go that route.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-11 19:51:09
Yeaaaaaah, I feel it would get very diluted.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-08-11 20:03:42
Stick with the focus. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-12 11:57:04
Again, it is all up to you guys.  If the site evolves over time, you never know...

We might become a knitting forum for all your knitting and tea party needs. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-12 12:22:29
Lol, that will be the day. That will be the day.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-08-12 13:52:21
I thought we were striving to be that as a website.  I've been trying to figure out what kind of fabrics to use at my next tea party.  Hopefully you guys can teach me how to knit doilies by then. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-12 14:58:19
Do you knit doilies? I think it's a different strategy. Though I may be wrong.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-08-12 16:07:10
No of course I don't..... thats why I am waiting for PSF to change our direction and teach me how. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-12 16:10:07
No I meant, is knitting the process to make doilies? I think you crochet them.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-08-12 16:15:50
No I meant, is knitting the process to make doilies? I think you crochet them.

Well this shows you how little I know.  I don't really know the diff in knitting and crocheting. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-12 16:30:29
It's the tool.
One uses two long sticks, the other uses one short stick with a curved point.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-08-12 16:36:02
See, you are teaching, Silverwing right now.  Soon he can be crocheting doilies.  ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-12 18:07:20
Haha, well I know how to do one of those things. My sister knows how to do the other.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-08-12 19:16:55
We should start up a doilies business and become rich off the profits. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-08-13 00:05:45
I've been trying to think of new ideas for the forum, but it's actually quite hard. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-13 10:44:45
I think of stuff once in awhile, but it is usually never that good. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-14 13:03:21
So if you guys have ideas, share them.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-08-15 18:29:45
I can't think of anything really. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 09:42:40
Minus our first two months of PSF, and August 2016 is currently our busiest month yet. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-16 09:44:56
If we continue at this pace too, we will be rocking insane. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-16 10:09:35
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 10:13:08
It is cool, because summer usually means people are like... away doing stuff. :D  So that is pretty awesome everyone.  I got free dum dums to eat in this old Halloween candy basket. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-16 10:15:30
Dum dums, noice.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 10:17:00
Do you actually like Dum dums? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-16 10:17:59
I think? I can't remember the last time I had them, but I remember enjoying them.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 10:24:04
They are just mini lollies.  I don't really care for them.  Banks use them a lot. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-16 10:25:47
Oh yeah, I know they're mini. Soops tiny. They're alright I spose if you don't have any other sort of lolipop.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 10:28:10
Ever had See's Candy before?  It is a brand that makes... candy.  They have really good chocolate, coffee, butterscotch lollypops. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-16 10:31:11
Don't think I have, but I looked 'em up on google images. They look delicious!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 10:52:02
Don't think I have, but I looked 'em up on google images. They look delicious!

They are. :D Looks like the closest See's Candy shops would be in either Austin or Dallas.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-16 10:55:04
Never been to Dallas, only been to Austin like....three times. :C
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 11:05:11
I didn't realize you were on the Mexican border.  I just learned that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-16 11:09:43
Yea. I'm like, 30 minutes or less away form the border itself on foot. Red dot is my general area.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 11:12:07
The Prestige Latin Band, so prestigious. ;)  Didn't know you were part of them. 

I was looking at google maps and the downtown, and Laredo's downtown is more Mexican in how it is built then it is American.  The buildings are close and very narrow streets.  Very unAmerican styled town. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-16 11:14:10
I'm not :P Next door is tho.

Yeah, it's a pretty old city. But we're growing, getting better buildings and such, so there's that.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 11:16:55
I was just joking, never heard of that band.  I was poking fun with you. ;)  *Pokes you about three times then stops.*

I've never been there.  A slice of Texan life. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-16 11:19:27
Heh. I've heard Texan life goes "outside is too hot, step in building, oh shit it's too cold, step outside, repeat".
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 11:21:57
Heh. I've heard Texan life goes "outside is too hot, step in building, oh shit it's too cold, step outside, repeat".

A land of extremes where everything is really really big. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-16 11:28:43
I like the indoors. Some places though are SUPER cold. Usually movie theaters. Not sure if it's like that for other places.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-16 11:32:01
No it's like that every movie theater I go to. My mom always brings sweaters.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-08-16 11:32:43
Movie theaters are notoriously cold.  It makes it so the bad smells of people and spilled stuff doesn't smell. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-08-16 11:34:18
Ooo today I learnt something!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-16 11:35:18
Oooh, that makes sense!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-16 11:39:18
Really, I did not know that.  I take it Wolf must have worked at a theater at one point? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-26 21:14:04
We reached 100 users! Woo!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-08-26 21:21:11
Congratulations, Dilda Dobbs (;u=114)! ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-26 21:33:11
Yea, congrats!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-08-26 21:43:23
congrats 100 users yay *Holds celebration cake*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-08-26 23:16:21
Congrats to Dilda.  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-27 00:40:17
It's pretty exciting.  That is a milestone. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-08-28 11:18:58
I'm pretty excited by how many members we got.  Great job everyone. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-08-31 11:02:12
I can't believe summer is almost over.  It feels like we just started it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-08-31 12:14:55

Time. Always accelerating when it shouldn't. :-\
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-08-31 13:37:50
When you are doing something you love it goes too fast.  When you are doing something you don't like, time slows down. :-\
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-08-31 13:53:33
Time's a jerk. ::)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-08-31 14:04:52
Time just feels like it goes faster when you're an adult.
There's some mathy stuff behind it or something.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-09-01 01:41:02
This... THIS... THIS RIGHT HERE, is the very first post for the month of September.  I feel so special right now. :D  I am the first person to post on PSF for the month of September. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-09-01 03:16:41
Heheh, congrats. ^-^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-09-01 06:55:14
Congrats Rainy!
Soon it'll be my birthday :D and then I'll be one year older. Huzzah!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-09-01 15:34:49
I would like to present to Rainy our highest honor for them month.

*Hands Rainy one of those weird strawberry flavored hard candies from my pocket.*

Congrats, you've earned it.

I don't even know where I got this...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-09-01 15:38:29
Darrin confirmed for being the maker of the strawberry candies
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-09-01 16:01:41
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-09-01 16:25:55
*Holds the candy*

Wha.... wha.... I don't even dislike these things, but I never even eat them... I don't even know what to think of them. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-09-01 23:28:55
Congratulations :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-09-02 10:34:57
I don't even know where those candies come from, but if Darrin is the creator of them....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-09-02 10:35:55
I totally make those candies, of course. ::) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-09-02 12:19:53
I shall never look at a "weird strawberry flavored hard candy" the same way again.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-09-02 19:26:49
I don't even really like hard candy...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-09-03 08:59:00
I love candy but it has to be soft.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-09-03 23:21:47
Chocolates and stuff like that.  None of this cinnamon spheres or goofy junk on a stick.  Give me the chocolate. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-09-05 10:34:19
If I had to choose something that wasn't chocolate or like a candy staple or some sort... uhhh, Peach Rings.  They are my guilty pleasure... j-j-ust don't tell no one.  (Posts on internet)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-09-05 16:30:48
Your secrets safe :) we all have favorites.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-09-05 19:42:55
Gonna share it with everyone I know.

Hey, hey, Raine, did you hear about, Smiles?  Yo S4, Blurr, come here.... I gots a secret to share. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-09-06 17:09:22
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-09-06 21:49:56
I just bought a peanut butter and jelly chocolate bar at Trader Joe's today for 99 cents.  It was pretty good, though it lacked something.  I am not sure what it was missing, but it had a good peanut butter cream and raspberry jam in it.  I think it was the chocolate that was lacking the most. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-09-07 02:55:20
The essential for a chocolate bar. ::) XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-09-07 11:10:32
I might go try one of those.  I keep seeing them, and never pick them up. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-09-12 12:07:33
Not sure if anyone noticed, but The Sneeze Fetish Forum did add us to their list.

Of course they butchered it with no summary and couldn't even get our name right... 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-09-12 12:19:32
..... Are you fcking kidding me?
They didn't even try. "And alternative"? With a coma before hand? That just makes it look like their autocorrect changed an to and and they were too lazy to give a fck about it.

And no description? Everything else at least gets one sentence. That's just annoying.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-09-12 12:21:22
That is annoying as heck.  Why would they half ass it so much?  That's very unprofessional. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-09-12 12:26:58
Incredibly so.
Just shaking my head.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-09-12 12:32:09
Pfft. Really? They didn't even care.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-09-12 12:32:55
They really didn't care.  Really lowers my viewpoint on SFF.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-09-12 12:36:59
I will bug them about it again.  It would just seem, if you run the foremost forum on sneezing, you would want it to be correct, accurate, and at least have good spelling. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-09-12 12:43:14
Dumbasses. They just don't care. They want people coming to them.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-09-12 12:46:23
Hey, hey, be nice.

They were friendly, though a bit lethargic to do anything. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-09-12 12:47:28
I won't be nice :p

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-09-12 12:49:50
It will get done, just might take them four months again...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-09-12 12:50:58
Ugh >_>
Maybe be a bit more um... Pressing with them?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-09-12 13:57:44
Yeah, writing it up now. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-09-13 21:34:37
The GENERAL board has hit 10,000 posts! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-09-13 21:38:25
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-09-13 23:21:40
Thats awesome news.  First board to do that. 

Also I guess we can start considering ourselves more a big player (we just need more active members).

We have over 30,000 posts compared to SneezeFurs 15,000 posts.

We are technically the second most active sneeze fetish forum online now. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2016-09-22 11:43:36
Maybe it is just be, and it isn't super important, but sometimes the icon/images on this site for buttons don't appear and are just little question marks instead.

For example, look at the mini profiles of each member on each post.  See the little image icons?  Sometimes those may not appear for me, or even the "reply" or "notify" buttons.  This is not often, and probably has to do with internet connection.  Thought I would bring it up though. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-09-24 20:42:36
I think that is just a browser issue as you brought up too.  Just not able to read something properly for some unknown reason.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-09-29 00:06:41
What do you all think of meaningless trophies?  Like your profile is awarded a "trophy" or a medal or badge for doing certain tasks on the site?  Like earn a trophy for making five friends, or posting 100 posts, or stuff like that?  Just for fun.  They'd be mostly meaningless though like Steam cards or Playstation Stats. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-09-29 09:20:49
How would you get a trophy for making 5 friends? How would decide you've made 5 friends?
So they'd be like little achievements? That would be cool, but then what of the people who just spam to get them lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-09-29 11:15:26
I like the idea. 

The five friends would be totaled when you click "add to make friend" or whatever it says on the forum.  You can designate certain members friends, but I've not done that, lol.  I already see many of you as friends though. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-09-29 11:33:21
Yeah that's what I mean.
Someone could just click "make buddy" and not really mean it.

I mean, I consider all of you friends but only like 2 I've ever done the buddy thing lol
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-09-29 11:34:51
Yeah that's what I mean.
Someone could just click "make buddy" and not really mean it.

I mean, I consider all of you friends but only like 2 I've ever done the buddy thing lol

Don't they have to be accepted by the other person?  Maybe not.  Doesn't really matter as they are just for show.  No real purpose.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-09-29 12:13:07
I've done the "buddy" thing with every (active) user of this forum... XD
And no, they don't have to be accepted.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-09-29 14:32:47
I've done the "buddy" thing with every (active) user of this forum... XD
And no, they don't have to be accepted.

One way buddy, FRIEND.  Don't expect me to buddy you back. ;)  I won't buddy anyone back. ;)  Lol. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2016-09-30 12:34:28
Trophies!  I need to put something on this shelf. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-10-01 16:55:03
Maybe writers and artists should have their own trophies too, like "sharing 10 pieces of art" or something like that.

A "UPDATED THE MLPS" trophy would also be a fantastic idea. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-01 17:11:39
Lol, but then that would encourage people to mess up my MLPS :P
I often find myself annoyed when someone edits in a Derpibooru link and leaves all the stuff after the image number. With the ?*random letters and nimbers*. It's so gross. And I have to go through each link and make sure it doesn't have that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-10-01 21:01:43
Lol, but then that would encourage people to mess up my MLPS :P
I often find myself annoyed when someone edits in a Derpibooru link and leaves all the stuff after the image number. With the ?*random letters and nimbers*. It's so gross. And I have to go through each link and make sure it doesn't have that.

You want it to be all clean and nice.  I know what you mean.  It's very nice right now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-10-01 21:14:39
Our site had a random 88 guests one today at once.  Google bots or something? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-01 22:18:59
I like things neat, organized and in their place. Spill over is like bleh.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-10-01 22:19:45
I like neat.  Some people say I am neat.  But not the type of neat we are talking about. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-01 22:23:37
In real life, I'm not the cleanest. But I know where everything is and everything Is where it's supposed to be. If not its moved and placed in its proper place. Organized.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-10-01 22:54:02
I'm actually pretty clean, but I do have my areas that are kind of a mess.  I also know were all my stuff is if I need it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-10-02 00:13:30
One day into October and we had almost 400 posts!  You guys are insane! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-10-02 10:37:50
October is the beginning of the end muh boi!

Cuz then it's November and then December and then baddaboom 2017.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-02 10:49:26
It be scary how fast time goes, eh?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-10-02 18:38:11
It seems like 2016 just started guys.  I can't believe 2017.... is here.

WE NEED THE MLPS updated for all 2016 so we can pipe for 2017 stuff. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-02 18:55:39
I'm getting a call on Monday to let me know if my laptop has been shipped.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-10-02 20:51:53
I'm getting a call on Monday to let me know if my laptop has been shipped.

And the world smiles with you.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-10-02 21:23:50
If we had a post hall of fame, this post should be included.  Posting it here so it won't be lost in the PSF Chat.
Theoretically if you broke wind nonstop for seven years it would be the energy equivalent of a nuclear bomb.

... a staggeringly small nuclear bomb.  Back of the envelope: If you spent 7 years using a sledgehammer to manually demolish buildings, you'd be hard pressed to beat Little Boy.  I doubt you can get more energy from farting than from dedicated manual labor.  And I think the margins on both of those intuitive estimates are super insanely huge.

I'm guessing this came from the "a fart burns 67 calories" thing, which kind of holds up numerically:

Let's assume that calorie here means the "large calorie", "Cal" or "kcal".  Let's also assume you fart once per second and do so continuously without breaking for sleep.

Code: [Select]
67kcal ~= 280 kJ.
280 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 7 = 61810560000 = 6.2*10^10 kJ = 6.2*10^13 J

Little Boy, a tiny nuke by modern standards (by a factor of about a hundred) released ~ 6.3*10^13 J.

But, alas, it is 100% bunkum that a fart consumes 67 calories:

If farting really consumed 67 Cal / sec, a man eating his recommended daily calorie intake could expend all his energy in a single 40 second wall-shaker (2500/67~=40).  And while a fart of such proportions would surely leave you weak at the knees, it seems unlikely that one a day would doom you to die of starvation.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-02 21:25:45
Pfff, y'all are so silly lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-10-02 21:38:06
No, no!  Not silly!  This is science, LEAP!  This is real.  This post needs to be preserved in a hall of fame. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-02 21:39:10
I know science, hon :P
I'm taking a shit ton of classes for them OTL.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-10-02 21:40:01
Not any science, Leap.  Fart science! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-10-02 21:41:41
I'm getting a call on Monday to let me know if my laptop has been shipped.

I really hope it is shipped, LP!  That would be so awesome for you.  :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-02 21:48:47
Haha. There's also the calculations of if you screamed for a certain amount of time it would produce enough heat to warm up a cup of coffee.

I hope so too. But it would take a while to get here :/
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-10-02 21:58:39
Anyone here have Amazon Prime since we are talking about shipping? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-10-04 10:30:56
Look at that math in the name of science.  Wow. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-10-05 15:07:59
Our site is nearing 1.5 million hits. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-05 15:30:44
Damn son. That's awesome.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-10-06 01:14:42
That is pretty cool. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-10-09 13:42:47
Sparky got me thinking, you guys gonna want  to have people change names for Halloween?  Maybe like a Halloween contest or something?  Best name/best costume? Ideas?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-09 13:58:25
That would be pretty fun! Didn't we do that last year on the other forum? Name changing and stuff? I think it would be super fun.
But like, only one name change allowed maybe? One name change entry?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-10-09 14:16:27
It would certainly be fun thing to do.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-10-09 17:22:52
I'm gonna dress up as a scarecrow. 

I think we should all choose a fun name, if you want, and maybe a fun costume you would dress up, whether real or fake.  Just for kicks.  You can be You or your persona or whatever you want. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-10-09 17:29:34
The last thing I dressed up for Halloween was a horse mask w/ a pony shirt
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-10-09 17:31:40
What do you think of mine? :)

I think it works... though I admit it IS a bit too extreme. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-10-09 17:32:57
I can't believe Numbers is dead.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-09 17:34:18
It's a bit... Cliche haha. But it's coo.

Last time I dressed up as a horseback rider.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-10-09 17:34:53
Can't really do a lot with "1234", tbh. ^^'

Wow, Miggs, you work fast! :o That's funny as heck! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-10-09 17:35:49
1̬͌ͪ̿2͊͗̋̋͢3̙͇̣̹͙͖̞̅͋4̷̯̘̖̤͙̰̝̐ͪͮͬ̚ here, numbers, corrupted text.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-09 17:36:04
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-10-09 17:37:09
1̬͌ͪ̿2͊͗̋̋͢3̙͇̣̹͙͖̞̅͋4̷̯̘̖̤͙̰̝̐ͪͮͬ̚ here, numbers, corrupted text.
Yyyeah, that's better than "1234 HAS DIED."

I'm gonna try that, thanks. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-10-09 17:38:07
Oh god it looks so screwed lmao

If anyone wants to do the same with their name
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-10-09 17:38:43
Heyyy, it works! Thanks again. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-10-09 20:36:40
NUMBERS!  You name is corrupting the look of this site. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-10-09 20:55:00

Sorry. Next time, I'll do better...

...and corrupt the look of THE WHOLE INTERNET! >:D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-10-09 22:45:11
How do you do that to your name?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-09 22:53:24
Miggs gave a link that does it for you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-10-09 22:55:21
That is so weird.


Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-10-10 13:20:03
Winner of the contest would earn..... DARRIN DOLLARS!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-10-12 12:55:20
XTremeFright.  I'm trying to think of names here. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-10-14 11:01:37
Starting Monday we will officially begin our Halloween theme.  So people can change names, avatars.  We will eventually allow people to vote. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-10-14 14:03:17
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-10-14 15:54:57
I'm gonna win this year.... our first year.  I am thinking of the best name/costume combo ever. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-10-15 16:40:40
Very, very active right now.  Like 10 people on or something?  Plus a billion guests. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-15 17:06:33
I have a costume I'm wearing for Halloween. But I probably shouldn't share it. It would probably be looked down on lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-10-15 20:37:07
I have a costume I'm wearing for Halloween. But I probably shouldn't share it. It would probably be looked down on lol.

Noooo.  Is it anime related? ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-15 21:08:26
... No.
But seriously guys, it's pretty reprehensible. I'm a horrible person.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-10-15 21:55:46
If you don't want to share it, thats fine. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-10-16 11:45:20
I might wait till midweek, but a post will be opened to share everything you want to submit to our Halloween contest as well as complete rules. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-10-19 11:04:10
Sounds like a plan. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-10-21 10:26:21
There has been a global cyber hack that has affected millions of people today, some notable ones like Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, SoundCloud, Vox Media sites, Airbnb, Fandom/Wikia and numerous others.  I recommend everyone change their passwords everywhere. It does not seem we were hit, but might be a smart idea to change your password here too. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-21 11:47:31
But myeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. Changing passwords is a hassle.
I'll probably see what happens. If the sites aren't working then you probably can't even change the password until they're done messing around, right?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-10-21 12:04:22
What the what? All those websites? Just today?! :o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-10-21 17:33:03
Thanks for the note, Darrin.  I took your advice and added an extra number to my passwords. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-10-21 17:44:28
The sites should be all online today now after the hack.  Many were out this morning, but seem to be online now. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-10-21 21:30:23
Some other websites involved in that massive cyber attack were Twitter, Etsy, Github, Vox, Spotify, Airbnb, Netflix and Reddit.

Initially, outages were primarily impacting those on the East Coast, but by midday Friday, people in Europe were reporting outages as well.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack yet. A government official said the U.S. is “looking at all possible scenarios including possible cyber activity.”

On Friday afternoon, WikiLeaks posted a tweet asking its supporters to stop the DDoS attacks, although it was not immediately clear if they were behind it.

[[[[[["Mr. Assange is still alive and WikiLeaks is still publishing. We ask supporters to stop taking down the US internet. You proved your point."

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 21, 2016]]]]]]

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2016-10-23 01:00:40
AFAIK, this was just a Denial-of-Service attack, so your passwords should be fine.

That's not to say there definitely wasn't a simultaneous penetrative attack that I haven't heard of (I've not looked into the event too closely).  DoS attacks /are/ sometimes used as cover for other attacks.  But I've not heard anything so far that suggests that's the case.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-10-23 11:13:07
I know one of my accounts on another site was hacked during the attack.  I couldn't access it then the day I finally could, the site sent out a message for everyone to change their passwords, and they insisted no ones data was stolen.  Just the sites went down, but they still said to change passwords.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-10-30 21:48:27
To get new members to post, what if you blocked them from viewing the art/stories section until they get like five posts?  Make it well known so it will force them to post some stuff and be active. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-30 21:54:03
That's mean.
Some people just don't want to post.
Plus, where would they even make posts? What if they're here just for the art and stuff.
Maybe make them have at least one post in the intro thread? But even then it's kinda mean.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-10-30 22:08:50
Mean?  I think it is a good way to talk to people.  I guess I would be a mean and unjust admin. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-10-30 22:11:20
To get new members to post, what if you blocked them from viewing the art/stories section until they get like five posts?  Make it well known so it will force them to post some stuff and be active.

I would support that proposal. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-30 22:24:20
Well not mean, but just not really fair. They're already making an account, which is better than them being a lurker. Perhaps we can do what we did on PSF 1.0 where stuff was locked unless you had an account. Unless we're already doing that lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-10-30 22:28:21
Perhaps we can do what we did on PSF 1.0 where stuff was locked unless you had an account. Unless we're already doing that lol.

We're already doing that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-30 22:30:57
Alright then. I think that's fair. If we want more than I say maybe just have them make an introductory thread.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-10-30 22:33:20
I wish more people who join would talk.  It is a shame more don't try. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-30 22:35:31
I would like that too, but if they don't want to don't force them. They could easily just spam 5 posts of "blank" and be done. Let them come out in their own time. Or maybe give them incentive to converse.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-10-30 22:37:38
The majority of our posters are all people who joined early....  :-/  We have no newbies who post. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-10-30 22:37:55
That is worrisome. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-30 22:42:52
Hm. Again, you can't force people to talk. It wouldn't be natural.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-10-30 22:43:47
Of course you can force them.  They squirm, get all nervous.  I feel you tend to get the best scared responses when you force people to do something. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-30 22:46:46
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-10-30 23:01:34
Of course you can force them.  They squirm, get all nervous.  I feel you tend to get the best scared responses when you force people to do something. :)

I can get behind this too. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-30 23:02:27
Y'all are so mean XP
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-10-30 23:17:43
Real jerks. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-10-30 23:18:28
Please take offense to this, APD.  You are not mean or a jerk.

I am.  I take great joy in know how much of a Joseph Stalin I can be. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-10-31 00:40:24
We might do that someday, for like a test period of a few days, APD. ;) 
Title: Your Halloween just got a little Hallo-weener!
Post by: Darrin on 2016-10-31 00:40:57
Happy Halloween!  Your Halloween just got a little Hallo-weener! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-31 10:02:58
Again with the weener Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-10-31 10:41:57
Why am I laughing to such a juvenile joke?  Maybe it's because I am so happy to see Darrin talking like that, lol! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-10-31 10:53:20
As you know, between Smiles and I, I am the most mature one. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-10-31 10:57:49
Quite clearly :p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-10-31 13:20:55
We know, Darrin.  We know. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-10-31 18:52:45
Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. Nov. 6.  We fall back one hour.  I will remind us again probably. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-10-31 18:55:02
Thanks for the reminder, smiles! I thought it was gonna be the 4th for some reason
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-10-31 20:14:28
I'm late but happy Halloween everyone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-10-31 20:17:12
Happy Halloween, Sparky!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-10-31 22:58:42
Happy Halloween Pikaboo! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-11-01 11:59:31
Next up, Thanksgiving. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-11-02 00:54:38
Turkey.  Gravy.  Stuffing. :)  I can't wait. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-02 16:10:05
Our Halloween Poll is up.  Go vote, you have till Nov 9th. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-11-03 06:38:53
I voted in it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-03 11:45:23
Thank you! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-11-05 00:46:32
Has anyone started Christmas shopping or got Christmas themed usernames coming up?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-05 00:54:55
Thanksgivings first lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-11-05 12:11:57
I'm putting on Christmas lights all over the place right now (not really)  Ask me after Thanksgiving. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-05 12:16:42
I feel like a dork.... so the reason why these new members aren't posting is because somehow our default setting changed and required me or Smiles to approve new members.  We never got notification of this, so the past 12 members who joined all needed me to approve them................ I fixed this.  Those members all go emails alerting them of our issue and told them they are approved to post. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-05 12:19:28
..... Oh wow.
That's really bad man.
Hopefully they see it and maybe can start posting. But damn. Wait does that mean we have 112 members? Because Teardrop was able to post and stuff. So everyone after couldn't?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-11-05 12:25:51
That is messed up.  Very weird.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-05 12:26:55
We have 116 members.  There were 12 members that needed approval.  That is all I know.  I'm not sure why it switched or how.  I got no notifications of it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-11-05 18:47:49

Also, Daylight Savings Time Nov 6. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-05 19:15:55
How'd that happen I wonder. How'd you figure it out?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-11-06 00:04:16
I'm glad you figured that out Darrin.  That is a big mistake you had going on there. :-\  Sorry to hear that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-11-06 09:33:26
Daylight Savings Time has ended, and we are back to standard time.  Set your clocks back one hour.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-11-07 01:47:35
Well at least the issue is fixed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-11-08 10:18:53
Have a good day everyone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-11-09 00:14:50
Good night everyone. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-11-09 00:15:03
Good night.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-11-09 00:16:34
Good night.  :)  Congrats everyone, we have a new President elect. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-11-11 19:12:25
Statistics from a PSF Political Poll on who you planned to vote for.

Poll Results as of Oct 30, 2016

90% Trump
10% Clinton
0% Johnson
0% Stein

November 7th, 2016

90% Trump
8% Clinton
2% Johnson
0% Stein
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-11 19:29:38
Poor Gary.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-11-11 19:31:58
I love that picture
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-11 19:38:15
It just cracked me up so much during the whole election night haha
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-11-11 21:23:09
Lol!  I used to love classic SpongeBob. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-11-13 14:13:52
The series went down hill quick. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-13 18:10:46
Not really quick. It was good for years. After the movie it was good for about 1 1/2 seasons before it turned to garbage.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-11-13 21:25:27
I would say maybe even a season before the 1st movie it started struggling.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-15 11:07:18
PSF is working on more precise rules for more mature content.  We will keep you updated. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-11-16 11:05:27
It is going so swimmingly, nothing has happened but talk since he posted that. :P 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-16 11:15:06
Lel, we're still talking it out I assume.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-11-16 14:32:41
Good idea to have some concrete guidelines incase we ever get a person who is a handful. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-16 15:28:25
Well, I mean. The rules are simple.

Can't post pictures, only links to mature content and can only be shared on the nature group.
But the other guys want to talk it out more.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-11-16 22:11:31
Rules are meant to be followed to the T.  No wavering, NONE!  NO!  ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-19 16:27:27
Maybe 16?  I don't know.  As long as it isn't explicit.
I suppose. But at the same time, we don't know what people do with the images and stories posted. Ya know?

But I guess 16 is good. Doesn't feel too young. But yeah, if anything explicit, def has to be 18+
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-11-19 16:35:02
If we wanted to be real safe, it would be over 21.  I guess we should make a claus that if we even deem it not right, or for any reason, we can remove it.  That is probably why most TOS have that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-19 17:13:56
Let's not get ridiculous with the ages here lol
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-11-19 22:23:13
34!  New age is 34! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-11-20 12:52:29
So do you guys have to pay again this year, or did you do a lump sum for the costs? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-20 12:59:23
I thought the pay was for 4 years. Isn't that what they said when we first came here.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-11-20 18:16:23
They paid for 4 years.  That is what I remember. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-11-20 18:31:58
Decided to do something real quick for you all.

Personal Sneeze Forum
Members: 116
Posts: 42,078
Threads: 657
Most Online At Once: 135

Members: 409
Posts: 15,644
Threads: 2,462
Most Online At Once: 242

Sneeze Fetish Forum
Members: 5,534
Posts: 639,564
Threads: 48,489
Most Online At Once: 456
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-20 18:48:46
We're still pretty small.

Odd, we have less threads but more posts. I've been on FurSneeze a few times. There's barely any discussion there. Even for stories. Like, at max maybe 5 people comment. Kinda sad and empty.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-11-20 22:04:49
So do you guys have to pay again this year, or did you do a lump sum for the costs?

We have four years of service and it cost over $400.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-11-20 22:11:52
Did a lot of minor things today.  Mainly clean up of topics and name changes for topics that didn't label properly, such as a male or female sneeze.  Got rid of many topics that had the un-needed, "non pony" tag. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-11-21 01:37:48
Maybe there is already an option, but it would be cool to have "quick links" in our mini profiles to maybe our social media sites we want to share. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-21 01:43:11
There are a few options already.  Check your profile. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-21 05:24:08
Oh so I'm not the only one who was bugged by that? Okay, cool. I've been wanting to do that, but I remember the first few times I did the topic started just added it back. Or kept doing it in new posts and I said screw it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-21 11:15:22
Oh so I'm not the only one who was bugged by that? Okay, cool. I've been wanting to do that, but I remember the first few times I did the topic started just added it back. Or kept doing it in new posts and I said screw it.

What are you referring too? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-21 11:19:39
The unnecessary "non pony" thing.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-11-21 14:29:18
I'm not sure why people kept putting "non pony" tags on stuff.  I'm glad they were taken off. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-21 14:32:39
Yeah it was super annoying.
Like I even told a person who did that it was unnesary as saying the fandom or whatever in the title already tells us it's not pony. But then after that they kept doing it. So I gave up.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-11-21 14:38:30
It's our reputation as a PONY sneeze forum that caused all that. ;)

Seriously, even I sometimes forget the "P" now stands for "Personal".
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-21 14:42:09
Well... Even so. It seems like they're doubting our intelligence. I mean, putting say "Steven Universe" should make it obvious that the following content isn't pony. You feel me, man?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-11-21 14:45:08
Yeah, I feel ya, gurl. That's just being "Captain Obvious".
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-21 14:48:06
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-11-21 14:53:27
I went and looked a page back to see what MasterX called our forum, and he actually said "personal" sneeze forum.  So maybe it is just me who has a hard time not calling it pony sneeze forum.  Though usually I just say PSF. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-21 14:57:35
Well, apparently Numbers said he has some problems too. I mostly say PSF though. But I do mainly think pony, but I know we are expanding. Or at least trying.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-11-21 14:59:26
^ Yeah, me too. That's what I meant.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-11-21 15:02:45
I mean, we have to expand to grow and not fall behind when PONE ends.  Having another season of pone allows us to keep growing and expand our horizons, while still having the backing of the show to draw in more pone fans too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-11-21 15:03:15
It was convenient that they thought of something that "P" could stand for without it being forced.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-21 15:07:28
I remember back on the old forum we had some trouble getting something to work.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-11-21 16:06:28
PSF. :)  I usually just call it PSF.  People have to dig around to even know the 'P' stands for Personal, or they can make the P be anything they want I guess.  Platypus, pussycat, Pam Baker, Pinto bean, all that good stuff.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-21 16:13:40
Haha, pinto bean.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-11-21 16:15:13
Pam Baker is apparently a real estate agent and Joe Cocker's wife. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-22 13:37:23
PSF?  You guys didn't know it stood for Pawnee Schools Foundation?  I've been trying to figure out who you all have been these past several months.  This website was a forum for our school foundation.  WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE? 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-22 13:39:54
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-11-22 14:50:54
Poor Patrick has been living under a rock his whole life.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-11-23 12:35:37
It is going so swimmingly, nothing has happened but talk since he posted that. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-25 14:35:16
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.  I assume mostly everyone is shopping or setting up Christmas decorations today. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-11-26 05:14:59
Well starting to set up the decorations.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-27 12:05:47
Excellent. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-28 10:14:30
Just an update, if anyone has not received their secret Santa, let me know.  I will be sending a reminder email to the few people who have not even opened the message. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-11-28 11:18:45
Wait... You can tell if someone hasn't opened their PM? That's freaky.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-11-28 13:19:28
Wait... You can tell if someone hasn't opened their PM? That's freaky.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-02 11:36:03
Uh oh, I'm doing something...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-12-02 11:52:58
Why does that sound bad lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-02 12:00:46
Oh dear, Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-12-02 12:07:46
I'm nervous, should I be nervous? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-02 12:11:59
Why? You already saw it lol. I think he was referring to the other thread he made.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-12-02 12:18:34
I know he is, but he hasn't even shared what it really is yet!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-02 12:24:32
It's probably just gonna be like, best drawing from 2016, best writing of 2016. Maybe even split it up between EqG and pony. Maybe some user awards, like... Idk best reference maker or something.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-12-02 12:50:58
He needs a kink on the head.  We all have permission to do that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-12-02 13:08:18
I cant do something like that :o .
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-12-02 13:13:15
I can! :D

*prepares to give Darrin kink on head*

.....I CAN'T!! :'(
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-02 14:03:35
Lol a kink? I'm sure he already has one. Why else is he here lll
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-12-02 16:30:37
Lol XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-12-02 20:21:25
I got a kink in my neck if anyone....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-04 10:55:30
Thanks for all the kinks?  Everyone? 

I got plenty in my back. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-12-05 10:21:02
Your certainly welcome :) .
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2016-12-05 12:13:29
Monday! :D  Monday, Monday, Monday!  One day only! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-12-06 19:15:26
I don't know where to post this. ^^'

MasterX was in the chat a few seconds ago. He asked "I wonder if this thing eats up the site's bandwidth?", something like that. What do you guys think of that? I hafta admit, I never thought about it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-12-06 20:57:38
Hmmm.  I am sure it does.  What are the limits of bandwidth on this site?  We've never had to worry about it before... so maybe we don't need too? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2016-12-07 00:39:44
Chat doesn't eat up much bandwidth, since it's only transferring text.  In fact we almost only deal in text at PSF, so we're never anywhere near our bandwidth limit.

Chat does, however, make quite a lot of requests whenever it's open, so it eats into the CPU a bit.  I've not seen any issues here, but Sneezefurs has some issues with dropped requests that print ugly red messages into the user's chat window.  It may just be that Sneezefurs is on a more loaded and/or older server box.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-12-07 10:33:28
Thanks for the answer, Yasl.

In news today, we remember Pearl Harbor so many years ago. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-12-07 17:31:11
So many lives lost on that day.  It awoke a sleeping giant.  Never forget our veterans. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-12 15:18:01

People were asking earlier what our usage is on this site, and how much bandwidth we were using.  I said I would look into it.  We don't have to worry, we are using 0% of our data.  We aren't even close to anything being used up.  Our highest peak for anything was below 20% and that wasn't any big deal.  Our bandwidth is in KB on a daily basis, so we aren't even in the MB's.  We are looking pretty.

In other news, our site as a whole, with all the images and posts, text, etc, is using 842.93MB.  Our limit for the year is 1,536,000.00MB.  Our backups are currently full, but they are rotating as newer backups happen, older ones disappear. 

Lastly our domain name expires on January 9th, 2017.  We should automatically get billed for renewing our domain a few days before.  If for some reason it doesn't work, you will know why the site is down temporarily.  (Remember the other outlets to contact us such as the temp PSF Proboards and our Deviant Art, and Tumblr).  But we should be good and get auto billed for that.  As for our big bill on the hosting, we have a couple years of that hosting still fine. 

There you go.  Some actual news for you all. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-12-12 15:24:12
See, I told yall I'm not killing the internet ; ;

So wait, is the 1,536,000.00MB per year something that resets per year?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-12 16:05:42
That's... Interesting.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-12-12 20:27:15
Hmmm, some stat-tage.  :)  Thanks for that.  Good to see we aren't destroying the internet, but I never was too worried about that. ;)  We are mostly text. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-13 15:29:38
See, I told yall I'm not killing the internet ; ;

So wait, is the 1,536,000.00MB per year something that resets per year?

I'm not sure.... 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-12-14 18:45:24
Thanks for the info. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-15 09:49:50
You are quite welcome.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-15 14:10:09
>>> PSF PICK AWARDS! (  <<<
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-15 18:02:06
Wow Darrin, how many times? XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-12-15 18:06:32
He also posted it in the live chat. XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-12-15 23:00:49
I think Darrin is trying to tell us something.  I'm just not sure what. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-12-16 10:22:52
At least he isnt offering DARRIN DOLLARS again.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-16 12:44:46
Am I sensing some salt here?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-16 13:18:54
Darrin Dollars are a wonderfully legitimate way to pay for Darrin related goods.  It is quite possibly the greatest invention since sliced bread.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-16 13:25:33
Why not Smile Shillings?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-12-16 14:46:23
I actually got two messages from Darrin saying to vote.  I must be extra special. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-16 14:47:16
Why not Smile Shillings?
That's for peasants.

I actually got two messages from Darrin saying to vote.  I must be extra special.

Mentally maybe.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-12-16 14:48:16
OOUUCH.  Owe...  Okay. 

I'm going to come up with a comeback so great, you will be knocked out of your socks.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-12-16 14:50:12
Darrin just earned some Wolfwood Whacks for both his responses. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-16 14:52:47
Wolf Whacks XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2016-12-16 17:58:43
Thanks, voted.  Voted for a lot of mayo. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-20 10:43:38
Mayo... my least fav condiment. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-12-20 10:54:00
Saaaaame....actually no, Mustard.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-20 11:00:07
You don't like mustard!?
I used to really dislike mayo as a condiment, but if a Sandwhich has a little on it I don't mind it. I do like it on tuna. But it's not like I ask to put it on everytime.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-12-20 11:20:42
Yeah I don't like mustard. Never got used to the taste.

Yeah, mayo on a burger or sandwich is gute.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-12-20 15:26:49
A little mayo is okay.  I like mayo, but not so it's oozing.  Mustard and ketchup...catsup? Ketchup.  I like all condiments I guess.  Relish is a condiment too, so I like it on a hot dog.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-20 15:34:47
I dislike relish.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-12-20 15:48:05
Well now! ;)

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-12-21 22:15:38
Of the last eleven days, only one day didn't have over 150 posts in it.  We are crazy active this month!  We are getting over 200 posts a lot this month, and on a good streak right now! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-12-23 00:12:41
The next new topic in the General Board will be the 100th topic in that board. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-23 00:20:37
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-12-23 10:35:55
Just an update. I will be on nore regularly when I get home after Christmas.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-23 11:05:37
That's nice Smiles. We figured.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-23 15:06:28
You will hopefully spell better too when you get home, Smiles.  Geez.  Your phone butchers what you say. ;)  Have fun.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-23 15:40:26
It was only one letter lol
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-12-23 15:49:57
Darrin is going around wreaking havoc today. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-24 16:08:42
People must all be away today.  Merry Christmas everyone. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-12-24 16:51:20
Happy Christmas everyone today is the day.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-12-24 17:37:55
Happy Christmas everyone today is the day.

Merry Christmas.

Fun fact everyone. Did you know it is distinctly a "British thing" to say "happy" instead of "Merry" before Christmas?  Now you know.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-24 18:46:11
How fascinating. I was wondering why he said Happy rather than Merry lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2016-12-24 23:06:59
Happy Christmas to you all, and to all a merry night!  ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-12-24 23:10:39
Merry Christmas! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2016-12-24 23:17:59
Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-12-25 00:18:03
Merry Christmas everyone!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-12-25 08:11:17
Hope you all had a lovely day Merry Christmas.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-25 17:15:49
Haha!  I'll just add to the merriment!  Candy canes for everyone!

*Throws them dangerously fast at people.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-12-25 19:32:11
*Ah falls backwards*

Fast throw lol  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2016-12-25 23:02:59
*Candy cane stabs into my stomach and I just fall back onto the floor and lay there motionless.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-12-25 23:03:38
Wow, wow, wow, wow!  *Hits me in the forehead and I fling backwards.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-12-28 00:33:11
Bwahhahahahhaha!  I have now surpassed, Miggs in total posts.  I'm coming for you Blurr.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-28 05:32:07
Wow, and by a lot too lol
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2016-12-28 10:24:17
Bwahhahahahhaha!  I have now surpassed, Miggs in total posts.  I'm coming for you Blurr.

You've surpassed me like a week ago, bruh :p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-28 10:58:28
Miggs be keeping count, we now know.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-12-28 15:11:09
Is it a competition?  No.  Unless you want it to be
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-12-28 15:12:35
Is it a competition?  No.  Unless you want it to be
Heheh, I remember back when LP and Blurr were having such a competition.

Good times...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2016-12-28 15:13:24
Blurr is quickly going to fall behind because he doesn't post anymore. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-28 15:45:15
Not after the first few months yea.
And if it were a competition, I think the runner up has a long way to go.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2016-12-28 17:24:43
I'm coming for you 19th place! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2016-12-28 18:32:34
It will take me a long time to reach where you lot are.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-28 18:34:02
Heh heh, yeah.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2016-12-29 00:32:12
The only time I viewed it as maybe a friendly competition was early on with Blurr and LP.  :)  But since then, LP has pulled away to an easy lead. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2016-12-29 01:13:07
So is the site paid for fer sure for another year?? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-29 04:53:55
Bruh's. It's been payed for 4 years. We can chill our patooties.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2016-12-29 05:39:52
6 years. So no need to worry. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2016-12-29 06:22:59
Even better then.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-29 13:51:03
I just have to pay yearly for the name and for some privacy measures each year.  That is about $30 bucks.  As for the hosting, we got some time until we need to fork out another $400. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2016-12-31 00:40:47
New Years Eve... oh my. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2016-12-31 17:24:01
Yes, happy New Years Eve to you all. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-01 00:00:13
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-01 00:01:54
Happy New Years! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-01 00:10:01
Right back you!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-01 00:40:40
NEWS ALERT!  PSF LEADS all other sneeze forums in posts for 2017 so far. ;)  We have over 100 posts for the new year, SF Furs has 2 and SFF has less then 10. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-01 00:43:24
Pfffff. That must mean we're the losers.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-01-01 00:45:21
Not at all.  Mean's this is the year we keep our lead and become the powerhouse. ;)  Also means, we got a great community that comes on and chills, hangs out, and parties. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-01 00:47:20
Or... It means we have no lives and have people sitting on their computer to talk online rather than have people to hang out with in real life.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-01-01 00:49:56
Little miss negativity.  Geez!  Come on, lighten up!  Loosen up, have some fun, drink some of this New Years punch. :) 

This is a great little place, and as a moderator, you should be a promoter, not a downer on it.  People are only as good as their leaders, and if our leaders are negative to the community, that will start to reflect. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-01 00:55:39
I don't actually believe that. I tend to like being the opposite side, argue the other side. Devils advocate at times.
But yes, I do love our community. I love how much we care for each other.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-01-01 10:10:46
In one year, cute by short by a few months, our community in 2016 nearly hit 50,000 posts, created 780 topics, and was hit 2,048,516 times!  That is crazy!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-01 12:27:20
We got a new member, TrickidickieUK!  First member of 2017! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-01 18:32:20
A day to commemorate artists or authors.  Such as a day to focus on just authors or artists.  Sort of set it aside, build hype, and have that day be a day when the selected group has a bunch of new material to release and gets everyone excited. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-02 12:13:18
I like that idea, especially for writers.  They need more love... well, Grapefoot needs more love sense he is the most consistent writer there. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-02 12:18:06
Well, a day for a select group to ALL post work would lead to people going "I'll check it later, but it sounds good" and then forgetting to do it. As happens with Grape often even when he doesn't release a ton of content at once in conjunction with other people.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-02 12:20:45
This time he has a good amount of comments. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-08 23:51:14
Two days of back to back 300 posts on PSF.  :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-08 23:54:43
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-09 00:01:11
That is good.  Not to mention every day so far has had over 200 posts, which is huge for us.  We usually like to hit 100 for the day.  200 every day except once is fantastic.  We are almost at 2,000 posts for the month already at it is only 9 days in. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-09 00:04:48
There was that one day we didn't get 200 in. So we weren't able to make it a streak.
I don't think it's an indication of increased activity for the future. It's probably just people having more time off.
Since we see the same people posting. Not new people also joining in.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-09 00:20:48
Oh yeah, it's just a weird time of the month for us I guess.... (that sounds bad).

We just have more time off, no trend of being more active.  It will calm down probably anytime. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-09 00:30:20
Yeah, probably.
Sorry to be the Debbie Downer there. Not that I don't enjoy the large flow of activity (I'm continuing the not so good sounding thing you started :P) we've been having. But I just don't believe it's a sign of greater more bigger things to come in the year. It's just a time where were likely to see such activity.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-09 00:39:06
I know it's not increased activity for the future, it's just a time off time for many.  We have more time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-10 21:20:08
Activity already seems to be declining. At least compared to the past few days. Anyway! On to why I came here. Copy pasta incoming:

Why do we have a swear block on [fück] anyway? Just seems dumb. Can't we at least appeal for it to be auto changed to something less stupid and as immature as "poopy-pants". Why is f*ck censored, but not c*nt. Which is arguably worse. Hell even I don't use it often. Only for special rare occasions.

I know most users here don't even use the word, but for the few that do, why limit why they say? Why purposefully change what a users says just to avoid offending a few people by oooooh, scary words. I think we're all grown ups here, not like we haven't heard language like this in our lives.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-10 21:25:29
I have to agree. It's not like children are going to see us swearing.

Because children obviously aren't supposed to be here anyway.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-10 21:26:38
Even the youngest, 13 would hear cursing in middle school.
My sisters tells me, yeah, she's heard the 6th graders cursing left and right. It's their edgy phase I guess.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-01-11 18:21:45
I don't see a need for swearing here personally, so I don't see why unlocking the goofy swear block matters?  Do we really feel we need to swear?  Will it contribute to anything?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-11 18:33:28
There's no need for it. If it doesn't matter than why have it? Why prevent people from doing it.
Some people use swears to accentuate some things they say. Sure they could in other ways, some use them to express anger. Whatever the reason, why prevent them from saying it?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-11 18:40:14
We will discuss this.  I will have more time on Friday to thoroughly look over everyone's cases for and against, or whatever proposals you may have.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-11 18:41:20

On January 22, 2017 at 6pm PST, we will be performing maintenance on the network in the data center that houses PSF.   During this 8-hour maintenance window we will be upgrading the DDoS protection units in the Irvine data center.   Due to the redundant nature of the setup we do not expect any downtime, however, during the maintenance window it is possible you may notice latency.  This latency would occur when the BGP is gracefully shutdown on one circuit and all routes converge to the secondary circuit.  This would occur two times and will last for less than 15 minutes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-11 18:58:40
Thanks for the site update.

I feel if we do anything to our filter, we change the swear words to be like d*mn or sh*t.  That way it is sort of middle ground for everyone.  Compromise! 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-11 19:06:31
But damn and shit are baby curses lol
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-01-11 19:38:12
Don't care either way.  I'm fine with compromise.  Don't feel it matters to have curse words. Why be like everyone else?  Curse words don't add anything important to a conversation and can be used negatively.  No need to encourage negativity in an online world that is already far too negative. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-11 19:40:57
We don't need swearing.  It's just an added temptation if it's there and just continues down the path of a fallen web.  ;)

Really, we don't need it.  It highly disrespectful and enitrely unneeded.  It sets a poor example and makes you appear as classless.  It gives a bad impression of yourself, and why would you want to do that?  It reduces the respect people have of you, and studies back this up. 

When a person curses, it can start to becomes a habit, and that isn't a good habit to have. 

I know it's a "minor" thing to some people, but once people give in to the little things, it's much easier to give in to the larger things.  We don't need it, keep it away.  We've been fine without it.  People have their ways of getting around it anyways.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-01-11 19:51:14
Okay, MasterXtreme brings up good points.  If I go into a room and everyone is swearing... I don't feel as secure or too welcome.  Same with an online forum.  If everyone is just swearing (and I know that wouldn't happen here) it doesn't make me want to open up and post.  I think our lack of swearing for the most part, and given us our community we have today.  We can feel safe and free to share our opinions, without being attacked by someone swearing at us. 

So I will officially switch to no swearing.  We don't need it.  There is no appeal. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-11 20:30:36
I think that's just lame.
It's not like everyone if going f*ck f*ck f*ck and screaming the word all the time. They use it at specific moments.

The few times people have tried used it was when expressing anger at topics that deserve anger. Or expressing disbelief. And honestly, if a sensitive baby thinks everyone is a thug and mean and unfriendly just because they see "what the f*ck" on a forum, they don't belong on the Internet, and go get their sippy cup from their mom. Honestly. Just swearing doesn't make someplace unwelcome. Honestly, if people think we're Satan for saying f*ck they're prudes.

If you don't want to curse no one will make you. If someone wants to, let them. There shouldn't be a ban on it because it's ridiculous. If the person wants to risk being less respected them let them. It's their choice. You shouldn't inhibit someone's choice of words. Because then what, we start editing people's comments because, someone felt a little offended at it? Oh wait.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-01-11 20:46:26
Swear if you want too. 

I do like the compromise idea though if that makes everyone happy. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-01-11 20:51:27
If people want to swear, it is up to them. 

I do like the culture we have now, but I also don't expect our culture to change.  If swearing becomes a problem, simply filter it again.  Simple as that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-11 20:54:59
Basically. I'd be chill if like, f*ck and c*nt were censored like that. Or if that's too much, I wouldn't even care if it changed it to "freaking" or "fudge". But what it changes too know seems just, blegh. Or maybe have a filter for people to switch themselves? If they're uncomfortable with swears they can switch it on so an asterisk blocks it or whatever, but people who don't care can have it on? Anything really.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-11 20:59:09

I think we could use better filter guards. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-11 21:02:38
We could ask Yasl if it's a setting each person could turn on for themselves.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-11 21:03:43
I doubt there is, but maybe different site "templates" would allow people too.  Maybe people in template one could block it, and the identical "template 2" wouldn't block it.  That's an idea.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-11 21:04:53
Templates... Interesting. I wonder if te server we have could handle it though.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-11 21:08:19
It should.  Proboards did.  We'll find out soon enough. 

Like mods, this is seriously a no rush issue.  It's just a discussion. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-11 21:31:18
Dunno if it's just how I'm feeling right now or if it's genuine, but I feel some-what out of place knowing how much everyone hates swearing and how "offended" or "unwelcomed" they feel around it, because I swear a lot. Especially when yall find it "unsophisticated" or bad-mannered or whatever. It's like, how do you see me as? Am I just some punk or whatever?

Again, dunno if this is because of how I feel right now or if it's genuine, but regardless, I'm willing to come to whatever compromise for this.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-11 21:36:12
That too, I didn't really wanna say it, but yeah. I get that feel, Miggs.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-11 21:41:46
Words are words. Some are unprofessional some aren't. People who hate swearing are going to have to deal with people who do it all the time. And vise versa. There is always the option of compromise, and I'm all for it. But this ^ is just pure fact.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-12 13:57:21
That's it!  Executive order time! 

*Wearing my suit and tie, flips over my table and gives everyone the finger as I walk off.* 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-12 13:59:43
Lol, okay, D-dawg.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-12 14:04:15
*Comes back to put the desk back in place, then leaves.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-12 14:06:50

So.... everyone moaning about not being able to swear on PSF... I got news for you, I finally found where our censor list is.

You want to know something?

We only have one word censored.  That word is "f**k."  You all along could have said any swear word you all pleased.

This whole conversation was ridiculous!  You could have swore like a sailor if you wanted!  So the ONE word we had censored, ONE WORD, has been, DE-CENSORED now.  Congrats!  Big win.

*Flops back in my spin chair and spins fiercely.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-12 14:10:27
We only have one word censored. 

Not going to lie, but thats pretty funny.

As for everyone else concerned about a "image" you upload here, no, I don't look down upon you because I know you guys.  You can swear whatever you want, but I know you better then some unknown coming off the street swearing at me, it can be off-putting.

But since you are friends, it's no big.  *Looks directly at Miggs.*  I know you sailor mouth, boy... I KNOW.  *Pupils shrink*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-12 14:16:04
Yeah.  I guess that people thought we had some big censor list for swear words.  No, we had one word. 

I knew this the entire time, but I was surprised no one noticed that they could swear with other words the entire time.  I'm not sure if people knew that.  We never really had a swear list.  It was meant to originally be a joke, since at PSF 1.0, we did have a swear list, and we used "poopy pants" to censor that word there.  It was sort of a throw back, mini joke if you will. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-01-12 14:16:52
There was never a swear word blacklist?  O_O  Really? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-12 14:18:11
I knew only the F-word was being censored. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-12 14:18:57

Really, really. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-01-12 14:19:14
Wow.... I seriously thought we had a list, based on how the argument against it made it seem like there was one. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-12 14:19:17
I never thought we had a swear list. Considering that every other swear word wasn't censored. Not even cunt. So like, what gives with "fuck". That's really it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-12 14:20:39
As I said, this debate was honestly pointless.

And the F word was only censored because it was meant to be a throwback to PSF 1.0 since everyone hated that censoring we did with that word there.  It was meant to be a joke. 

I'm gonna go LUNCH now. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-01-12 14:21:02
Why am I laughing?  I am actually laughing about this to myself like a n00b. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-12 14:22:15
I never knew about the censoring on PSF 1.0. That, or I don't remember. Like I said, I was a jerk who rarely paid attention to what you guys were saying to each other. ::)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-01-12 14:23:07
I never knew about the censoring on PSF 1.0. That, or I don't remember. Like I said, I was a jerk who rarely paid attention to what you guys were saying to each other. ::)

Sorry, I had you censored. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-12 14:23:41
I never knew about the censoring on PSF 1.0. That, or I don't remember. Like I said, I was a jerk who rarely paid attention to what you guys were saying to each other. ::)

Sorry, I had you censored. 
Lol XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-12 16:37:30
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-01-13 08:24:09
Wow.... I seriously thought we had a list, based on how the argument against it made it seem like there was one.

We did have a list.  It had a cardinality of 1 ;)

Yeah, anyway, obviously auto-censors are dumb.  And FWIW there's no built-in facility to opt in/out on a per-user basis.

From here on in, I expect we'll maintain etiquette via public floggings.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-13 13:18:48
From here on in, I expect we'll maintain etiquette via public floggings.

That was the default plan. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-13 13:21:00
But what if they're into that D:
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-13 13:24:26
Then we will tickle them till they pee themselves.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-01-15 07:59:02
Oh haha :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-15 10:43:23
Waterboarding could be a good alternative. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-15 10:47:45
"Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds really rad if you don't know what either of those things are"
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-01-15 10:55:48
"Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds really rad if you don't know what either of those things are"

Thats so bad.  ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-15 10:59:30
It is, but you have to admit that it sounds nice-ish if you have 0 idea, like taking out all meaning.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-01-15 11:03:49
Yeah, it makes me think of some beach activity like wind surfing.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-20 17:59:38

PSF staff, will we be making PSF Greater again? 

Happy Inauguration day everyone.  Let's hope for a bright and productive future. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-20 18:05:39

PSF staff, will we be making PSF Greater again? 

Happy Inauguration day everyone.  Let's hope for a bright and productive future.

Really great picture there.  Amazing how the US Capitol looks so stately and elegant, yet powerful.

As for PSF, we strive to make PSF great and always greater.  We have never wavered or faltered on our pursuit to have the best PSF possible.

As always, we hope for a bright and productive future. 

PSF was always grand, but we are making it grander, thanks to all of you.

*Presidential music plays as the entire PSF staff waves*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-20 18:08:24
*Looks back behind me to see if there is anyone else in the room, there isn't.*

Uhhh...  *Starts to clap and make cheering noises.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-20 18:13:17
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-20 18:14:37
*Helps Silverwing in the clapping.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-20 18:18:00
*claps too*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-20 18:23:04
*claps too*

*Looks embarrassed as I try to whisper to you.*

You are part of the PSF staff, you are waving to the audience.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-20 18:24:25
I'M CLAPPING FOR YOU GUYS! *tries to save face harder*

But I would totally do this in real life.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-20 18:33:23
Lol!  :D  Nice... I guess I will call it a save. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-01-21 17:33:16
If we get a spammer for the fourth day in a row, we will be locking anonymous posting again. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-21 17:42:15
I thought security was increased lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-01-21 17:59:33
It was, from like hackers and coding.  But we at the same time allowed anonymous posters again....

So if we closed that down again, we wouldn't have them.  It was an attempt to get non members to feel free to post.  So far no one has except spammers... so I guess I can go close it again.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-01-21 18:04:44
I just found a way to set up a word censor list, but allow specific members to turn off the censors if they wish.  Cool!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-21 18:05:20
Awesome. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-21 18:07:13
But y?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-01-21 18:11:09
I'm not doing it, just found it,

Also played with some settings.  See if the "modify" post thing works better, Numbers.  I may have allowed it just to use Become.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-21 18:11:38
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-21 18:12:57
YES! It's the old text box again! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-01-21 18:15:41
That worked? :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-21 18:16:53
It worked it worked it worked! ;D

Thank you!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-21 18:20:39
Woohoo. Problem solved for Numbers.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-22 00:38:35
A lot of people post some pretty questionable reactions in the "How Many Times Have You Sneezed Today?" thread, and nobody bats an eye.   I'm sure there are people who don't like the Plots thread because it's essentially people oogling pony ass but they choose to ignore it.  To throw the hammer down and say 'no, you can't do that cause it bothers me' is selfish and a bit hypocritical, especially in a setting where you can choose to ignore things.  That's what I feel like happened tonight.

I really don't care if there is an inducing thread or not.  I doubt I'll even post there myself, and I'll probably look there as much as as I do the "HMTHYST?" thread (scarcely) but I'm for people doing things that make them feel liked, wanted, etc.  But, just like there are RPs for things I don't care for and other crap I don't like, I won't tell other people not to do it.  And I certainly wouldn't tell other people who do that sort of thing is equivalent to going to the champagne room.

That's all I have.  Do whatever you want.  But you better consider things you do in other threads before you attack others for doing things you disagree with.   They might silently not like what you do, and when you shoot others down using a moral high ground they might start being more vocal about it.  And before you know it we'll have an empty forum where nobody is allowed to talk about anything.
Since was posted in the PSF Chat after Darrins post.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-22 15:30:53
11 days in a row of 200 posts or more!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-23 15:03:21
It is our longest streak I think.  That is awesome guys.  Thank you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-24 14:38:45
Where is everyone? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-24 14:44:38
It is the beginning of the week.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-24 14:49:31
But... but... usually there is at least 30 posts by now. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-24 14:51:27
People working late?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-24 14:55:24
That's the problem.  People WORKING.

Stop making a living and contributing to society you upstanding citizens!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-24 15:16:19
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-24 15:20:07

Stop making a living and contributing to society you upstanding citizens!

Start a revolution everyone!  Join me!  Lets flip something! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-24 15:32:28
Let's flips cop cars then cry for cops when one of us gets run over for protesting on the freeway!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-24 15:40:12
Let's flips cop cars then cry for cops when one of us gets run over for protesting on the freeway!

LOL!  There was no joke, a news story exactly like that not too long ago.  People protesting against cops in a freeway, and one person got hit, then was mad (they weren't hurt) and wanted the cops to find the person that brushed them, because they were furious. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-24 15:44:10
That's what I was referencing ;)

It is the one where it was BLM protesting cops right? And then go "call the cops!"
You mean the ones you hate and say they should die? Okey den haha
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-24 15:45:53
Yes, it was one of those.  I think it was in Atlanta... Chicago... or Baltimore.

You know... I can't remember which of those totally different cities it happened in. ;D 

A Cincinnati Bengals football player just the other day told a cop he hopes they die.  It hasn't blown up on the news yet... but it probably will. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-01-25 19:03:08
Darrin is gone today everyone. He will be back on Friday. He said not to worry as he stepped on that plane.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-01-25 21:44:21
14th day in a row of 200 posts or more.

We can beat our record of "MOST POSTS IN A MONTH" if we get a few more big posting days. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-25 21:45:44
inb4 Russian spam
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-01-25 22:18:29
inb4 Russian spam

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-01-26 13:43:27
That was a close one, Miggs.  Barely made it in on time. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-27 09:34:52
PSF 2.0 is one year old!

Congrats to everyone!  We are officially one year old now.  We started allowing the public to join on Jan 25th, 2016.  That means PSF as a forum has been around 2 years, if you include PSF 1.0, and if you include MLPChan, we are even older! 

So thanks for everyone who makes this community a home!  I couldn't be happier coming on and seeing you guys here everyday. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-27 10:55:32
Yay everybody! *twirls little party twirler*
APD already made an anniversary pic. Bit early, but it was nice :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-27 11:00:35
Really? Did he post it? Cuz I don't remember seeing it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-27 11:05:27
uh.... Don't you remember? Like in July.
Always saw it as an anniversary type drawing.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-27 11:09:00
Oh, lol, we're not talking about the same anniversary. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-27 11:36:16
Same difference. His post made it seem thats what he meant it to be.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-27 14:41:39
it was meant to be an anniversary pic. :)  Thanks for posting it!

GEEZ DARRIN!  No Darrin Dollars for you. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-27 15:01:52
What did Darrin do? •.•
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-27 15:09:59
He didn't post the picture. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-27 15:12:09
That is horrible of him indeed. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-27 15:13:35
Terrible, just terrible. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-28 09:52:28
I'm the keeper of DARRIN DOLLARS (DARRIN DOLLARS, must always be capitalized to be true DARRIN DOLLARS).
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-28 10:13:48
If not all cap'd they're counterfeit?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-28 13:39:14
Miggs makes a point!

Here's some DARRIN DOLLARS. Those are real.

Here's some Darrin Dollars. Darrin dollars, darrin dollars. All of those are fake.


"If it isn't all-caps, it isn't all right." ~ A message from The All-Caps Association. Gotta find a better name for that thing. *grumble*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-28 13:54:57
The. All.-Caps. Association
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-28 14:06:20
Yeah, it was either that, or "Partnership for a Lowercase-Free America". ::)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-28 14:13:30

TA-CA is much easier to pronounce
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-28 15:13:43
PfaL-FA? Wouldn't PLFA be better? :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-28 15:26:10

Even then to

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-28 17:11:53
"If it isn't all-caps, it isn't all DARRIN DOLLARS."

It says that on the currency. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-28 17:12:18
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-28 17:13:04
Or could it be in giant letters, like a slogan? ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-28 17:28:42
Actually, you know how like, US dollars have important figures and quotes? A DARRIN DOLLAR just has that. It's literally just


(Or is it? ;) )
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-28 17:39:52
I'm tempted to make DARRIN DOLLARS with a picture of Darrin like winking and pointing at the tender holder with "If it isn't all-caps, it isn't all DARRIN DOLLARS" arched over the top of him. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-28 17:48:14
do et
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-28 17:49:19
Something is happening!  I'm turning on the money press!!!!! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-29 10:29:13
I'm tempted to make DARRIN DOLLARS with a picture of Darrin like winking and pointing at the tender holder with "If it isn't all-caps, it isn't all DARRIN DOLLARS" arched over the top of him.

You've earned yourself one DARRIN DOLLAR. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-01-29 10:41:14

Back in February 2016, PSF created a record for the most posts in a month, 8,840.  No one thought that number was achievable again unless two people were dedicated at doing a role play or something like that.  But here we are, January 2017, with a few days left in the month, and we have surpassed our old monthly record!  Congrats everyone.  A Celebration is in order!  First to message me wins a hefty prize, that may or may not be DARRIN DOLLARS.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-01-29 10:42:02
That is awesome news! :D  Congrats to us!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-01-29 10:48:08
Oh damn, that's awesome!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-01-29 10:51:11
I'm honestly surprised we beat that old record.  That's just US talking and not a few people running up posts in an RP.  Thats pretty awesome. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-29 11:37:01
"Just people running up and RP" well I see how it is then, Rainy. Hmph!

But that is pretty cool, eh? Haha
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-01-29 12:23:34
Celebratory piccolo player!

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-29 12:53:10
She's a cute piccolo player.  :-[
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-30 17:26:50
That is a cute piccolo player. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-31 16:56:11
We could very likely hit 10,000 posts this month if we post a hundred more posts. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-31 16:56:38
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-01-31 16:58:30
I saw we do it.  We've never been this close. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-31 16:58:47
Lets go for it!  Less then a hundred now. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-31 17:00:16
*say ;)
But yeah. It's prob possible by the end of tonight.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-31 17:09:37
It is very possible.  I'd say very likely with a chance of sass thrown in. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-31 17:11:13
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-31 17:13:54
Suffering Suckatash. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-31 17:15:22
31 days in the month of January.  If we hit exactly ten thousand, that means we would have posted on average, 322.5 times a day this month.  That is crazy.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-31 17:15:39
You gotta do it with the lisp man.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-31 17:24:02
31 daytthhhz in the monvvveeh of Januaree.  Ifffvvv we hyet eggthaactly tenn vowthend, thet meanvveh we would heve pothsted on average, 322.5 tymesth a dey this monthhh.  That is cray-cray.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-31 17:29:04
Just like that, perfect. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-01-31 17:29:36
That was a one time thing.  Way too much work to type out. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-01-31 17:35:07

Thank you so much everyone!  I can't believe we did this in one month!  How cool is that?  It's like super cool!  You guys all rock!  Darrin will give away DARRIN DOLLARS all this week to celebrate.  Be alert for your chance to win them and reap the rewards.[/b]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-31 17:35:49
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-31 17:36:55
I'm so happy!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-01-31 17:37:25
He's so happy he lost his face! D:
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-01-31 17:38:17
*Touches my face.*


*Runs around silently waving arms around*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-01-31 17:42:17
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-01-31 18:27:47
Celebratory piccolo player!


We need this again!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-01 16:27:14
That piccolo player is far too content with that piccolo. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-02 02:59:00
Aaand our 200-post streak ended with the start of a new month.

February 1st, 147 posts. :'(
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-02 08:55:45
Oh maybe next time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-02 12:05:13
Maybe next time what?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-02 12:22:45
I don't even know.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-02 14:17:46
For the 200 posts  :-X
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-02 14:20:34
But we were talking about a streak lol
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-02 14:21:29
Oh never mind.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-02 14:28:01
Pfft, oh, Sparky. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-02 14:34:23
Sorry im just a little stressed and have been for days.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-02 14:39:37
If you wanna talk about anything, or think I or anyone here can help, Jolteon, feel free to contact.

I know for sure, Smiles and I are here for that very reason.  :)

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-02 14:40:16
As for ending our 200 post streak, I think it was a sigh or relief not having to try and do that 200 posts everyday.  This month will see a considerable drop in posts, I know it. :)  Just relax folks. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-02 14:42:50
Well thanks just that everything is pileling up and really stressing me out.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-02 15:00:29
I hate it when that happens.  You want to finish it all and get it done... but you got to realize focus on one thing at a time if you can, and deal with each one fully, get it done, then move to the next pressing issue.

I do hope it resolves quickly for you. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-02-02 15:55:04
Hope things get smoother sailing for your, Sparky. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-03 08:37:39
Thanks means a lot.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-03 20:26:35
Anyone want new site colors, or you happy with this for awhile? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-02-03 20:26:49
Happy with the current. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-03 21:32:01
Yeah, the current ones are nice. :)

But why? Did you have plans to change them?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-02-03 21:39:28
I like the current.

I wish out posts could be shown live.  Like we post, and they pop up right away without having to refresh.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-02-04 00:18:22
Site colors are good. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-05 10:05:21
Good to know. No plans but wasnt sure if people were bored of it. We shall be green but we might change shades of green if people want.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-05 10:26:12
Why would we be bored of our natural colors!? Wear em proud!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-05 10:41:07
The colour is good as it is I like it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-05 10:41:31
We are green, and we shall STAY GREEN, $&#%!! 8)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-02-05 11:59:41
Hmmm, I was thinking mud brown with bright neon pink accents and some slime/barf green as a highlight.....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-05 12:12:33
If that happens, I'm sending this little guy below after the staff.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-02-05 14:56:05
Hmmm, I was thinking mud brown with bright neon pink accents and some slime/barf green as a highlight.....

And we should super impose a bunch of images of Ford Pinto's on the site's background and have the mouse cursor change to some 90's website gif. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-02-06 00:38:58
CHANGE SITE COLORS?  This is lovely!  It is calming.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-02-09 16:17:20
Green is known for being a calming color.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-02-09 16:20:21
It's also the color of snot.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-09 16:34:10
^ This. Ohhh, yes. >:D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-02-09 16:34:45
It's also the color of snot.

Thats why this place is green, right? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-09 18:35:04
I wish we could do a live site, that has posts posted live like our live chat.  There really isn't anything out there like that for us to do. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-09 18:46:35
Live site? im confused.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-09 19:29:49
Press "post" and your post pops up without the site having to refresh.  New posts appear without you having to ever refresh.  It's all live.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-09 19:34:44
Ah, yes that's cool.
I think the way SFF kind of helps with that is that a little pop up pops up if a new comment is written while you're writing yours and if you click it, it will auto refresh the page and your comment is still intact in their comment box. I do like that about their forum. It autosaves what you're writing in the reply box. So if you refresh it's still there. Would be helpful when my schools internet does this weird thing occasionally when I post a comment.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-09 19:45:13
That is cool.  I just don't know if SMF can do that.  I do keep a list of features we want, and I know Yasl looks around for good stuff at times.  I will pass the list to him. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-02-10 15:00:15
A live site would be cool.  But it is good now too, but I'm surprised message boards haven't advanced more towards the future. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-02-11 15:09:24
Imagine that.  You post, and don't even have to refresh and someone else's post pops up.  That would be crazy. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-11 15:18:13
It would just be like a chat...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-02-11 17:43:55
Exactly, be no need for the chat if we have a live board.  That way posts would count.  In the chat they don't. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-11 17:46:28
eh, there reasons chat boards exist on forums. Some people like that few people use them and that their posts disappear after a while. There's reasons for it and stuff.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-02-11 17:56:14
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-12 10:05:06
Letting everyone know I will be away on business for a few days.  If you need help, contact Smiles, LP, or Yasl.  Take care my friends.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-12 10:11:00
Bye Darrin! Have fun and stuff.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-02-12 20:32:36
Safe travels, Darrin. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-02-12 20:35:08
Don't forget to bring us back a trinket... because we so deserve one.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-13 01:32:05
See ya, Darrin. ^^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-02-13 05:39:05
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-13 05:54:41
Then, Smiles comes in and slaps us. No, thank you. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-02-13 06:09:25
*vexatiously throws a handful of confetti at Numbers*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-13 06:27:08
He's vexatiating me with confetti! DX

Random guy: "That's not a real word."

Shaddup. >_>
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-13 07:44:17
Don't be lame numbers lol
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-02-13 16:47:19
Let go all out crazy on this party.  Apple juice or grape juice?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-13 18:50:54
I like apple juice it tastes ok.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-02-13 20:46:39
I'll take an apple juice too. 

I guess I didn't need to bring these beers if you already had these wonderful little juice boxes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-02-14 17:30:09
Thank you, Yasl.

You know what I am referring too. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-15 15:55:23
Thank you everyone for being so great. :)  I'm back now and will wreak some havoc. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-02-15 15:55:44
^ Thats what people want to hear.  An admin causing destruction. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-15 15:56:06
Bwa-haaaa-haaaa-haaaaa!  *Lightning flash and thunder claps.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-15 15:57:53
I have a phone... with 911 on speed dial... >_>

Lol, welcome back, D. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-15 16:10:25
We can't just throw 911 around like that, Numbers.  3% of CANADA does not use 911 as an emergency number.  What about those folks?  Who do they call? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-15 16:12:15

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-02-15 16:12:55
That 3% makes up the deaths each year....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-15 16:13:06
Oooohhhh, sad. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-02-15 16:13:16
It is sad... but moose and bears have to eat too. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-24 18:44:13
Just so everyone know's our site looks tiny when you come in as a guest.  This will be temporary.  We are currently testing a CODE 12 lockdown.  No need to fear, nothing has happened or anything.  We're just... testing it out a few days.  Keep it classy.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-24 19:31:01
Mm, thanks Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-02-24 21:05:02
I was wondering what was going on. Cool.  I feel like a cop using stuff like Code.  We playing cops n robbers? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-25 03:51:22
Ah cool i was wondering what was happening.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-25 10:07:56
Yeah, nothing to worry about everyone.  It's just a guest block.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-02-26 20:07:42
Darrin!  You have 2017 posts!  Just like the year we are in, 2017!

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-02-27 17:42:00
I know there is a name for stuff like that.  Just not sure what it is. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-02-27 18:45:16
We are less then 10 members away from PSF 1.0's total of 140.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-27 18:47:25
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-02-27 19:02:12
All-a-right! PSF shall be PSF again!! :D

"That doesn't make sense..."

Aw, quiet.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-02-27 20:19:11
It always worries me.  Things go good, then bam.  Remember when PSF 1.0 was shut down?  It came out of nowhere.

I just hope and pray that doesn't ever ave to happen again.

I don't even know why I brought this up.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-02-27 20:22:20
Nah I get what you mean, man. But hey, at the least, we'll know where to go, right?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-02-27 20:29:32
We do have backups now to go too.  But we OWN this.  So it should be safe... We aren't breaking any grand rules.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-02-28 01:46:09
Yeah hopefully we should be safe.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-02-28 08:06:24
Worries me when you say that MasterX. But as long as we follow the rules and the fact we pay to host, we should be good.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-28 08:43:04
And even if someone broke the rules I doubt they shut it down completely. They'd probably issue a warning, maybe a fine? Idk.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-02-28 18:36:34
They would probably be far more reasonable then the feudal leaders at Proboards.  Lost a ton of respect for that company and how poorly they handled it, with no reasoning. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-28 18:50:48
It was in their lists of terms. It's why ya read the terms and conditions.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-02-28 19:01:18
Yep, to end and terminate for no reason what so ever.  They did it.  They had no reason, but it was a rule. ::) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-02-28 19:03:59
Their rules. 

No matter how vague they may have seemed, it was their rules, their hosting, and we were running there for free.  So it's all behind us now, and we got a nicer PSF 2.0 right here. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-02-28 20:02:32
It was their rules. Can't say they jumped up behind us. If the terms where read, we'd have known about it. And thus always had that on the back of our mind. But no one reads terms and conditions. So *shrug* not really their fault.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-02-28 21:12:10
I think the point was also, it wasn't our fault either, because we did nothing to actually break their rules.  They didn't give a reason... well, the reasoning was the no rules broken rule.  ;D 

But that is water under the bridge.  :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-03-01 14:19:19
Bridge under the water, yes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-01 14:37:31
An underwater bridge. XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-01 15:51:43
Would and underwater bridge have nothing under it?  Or would it be more water? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-01 15:54:27
That would depend on how the bridge is made.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-01 16:18:42
Under water, like a normal stone arch bridge. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-01 16:21:41
I know 'bout the "underwater" part. ;)

But like a normal stone arch bridge? Yeah, there'd be more water. XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-01 19:00:12
What about a cantilever spar cable-stayed bridge? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-02 11:30:49
Numbers is our unofficial "bridge under water" expert.  What do you say, Numbers?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-02 12:07:07
Uhh... sure. Why not? ^^'
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-03-02 15:56:02
That's good.  Now I can build one of those bridges and not worry about water passing underneath it. Thanks, Numbers.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-03-02 20:56:02
Wait... wouldn't an underwater bridge be, like, a "chunnel"?   Unless it were just a regular bridge that broke loose and fell into the drink, and a lot of people who were on it when it went down died... then that'd be a tragedy.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-03-02 22:45:07
Wait... wouldn't an underwater bridge be, like, a "chunnel"?   Unless it were just a regular bridge that broke loose and fell into the drink, and a lot of people who were on it when it went down died... then that'd be a tragedy.

That would be a tragedy! 

You sir, also got yourself a new avatar! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-03 00:32:29
Indeed he does!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-03 00:35:11
I was thinking of making myself a new one.

An animated avatar, of "Numbers Inc." lighting up like a neon sign: letter-by-letter, then all at once. In red, on black.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-03-03 00:35:48
That might be kinda cool, Numbers. :) I could see that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-04 05:28:52

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-04 06:20:25
Well that is a nice animated avatar.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-03-04 10:41:10
Oh shit boi, that's noice!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-04 13:08:23
Numbers!  Your new avatar is brilliant! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-04 13:19:33
No, my new avatar is a neon sign. ???


Heheh, thanks, guys! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-04 13:46:22
It is really cute.  Sort of reminds me of a bar..... WAIT A SEC!  You better not have an underground bar going on, Numbers. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-04 14:09:07
Meee? 0:)

(using angel smiley even though it stopped working)

I have nooo underground bar. Nooosiree.

*wallpaper behind peels off and reveals underground bar*

..........that's not mine.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-04 15:35:30
Hahaha, you're so cute, Numbers.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-04 15:55:44

I have nooo underground bar. Nooosiree.

Did you just call Smiles a SIR?  ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-04 15:59:43

:) :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-03-04 16:22:45
*Holding a mug of root beer that reads "Numbers Inc" on it.*

Should I hide this? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-06 07:05:08
Ok i dont think this is a problem but i noticed when posting a pic or changing the avatar by link why does it have to be http and not https as this breaks the image .
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-03-06 07:17:52
I can't seem to reproduce the issue. What specific actions are you taking, and what image are you attempting to link?

The following is [img][/img]:

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-06 07:21:22
Like with deviantart its got to be http it might suppose to be like this but i have done other sites which i cant remeber and its done the same.

Edit: Never mind it seems to be working in https format now and image removed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wisk on 2017-03-06 14:38:24
11 + 7 is not 19... :P

(In other words, check your registration verification questions)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-06 14:51:36

Hello there! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-06 14:52:32
Hello there, why not introduce yourself in the introductions thread?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-06 14:54:45
Oh hello there.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-03-06 15:57:16
Wait, are you serious?  Lol!  They messed up in registration?!  BWAAA HAAA HAAAA!  That kinda makes it hard for people to join, doesn't it? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-03-06 15:57:45
How has everyone been joining still?  Lol!  They must be figuring out how bad the math is! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-06 15:59:23
Wait so you have to do math to become a memeber?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-06 16:00:02
Yeah you have to do the math question at the bottom.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-06 16:01:27
Wow. What if someone really sucks at math.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-06 16:02:00
11 + 7 is not 19... :P

(In other words, check your registration verification questions)

Good catch.  We fixed it, thank you. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-06 16:02:27
At that point I cant say.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-03-06 16:02:31
Yes, you have to do math to become a member it seems, and the people who made the question couldn't even do it. :P 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-06 16:03:19
We have rotating security questions to make sure you are not a Mr. Robotmo.  Two of the questions involve very "difficult" math.  I wonder how many people we denied because we didn't realize one of the questions was wrong? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-03-06 16:03:48
Probably hundreds. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-03-06 16:04:17
Is this new? lmao, I don't remember having to do that
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-03-06 16:04:36
You how frustrating and annoying it is when you are doing something right, but the thing you are doing keeps saying it is wrong?  It elevates in frustration when it is technological.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-06 16:04:47
I'm not sure how many were denied but at least the problem is fixed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-06 16:05:01
We started it several months ago.  A few months after PSF 2.0 started. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-06 16:12:11
Ah, that makes sense.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-06 16:37:29
You know what else makes cents?  Gumball machines.  People put in their coins and the owner of the machine makes cents!  It seems like a reasonable money maker.  It makes sense......oooohhhhhh.....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-03-06 16:38:01
It makes cents
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-06 16:49:26
This guy gets it!

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-03-07 06:30:02
Yes, you have to do math to become a member it seems, and the people who made the question couldn't even do it. :P

I can neither confirm nor deny that it was me who screwed up here.  *innocent whistling*.

(I'd changed the numbers and added a more words-based question after a spambot got through a couple of weeks back).

Quote from: Death Blossom
Wow. What if someone really sucks at math.

The 2 questions literally involve (1) adding two numbers and (2) dividing a number by two.  No numbers involved exceed 20.  And I am now at least 50% confident that the answers are correct :D

My assumption is that anyone 13 or older should be able to figure it out very quickly, and those under 13 shouldn't really be here.  But I may be biased, and am open to dissenting opinions.

(Note that the immediate alternative is to pose questions with word or phrase answers, but those are harder to describe abstractly and harder to ensure that someone will answer with exactly the correct spelling and formatting.)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-07 06:45:25
(Note that the immediate alternative is to pose questions with word or phrase answers, but those are harder to describe abstractly and harder to ensure that someone will answer with exactly the correct spelling and formatting.)
That's something I thought about, sometime ago. You have to phrase and spell the answers to that kind of stuff exactly right, or else it doesn't work, and you're stuck there, frustrated because you know you have the right answer.

Is there a way to make'em multiple-answer questions? Like, for example, if we asked "what are blue, green and red?" What if the answer is "colors", but someone from the UK comes in and types "colours"? If we made said question a multiple-answer one, then we could put in both "colors" and "colours" as acceptable. (Again, this is merely an example.)
Title: Riddle diddle
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-03-07 08:24:08
You know what else makes cents?  Gumball machines.  People put in their coins and the owner of the machine makes cents! 

You know what else makes scents? Skunks.

There's a riddle in there somewhere...

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-07 11:30:03
We can not make multiple choice.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-07 11:40:38
Aw, shoot. Oh well. Scratch that idea.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-07 13:35:03
You can if you give the options in the question then they type the correct one.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-07 16:07:49
We will be adding new smileys and "member levels" in the coming weeks. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-07 16:11:33
Sounds good we need more smileys.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-07 16:12:30
And guess who made'em... ;D

*group of members yelling* "WEEE KNOWWW!!"

....heheh. ^^'
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-07 16:56:38
Memeber levels?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-03-07 21:10:22
That will be cool to have some more smileys.  Numbers is a pretty good smiley maker.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-07 21:16:10
Yeah, it would be nice to have them listed to. Like the devil one. I'm too lazy to go and look up on Numbers thing for the thing I have to plug in haha.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-03-07 21:33:59
There is one new mustache.  I don't remember seeing it on the list before, but you have to go look for yourself everyone.  (You have to click "more")
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-07 21:36:45
Ah, so they added his mustache emoji. Nice! I recommended he make that one lol
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-03-07 21:55:11
I bet they will add more smileys. ;) 

I just made one of those comments a tv show would make reminding people of what they just saw before the commercial break.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-07 21:57:28
Ah, so they added his mustache emoji. Nice! I recommended he make that one lol
Yeah, I never said so, but you suggested most of'em. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-07 21:58:34
Yeet. Hey, since Nostra mentioned it, you think it would be possible to have a super hero emoji? Maybe one with a little red cape or something?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-03-07 22:12:01
Or mini emoji's of sneezing? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-07 22:19:30
That last suggestion's been given many times, and for good reason. XD

However, I feel that both suggestions might be a tiny bit too complicated for me. :-\
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-03-07 22:28:08
How about a smiley wearing 80s sunglasses like these. (

Don't do that... it would be pointless. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-08 14:18:48
That would be pointless.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-08 14:27:43
The '80s. Back when everything was attempting to be futuristic and all that. ::)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-03-08 20:56:40

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-03-08 23:03:56
Nice work on the smileys. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-08 23:04:21
Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-03-08 23:05:44
You are welcome. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-09 21:31:19
The smileys are wonderful.  Numbers is a great creator.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-09 21:36:29
C'mon, it wasn't much. I just flipped mouths upside-down. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-09 21:52:25
But it was done nicely. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-09 21:53:11
Very nicely.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-09 21:58:28
If you guys say so. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-09 22:02:47
We do. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-10 08:46:03
I mean, I feel weird being called "creator". Technically speaking, they're not "mine".

Save for the mustache.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-03-10 08:58:27
How about a smiley wearing 80s sunglasses...

Ha! What next, triple-decker pyramid hats?

Hmmm....  (does the Safety Dance, then shakes my ass on the hood of Whitesnake's car)

(audible crack)  Ohh... my back...  won't be doing that again....  (limps off holding hip)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-10 17:46:47
Daylight Savings is this weekend.  We lose an hour on Sunday.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-03-10 18:33:01
Yeah :c
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-10 18:37:11
One hour of glorious PSFness... evaporated... gone with the wind...

*sad violin*

Gawd I'm so melodramatic. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-10 18:41:37
I don't wanna lose that sleep!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-10 21:59:06
I wish we just didn't do daylight savings.  It seems pointless now days.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-10 22:26:27
But it isn't. It has its reasons.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-11 11:01:07
First round of smileys are on the forum and running.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-11 11:14:43
First round of smileys are on the forum and running.
Indeed, has been for a couple days. :))
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-11 11:36:55
Right on, thanks.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-11 13:32:14
Thanks Darrin smileys yay.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-03-11 14:12:19
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-11 14:15:18
The smileys are cool.  THANKS Numbers! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-11 14:31:31
Still can't believe I actually did something for the forum! XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-11 14:38:25
Well thanks to you we have more smileys.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-03-11 15:32:57
Daylight saving time (DST) or summer time is the practice of advancing clocks during summer months by one hour so that evening daylight lasts an hour longer, while sacrificing normal sunrise times.

Starts at 2pm tonight... March 12.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-12 21:42:00
Did you all transition well with the lost hour?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-12 21:43:02
It was no big deal. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-12 21:43:19
Didn't do anything. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-12 21:43:40
Well I mean, you just plan ahead.  Sleep in later or go to bed an hour earlier.  It isn't rocket science. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-12 21:44:09
But you will still get people who complain when the come into work, and use it as an excuse like "I forgot to set my clock" or... "I am so tired."  Lol. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-12 21:44:23
Any excuse they can get.  That is the goal. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-13 06:16:33
Nope did nothing.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-13 15:55:10
Thats the spirit! 
Title: I took a wrong turn and ended up in the butt of the city....
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-03-13 22:24:30
If you were in the heart of Japan today, you could have ridden on a giant wooden wiener (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-03-13 22:42:12
^ Thats the spirit!  ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-15 21:17:40
Totally random useless fact.

This time last month, on the fifteen day of February, we were at 2,741 posts.

So far this month, on the fifteen day of March, we are at 3,100 posts and going.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-03-16 16:17:08
Thank you, APD.  It is your random wealth of trivia that keeps me smiling.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-03-17 13:16:51
This site is ready for Saint Patrick's Day!  Look at all that green!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-17 13:17:24
We went all out this year for Saint Patrick's Day.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-03-18 21:54:27
This site is ready for Saint Patrick's Day!  Look at all that green!

We are also 50% ready for Christmas.  Hooray! (?)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-03-19 13:20:50
This site never removed the Christmas lights. ;)  It's like those horrible neighbors who leave their Christmas lights up all year!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-20 15:17:47
WE are those bad neighbors.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-21 22:12:26
So I am going to see just how far we can take content on our forum if possible by contacting our host.  If we can take things a bit "farther" then we do, expect a revised rules within the next few weeks.  If not, expect nothing to change.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-22 08:24:54
Sounds great.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-22 17:17:24
Ch-ch-changes *musical tune places* are happening.  Moderation and how we do things will change a bit.  More on this later, but the effects will happen right away! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-22 17:27:13
Oh so a few changes now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-22 17:27:38
Be afraid!  Bwaahaaahaaahaahaaaa!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-22 17:29:19
*screams in terror electricity intensifies*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-22 17:30:09
Oh geez. The electricity. •_•; *runs for cover*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-22 17:35:57

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-22 17:40:30
*absorbs the power*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-03-22 20:07:07
I'm a little worried, lol!  But I'm not gonna show it. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-03-23 14:39:51
Ferb is so hip. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-03-23 17:43:59
Ferb is way better then Phineas.  Phineas is a triangle.  No one likes triangles.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-03-24 14:15:16
They are the strongest shape known to man, however. Great for buildings, bridges. Good for snacks, too.  (bites into Dorito)  Just be careful not to cut the roof of your mouth on the edges.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-03-24 15:05:48
Title: Triangles in 3-D
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-03-24 22:43:15
Pyramid power!   (laughs manically a la Ren Hoek)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-03-25 00:45:56

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-03-25 19:11:59
Oh no!  Illuminati!!! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-03-25 19:12:18
We've been found! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-03-25 19:12:29
Quick!  Act natural!

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-27 20:33:06
^ Lol!  I love that show.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-28 14:08:27
I got no news. Nothing.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-03-30 23:31:51
It's okay, there is nothing to report.  No crime, which is a good thing. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-30 23:37:47
Exactly. No crime at all. ^-^

*totally not hiding $10,000 behind my back*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-03-31 03:43:28
No crime which is brilliant *lays in a hot spring*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-03-31 14:53:09
Exactly. No crime at all. ^-^

*totally not hiding $10,000 behind my back*

You implying that having $10,000 dollars is a crime?  No it is not.  ;)  I would just assume it your money.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-31 15:19:43
Yes. Let's assume it is. Let's. ^^'
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-31 21:13:24
Yes. Let's assume it is. Let's. ^^'

Numbers, if you took that money, you need to return it, Hun.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-03-31 21:14:10
Fine. *gives it to you* Sorry. :'(
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-31 21:17:18
Numbers... this isn't my money.  Where did you get it?  Return it to that place.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-31 21:26:29
The stats keep adding up towards Numbers being a mass criminal. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-03-31 21:27:54
First cars, now money? Boy, what's wrong witchu
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-31 21:28:44
Don't forget his threats to beat people up and be a terrorist in the past.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-31 21:29:13
Oh my gosh you guys.  Ha ha ha!  Numbers is not a bad guy.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-31 21:29:43
I don't know.  Numbers seems like one tough hombre. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-31 21:32:46
No!  He's a nice guy. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-31 21:33:08
Smiles, you have been very giggly the last few times online.  I take it things are going good for you?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-03-31 21:33:57
Well aren't you noticing things!  Yes, thank you, MasterX.  Things are going good. :)  How are you?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-03-31 21:34:06
I am super too.  Thanks, Smiles.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-01 12:58:19
PSF will soon be chasing it's name to PSF.


We will be selling sewage systems for people. 
Title: New Site Administrator, I am stepping down
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-01 13:03:36
Everyone.  We have decided on who the best new administrator would be for PSF. 

It will be DEECat.  We will not discuss this because she is the best there is for us.  I will be handing control of the site to her and her expertise. 

I have enjoyed being the admin, but I feel this move will be better for us all.  I will step down to member status and hang around the water cooler most of my days.

Title: Re: New Site Administrator, I am stepping down
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-01 13:05:42
Everyone.  We have decided on who the best new administrator would be for PSF. 

It will be DEECat.  We will not discuss this because she is the best there is for us.  I will be handing control of the site to her and her expertise. 

I have enjoyed being the admin, but I feel this move will be better for us all.  I will step down to member status and hang around the water cooler most of my days.


It was a good run,  Darrin!  Thanks for everything.  Can't wait for that new admin to step up and be awesome.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-04-01 13:30:53
There is a leader I can get behind.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-04-01 13:50:28
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-04-01 14:00:46
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-01 14:03:07
Let me join in on the fun...

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-04-02 10:55:47
This topic just got stock photography cool.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-04-02 12:09:36
Them pictures.
Title: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-04-02 12:28:14

Sometimes a prank can really stink.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-02 22:22:54
Looks like she is picking her nose. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-04 18:07:33
I was going to say the new smiles are cool. Ever think of custom forum skins like Proboards allowed or does SMF not do that?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-04-04 19:01:56
Do you mean like import skins to choose from or proper custom.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-04-04 20:12:45
Custom skins? Like how SFF has different theme aw users can choose from?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2017-04-04 20:18:40
I think he means skins users can choose from.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-04-04 21:38:36
.... That's what I mean. SFF has different skins or "themes" they can choose from that change the coloring of the forum for them
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-04-05 01:14:14
They have to be installed as themes on the site.  That is fine, but SMF is kind of hacky and e.g. the PSF logo and the MLPS link (I think) are custom tweaks to the current theme, rather than something sensible that would survive a reskin.

You may be able to change to the SMF default "Core" theme under "Profile" > "Modify Profile" > "Look and Layout" > "Current Theme" > "(change)".  Unless that was disabled (for the reasons mentioned above) and I can only see it due to Mod Powers.  But at present time doing so is Not Officially Supported By PSF and At Your Own Risk and You Have Been Warned.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-05 02:35:45
Yeah, the theme change's been disabled.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-05 08:06:55
Sadly SMF is just not as easily customizable and changeable like Proboards. It is the price we pay to be safen
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-04-05 11:30:54
It's okay I rather have safety than customization anyday the forum is brilliant as it is.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-04-05 16:20:37
But there is always room for improvement.  :)  We will always look into that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-04-05 20:46:24
What happened to the Guilty Pleasure Shows topic? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-04-05 20:49:21
Nevermind, it was merged.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-06 17:14:14
*Days later.*

It was merged. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-06 17:36:19
^ He knows. ;p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-06 18:14:48
I know that.  I was joking about being late to answer the question that already has an answer.

Like those people who say jokes everyone already knows.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-06 18:53:14
I figured you knew that. I always say "he knows" to people when I know they know.

Like those people who are too $&#% to get the joke you made. :'(
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-04-06 19:32:11
I figured you knew that. I always say "he knows" to people when I know they know.

Like those people who are too $&#% to get the joke you made. :'(

^ Again with the tears. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-06 19:32:42
Because I was referring to myself... DX
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-04-06 19:33:04
I know you were. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-06 19:33:55
Good. ;)

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-04-06 19:35:02
Lol! :D

I recognize your avatar.  What is that from? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-06 19:37:05
*points at signature*

Just tried it for kicks. Might change it back to the neon sign avatar.

EDIT: this is the avatar I was talking about. It's from the unfinished 1989 movie "Gone in 60 Seconds 2".

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-04-06 19:39:37
Ohhhh!  That is what it was from!  Okay, I thought it was.  Thanks. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-06 19:41:19
You're welcome. Heh, glad to see someone else here knows about it. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-04-07 04:41:38
Nice avatars Numbers and Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-04-07 14:08:01
You're welcome. Heh, glad to see someone else here knows about it. :D

I love the non stop car chase action.  I love car chases.  Wish more movies did that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-07 14:11:27
Oh yeah, I told Rainy about it last year, when we were chatting about Chevettes. I remember. XD

Yeah, that would be great. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-07 20:21:42
The original Gone in 60 Second movies were great, they were literally car chases with no plot from beginning to end!  Just car wrecking fun if you love that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-07 20:47:41
I know I love that. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-07 21:21:10
I love cop cases in movies... and it's pretty much a giant police chase with tons of cool old cop cars, a bunch of cool old cars, and lots of wrecking and grinding metal!  No computer graphics, just REAL everything! :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-07 21:21:59
Good taste in car chase movies! :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-07 21:22:15
Another good movie is Duel.  Not as actiony, but lots of cars.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-07 21:22:30
Duel by Spielberg?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-07 21:22:36
Yes. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-07 21:22:52
One of my fav films. :D  It is so awesome how it does so much with so few words.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-07 21:24:34
They don't make good car related films anymore! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-07 21:24:49
We just get crud like Fast and the Furious 18...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-07 21:25:08
We can carry this on in PSF Chat.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-07 21:25:19
Lets do that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-07 21:27:19
I love it!  No comptuer graphics, just good old fashioned stunt drivers.


It pains me to see classic cars like this get totaled.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-07 21:27:20
I love it!  No comptuer graphics, just good old fashioned stunt drivers.


It pains me to see classic cars like this get totaled.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-07 22:04:45
Two things.

1. APD, there's only two vehicles in Duel. ;)

2. Silver just doubleposted. ;p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-07 22:16:43
Yes, but it is a cool car movie! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-07 22:17:30
And next time I will triple post.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-07 22:17:44
Still not lots of cars. ;) But I have to agree, it's neat. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-07 22:18:40
I wish they would redo a Duel movie, and make it true to the original,  not a lot of talking, and just a bunch of suspense and mystery like the original. 
Title: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-04-08 09:59:54
Another good movie is Duel.  Not as actiony, but lots of cars.
The film was more about psychological horror than a bunch of car crashes.  Same with The Hitcher, made about a decade later. Rutger Hauer was said to be so unnerving that folks consciously avoided the star off-set during production.  That film got a tepid sequel and a terrible remake, so be careful what you ask for, A.P.D.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-08 10:09:13
^ This guy knows what he's talking about. :D

I know there was this movie, a couple years ago, called "Wrecker"... it was such a rip-off of Duel, that it was practically a remake of it. A terrible one. :/
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-04-08 17:37:33
I might need to watch this horrible Wrecker Movie.....

Duel was a masterpiece in my mind. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-04-08 17:38:15
Gone in 60 Seconds 1 and 2 are great!  I love that 40+ minute car chase.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-04-09 13:05:12
And that goofy car Numbers has on his avatar. Talk about crazy.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-09 17:07:14
Goofy, but dangerous.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-04-09 19:14:24
Go Chevy Venture, Go!

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-12 16:55:48
Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer GOOOOOO! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-12 16:57:42
Man. What happened to this topic. XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-04-12 17:12:20
Sorry for having no worthwhile news. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-04-12 17:16:59
Its okay means its all good.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-12 17:25:20
Yeah, means nothing bad is happening.  So that is good. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-04-13 20:54:59
News!  Thursday is the 13th, otherwise if it was on Friday, it would have been Friday the 13th! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-04-13 20:57:17
Oh spit, son!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-04-13 20:57:56
I know?!!??!  RIGHT?! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-04-14 12:56:42
Thankful for that Friday the 13th is on October.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-14 14:21:34
October will be a scary month. ;)  Anyone here superstitious about that kind of stuff?  I am not really... but.... I guess I am a bit at the same time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-14 14:30:31
Same here. :-]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-04-14 14:48:12
Thankful for that Friday the 13th is on October.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-04-14 15:33:48
October is not really a scary month.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-04-14 15:49:33
Kay den
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-04-14 20:30:59
MLP Season 7 premier tomorrow. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-15 15:01:49
Good start to the new season.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-17 14:43:23
Well . . . does anyone want any new . . . features or things on the site?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-04-17 14:43:50
That is what this thread is for after all.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-17 15:17:53
Not really.  I'm pretty content.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-19 15:28:34
Good to hear.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-04-20 11:02:42
Well . . . does anyone want any new . . . features or things on the site?

How about a special satellite that can scratch my butt with a laser beam from space? (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-04-20 12:18:02



Title: Probably a mistake to install that right next to the cup-holder....
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-04-20 13:16:34

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-20 16:16:58
Well . . . does anyone want any new . . . features or things on the site?

How about a special satellite that can scratch my butt with a laser beam from space? (

I've been working on that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-04-20 21:47:54
Oh, that is nice.  One of those useful PSF things that we will notice right away. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-04-23 16:15:18
Do you guys want us to label our forum games with the tag (Games) at the end of the title to find them easier?  APD game me the idea when he labeled one of his new topics on the forum. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-23 16:15:58
I'm fine either way.  You could also consider a board just for forum games, though I do not feel that is needed yet.  We don't have many. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-04-23 16:17:51
Instead of game, you could do (G) next to them.  Or maybe some other symbol?  (!!!)  (G!)  Many possibilities. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-04-23 16:36:54
Yeah, one of those would work, (Game), (G), etc.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-23 16:44:04
I'm fine with any of those if we want to go down this route.  You could always do a sub-forum... which I also think isn't needed yet. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-04-23 16:54:13
I mean, it wouldn't really help. The search function on this site doesn't work well. It would just bring up every comment that has the word "game" in it. Rather than topics. It's not that hard to find the "games" we have on the forum as they're always near the top.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-23 16:56:10
You can search by topic name only. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-23 16:57:07
Lol.  I guess you can't here.  Thats lame...;advanced

That should be a feature to add then.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-04-23 17:01:09
Yep, I know. Hence why I brought it up. I've tried the search function before while updating the MLPS. It's less than helpful. Also, the way the forum lists out topics and when you go to the next page messes up a lot and slides things over. It's very disorienting.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-04-23 17:04:16
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  I will see if there is a way to fix the search function, but we might just be stuck with whatever SMF has given us. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-23 17:06:52
By the way, great topic to merge that post by Stereo into.  I would never have remembered we had a topic like that.  Good job, Smiles. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-04-23 17:07:49
No biggie.  I could have sworn we had a topic like that, but no one used it.  But this seemed like a thing people would actually get behind.  An intolerant, selfish, rude rant.  And all captured. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-04-23 17:14:14
By the way, great topic to merge that post by Stereo into.  I would never have remembered we had a topic like that.  Good job, Smiles.
I mean, I did bring it up >.>
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-04-23 17:15:41
No biggie.  I could have sworn we had a topic like that, but no one used it.  But this seemed like a thing people would actually get behind.  An intolerant, selfish, rude rant.  And all captured.

It is pretty damning. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-04-23 17:21:18
It is up to Stereo in what they want to do.

So I got update the search function and back to the question for others...

Do you guys want us to label our forum games with the tag (Games) at the end of the title to find them easier?  APD game me the idea when he labeled one of his new topics on the forum. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-04-23 17:35:51
Not really. There isn't even that many of them. Could they even be considered games? I think they're fine the way they are.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-23 17:41:54
As said before, I am fine either way.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-26 17:47:53
For now we won't stick them in a separate board, but if there is bigger demand we will.  We may tag them.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-04-26 18:06:56
Sounds good. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-04-27 16:50:07
Okay, thanks.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-04-28 16:14:29
Good to know.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-04-30 15:44:46
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-05-03 09:31:44
You can search by topic name only.
Lol.  I guess you can't here.  Thats lame...;advanced

That should be a feature to add then.

Maybe I misunderstand, but does the "Search in topic subjects only" checkbox do what you're looking for?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-03 14:19:00
^ They mean search in the topic itself, not the topic subject/title.  So like the body of forum threads.

The results will still only appear as forum topics and not the actual post itself with the subject matter.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-04 16:28:21
Yeah, you got it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-05 21:36:24
Is there a way to have results appear as the post itself? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-07 10:16:39
Not really...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-07 11:01:43
Well let's not worry about it for now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-07 19:12:13
Glad you edited that.  I had no idea what you were saying before. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-08 00:23:04
I was offering my help  :-\
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-08 15:11:55
What if we changed PSF's colors to  . . . puke green and 70s brown with pink borders and highlights? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-08 15:21:55
I wouldn't mind its up to you lot.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-08 15:29:25
What if we changed PSF's colors to  . . . puke green and 70s brown with pink borders and highlights?
Nah, change it to octarine. ;p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-08 18:30:31

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-08 22:38:52
Such a fancy 70s color. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 12:41:51
So did LP leave the forum? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:43:37
So did LP leave the forum?

I think she did.  She's been gone about three weeks now.  She also did this about a month ago.  I think she is gonna leave. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:43:59
Hold up.  We don't know that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:44:07
Don't know, bro. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 12:45:20
She's been gone twice now in two months time.  She probably isn't happy for whatever reason.

Odd because just before she left, she posted a bunch of cool new art everyone liked. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-09 12:45:32
Hmmm. :-\  That is too bad.  Wonder why she wants to leave?
Why she would want to leave.

Also, I've talked with her lately. She was actually extremely busy in the past few weeks, and couldn't afford any distractions. Zip. Zero.

She told me she'll eventually come back.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:45:45
Last we heard she was doing finals.  So don't jump ahead of yourselves. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:46:16
Finals take one week, two weeks max.  She could have at least said she was going to go for a bit.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:46:43
She doesn't have too.  Nobody has to do anything.  It is just is. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:47:21
Being polite bro. Especially as a moderator, you should let people know you will be away for a period of time.  Did she tell you admin at least? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:47:48
I understand, Wolf.  Thank you.  We are dealing with the situation that isn't even a situation. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 12:47:58
That is worrying actually if she didn't even tell you guys.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:48:11
Because Darrin didn't answer directly, she didn't tell them...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:48:44
No, I didn't answer directly because I didn't need too on this subject matter.  People have personal lives.

Don't work up nothing you guys.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-09 12:49:21
When we were talking, she also told me "that she's not that big of a fan of saying what she's doing when it comes to that".
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:49:32
Got it, Darrin.  I hope you are right. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-09 12:50:08
No worries, guys. She'll be back.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 12:50:12
Okay, yeah, lets just drop this.  It isn't our business.  I was just curious what happened to her.  It's been very long. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:51:51
It has been awhile, but no need to worry.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 12:52:18
I know you say there is no need to worry, but when a friend literally disappears with no explanation, you wonder.

And then you wonder if they are such good friends, why didn't they tell you or anyone?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:52:51
Silverwing gets it.  It is courtesy to let people know you will be away for awhile so people like us, who are friends and care, don't worry.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:53:12
Got it you guys.  I understand your concerns.  Thank you. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 12:54:20
Okay, thanks.  I wasn't like charging at you, Darrin.  Just... saying stuff.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:55:04
I get it, Silver.  I understand your concern.  I am concerned too, and like anyone who cares, ya worry about people.  Thanks.  She should feel good knowing people care so much.  You certainly are not the first person to show this concern. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:55:31
I get it, Silver.  I understand your concern.  I am concerned too, and like anyone who cares, ya worry about people.  Thanks.  She should feel good knowing people care so much.  You certainly are not the first person to show this concern.

Further evidence she didn't tell the administration. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:55:52
I'm going to bop you one, Wolf. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 12:58:08
Yeah, Wolf, they got it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:58:42
Yeah, I got it.  I'm not being hostile, I'm just a jerk. ;)

Sorry if I made you upset, Darrin.  Wasn't trying to go after you or anything. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 12:59:15
It's fine you guys.  Again, I understand where you are coming from.  It's weird when your friend goes away. I get that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 12:59:53
It would be like if you or Smiles left without any notification and we didn't see you guys in weeks.  Especially since you are admin together, LP should have told you guys so you can plan around it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-09 13:00:19
I get your view, Wolf.  Thank you for your opinion. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:01:49
Wonder where HulkbowSmash is....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:03:59
Not coming back. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:04:15
I know that, but I wonder like, what actually happened to him? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:04:35
I truly think he had a health related issue and disappeared.  Thats saying it nicely. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:04:54
I was thinking that too, and I know that has been brought up before, but it makes sense now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:07:06
It is a curious story for sure.  A true mystery of PSF.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:07:37
Do you really think he ..... died? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:07:45
Yes I do. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:07:54
Curd. Thats dark. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:08:21
He wasn't a young spry chicken.  For ALL we know they were older, in their 60s, 70s maybe.  They lived on a farm too. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:08:55
I got the impression they may have been 30s at times... but their age and talking suggests they could have been 40s and 50s with some of the old content they new.  Maybe older then Nostradamustheseer. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:09:08
Nostra is in his 40s I think. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:09:23
So Hulk may have been late 40s or 50s... early death? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:09:33
Early, yeah.  Unless he was older. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:09:44
Do we know any other outlets he posts in? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:11:11
Thats the thought part.  Their name was random.

And they came from an chan type place.  They, if still alive, may roam those kind of boards.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:11:23
So they are pretty much impossible to find then.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:11:27
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:12:02
Hmmmm.  I'm going to go through their 200 some posts if I have time and maybe I can find some defining info. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:12:17
Might be interesting work if you do find something. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:12:36
What would I find?  Maybe some links or some tidbits of their life and what they do...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:12:43
Or an obituary. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:12:53

They had a horse or a pony I think. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:13:00
I think they did too. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:13:18
Hmmmmmmmmm.  Alright, well that will give me something to do if I GOT TIME.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:13:29
If you have time, you should work on the MLPS.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:13:42
I really should, you are right. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:14:11
Huh.  The mystery of HulkbowSmash...... now I am curious as heck.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:15:25
I know, it's weird to think about. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:15:54
Another interesting character is of course, Nostradamus.  He has a lot of history, based on what he says.  I know he's been around the web a time or two.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:16:00
Yeah, like other forums?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:16:19
Many of them.  He's said he knows certain people too who have come here before. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:16:58
I don't know much about him. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:17:15
He has dogs, lives in the south, and likes cobwebs and trans fat.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:18:05
He likes ramen and burritos.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:18:27
Yeah he does.   

Hahaha, you know how the CIA has their world fact book and a database of people? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:18:31
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:18:54
We should make our own fact book of members, but it would probably be very full of holes and funny.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:19:08
That actually sort of sounds like fun... and see how accurate we can get. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:19:31
I would do that if you wish too.  Maybe we can privately make a test one then share it to others an see what they think? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:19:45
Yeah, maybe.  Might be funny to pass some time if I got time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:19:58
Yeah, certainly.  It would just be done when you have nothing to do, like me. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:20:06
Yeah, maybe. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:20:38
Okay, cool.  I will message you later about it. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:20:47
Okay, works for me.  No rush, really. ;)

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:21:53
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:22:04
Hahaha, we done here? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:22:08
I think so. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-09 13:22:16
Okay, see ya later, Wolf. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-09 13:22:21
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-10 17:41:43
I had a question.  I looked at people who have been logged in for weeks on this forum.  Numbers has been logged in for 84 days!  How do you stay logged in?  Even if I check the stay logged in box, I always get logged out after about a half an hour if I leave (turn off computer and come back).  But if I put my computer on sleep, I am still logged in, but don't show up logged in if I look from a different source. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-10 19:46:59
I know it logs you out when not active but for you time to calculate and go up you must look at topics and post.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-10 20:20:16
I know it logs you out when not active but for you time to calculate and go up you must look at topics and post.

But that doesn't explain people like Yasl, Kyrl, Numbers, etc, who have been logged on for days, but don't post. 

I do not have an answer as I don't know how it happens either. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-10 21:45:34
I don't have a answer either.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-11 19:52:06
Numbers... how do you do it? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-11 21:35:54
*shrug* I don't know how this forum works, Smiles.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-12 16:30:47
I have no answer either, sorry.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-13 12:17:25
Don't look at me.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-05-14 10:53:26
*Looks at Silverwing.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-05-14 12:37:56
I wouldn't really wanna look at Silver cuz

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-14 22:45:55
I wouldn't really wanna look at Silver cuz


Lol!  I know, so scary! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-15 15:05:23
Hope everyone has a good week.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-05-15 15:25:06
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-05-15 17:27:44
So detailed.  Beautiful.  Masterpiece. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-05-15 17:33:29
How can you not like MS Paint when it gives us gems like this?


Status elevated to instant ARTIST.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-15 18:49:29
So happy to see we've exceeded the number of members we had on PSF 1.0. :))
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-05-15 19:46:46
Me too!  We should celebrate with more MS Paint masterpieces! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-16 01:34:56
To tell the truth, it did take us a year and a half to reach 140, back then. And this forum was created... about a year and a half ago. :o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-16 04:51:15
Yeah we are getting there slowly and good ms paint.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-05-16 12:58:44
So what you ate saying is we grew at about the same rate.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-16 13:11:38
Pretty much. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-05-16 13:12:29
That is good to hear actually. It means the site is filling a void and drawing people in.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-05-17 08:46:02
That is good news. Thanks Numbers.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-19 08:35:36
We are also currently on track to beat last year in terms of traffic.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-19 10:54:01
Our rate of growth is actually more then PSF 1.0 right now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-19 10:58:02
Well that's good news.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-19 11:09:40
Yes it is. We've had a lot of people join this month too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-05-19 20:55:06
Congrats to the Community Monitors I see. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-19 20:55:28
Good evening to you too, MasterX. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-19 23:07:16
Can administrators read personal private messages among members? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-19 23:10:11
Can administrators read personal private messages among members?

Are you kidding?  Of course we can't!  That would be messed up.  They are private for a reason. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-19 23:11:00
You sure? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-19 23:11:22
Im sure they cant.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-19 23:11:59
Yes, of course I am sure.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-20 00:02:05
Thank you for the precise answers.  Silly Numbers, Kyrl, and Miggs and their worrying. ;)  Flareon, Patripony, and I knew it wasn't true you could see PM's. ;)  We're such good citizens.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-20 00:02:32
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-20 00:04:37
Lol! :D  ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-05-20 00:12:31
I wear this tin foil hat so they can't read my thoughts.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-05-20 09:29:47
I had a question.  I looked at people who have been logged in for weeks on this forum.  Numbers has been logged in for 84 days!  How do you stay logged in?  Even if I check the stay logged in box, I always get logged out after about a half an hour if I leave (turn off computer and come back).  But if I put my computer on sleep, I am still logged in, but don't show up logged in if I look from a different source.
It's just an accumulation of the time you've been logged on. Not straight. If you're online it tallies up the minutes, which turn to hours, and then days. Numbers and I are just constantly on so the time were on accumulated to 80+ days.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-05-20 09:33:35
Also, congrats Numbs on your shiny new title. And... Flareon too? Hrmm...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-20 15:04:47
Yes congrats. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-20 15:04:58
I had a question.  I looked at people who have been logged in for weeks on this forum.  Numbers has been logged in for 84 days!  How do you stay logged in?  Even if I check the stay logged in box, I always get logged out after about a half an hour if I leave (turn off computer and come back).  But if I put my computer on sleep, I am still logged in, but don't show up logged in if I look from a different source.
It's just an accumulation of the time you've been logged on. Not straight. If you're online it tallies up the minutes, which turn to hours, and then days. Numbers and I are just constantly on so the time were on accumulated to 80+ days.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-05-20 15:47:24
I've spent too much time watching that timer to learn how it worked in the earlier days XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-20 16:20:51
I never could figure it out.  I had tried it before, and I would just always get logged out. ;D  Glad someone took the dedicated hours to stare at it. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-05-20 17:18:55
Wait eh? I've never been logged out of the forum. You just gotta click that button that's says "don't log out".

But I have noticed the forum stops recording your time after 15 minutes of inactivity or no refreshing. That's the max. And yes I've tested this. Don't ask me why. I was curious.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-05-20 23:46:28
That must be what happens.  After 15 mins, it just stops keeping track for some reason.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-05-20 23:49:41
Mhm, that's the time out time. When I'm stalking the forum I refresh every 10 minutes or so to see if there's any calamity going on. Hence why it seems I'm on so long (because I had no life).
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-20 23:50:51
Stalking.  Evidence. ;)

I'm in the top ten of most time online. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-05-20 23:52:55
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-05-21 00:03:38
You are also the second highest poster, APD.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Captain Ridiculous on 2017-05-21 18:52:07
There are some very active people here.  It's great. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-21 18:52:56
I'm in seventh and reeling in Soda!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-05-24 14:08:44
Not if i can help it. Lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-25 20:59:04
Fishing for Soda.
Title: Pun ahead
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-05-26 07:56:08
I don't think she'll fall for that old line.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-26 20:21:26
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-27 21:51:24
Oh geez. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-28 21:23:34
I just passed Rainy in posts and within striking distance of Miggs.  I will pass Miggs by next weekend most likely.  Then next I will pass Blurr. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-05-29 12:40:52
Strike me w/ a knife pls k
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-05-29 12:44:29
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-29 16:20:47
 Count your blessings and happy Memorial Day everyone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-05-29 16:23:52
Amen to that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-29 17:20:52
Gotta thank our vets and those who lost their lives.  Indeed, we wouldn't have anything without their sacrifice. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-05-29 17:21:14
Also the forum has 991 topics.  We are almost at 1,000! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-29 17:21:33
I wonder what the 1,000th topic will be. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-29 17:31:03
1,000th I'm curious.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-05-29 17:34:29
The 1,000th topic has to be special. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-30 09:35:57
5 topics away from 1000.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-30 12:42:47
1000th topic creator gets a surprise.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-05-30 12:51:35
"The best kind of prize is a SUprise!"
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-30 16:00:09
SURprise is a town in Arizona outside of Phoenix...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-30 16:43:43
Thanks for that wonderful bit of trivia, Rainy.  ::)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-30 16:44:27
Lot of MLB baseball training camps there during.  Cactus League for the win! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-30 16:50:17
You see that big baseball fight the other day?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-30 16:50:35
Of course I did, Smiles.  I love baseball. :D  You know this. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-30 16:51:02
I do know this, and I should have known better. ;D  Ha ha ha! :D  Did you find it exciting? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-30 16:51:34
It was ratings gold for the sports news channels, thats all I am saying.

Also probably the most athletic many of those players have been in awhile. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-30 16:56:32
On another fake note.

Gonna BLOCK all members from viewing stories and art unless they have a single post.  Not really.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-30 16:57:10
Should make it ten posts.  I'm fine with that.  :)  Get them to post. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-30 16:57:25
There would be backlash.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-05-30 16:57:37
Wouldn't bother me. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-30 16:58:30
Can't do that.  Not now, not without approval.  ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-30 16:58:44
Get approval and do eeyyt. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-30 17:00:59
Besides, why force them to talk? If they don't want to speak out, it's their decision. We should respect it.

(Don't worry, I know Smiles wasn't serious. ;p)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-05-30 17:02:26
I wasn't serious. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-30 17:02:57
I know she wasn't serious, she even said so.  But I am serious. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-05-30 17:03:22
Internet says it, esss true. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-30 21:18:06

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-31 08:28:53
Thats some old internet.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-05-31 10:35:35
I am internetting today folks. Lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-05-31 14:58:05
Oh my gosh.... we....we....WE COULD DO IT!  100 posts every single day of a month!  We only need today! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-05-31 16:36:50
yes we can do it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-05-31 17:34:29
Then start doing it! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-05-31 18:26:22
It has been done.

FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, PSF has had over 100 posts for every single day of a month!  Mission accomplished! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-05-31 18:42:46
*here comes the party pooper*

Correction: second time ever. The first time was in January of this year.

*here goes the party pooper*

Still, good job, guys. ^^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-05-31 18:58:43
WHAT?  We've done this before?!  WHAT?!  Why does no one notice these things?!  WHAAAAAT? 

Looking back on January 2017, we were beasts. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-05-31 19:01:41
Second time ever!  WOOOOO!!!! :D  Two times in one year. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-06-01 11:18:38
You guys seriously rock! Rewards will be going around to those who were super active yesterday just because I feel like it. Thank you everyone for being so awesome!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-01 16:47:22
Well we have a awesome community.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-01 19:00:09
We also have an awesome soap dispenser in the bathroom.  Love that soap dispenser!  Love how it foams up and lathers beautifully on your hands.  Great job, PSF.  *Claps.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-01 22:45:34
Darrin Dollars for everyone! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-02 10:42:29
Custom dollars.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-02 15:14:04
Darrin Dollars for everyone!

But they are not real.  You used lower case spelling of it.  Real DD's are spelled as DARRIN DOLLARS.  You told us this before. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-02 15:19:34
Darrin Dollars for everyone!

But they are not real.  You used lower case spelling of it.  Real DD's are spelled as DARRIN DOLLARS.  You told us this before.

You caught it.  You just earned a real DARRIN DOLLAR. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-06-03 00:12:43
WHAAAAAT?!  Good job, MasterX.  Wish I would have caught that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-03 08:42:34
I never noticed either.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-03 12:18:13
Just want to thank everyone for the super month last month.  It's been so much fun with you guys. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-06-04 14:14:55
Yeah it was super cool. :D  Thank you everyone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-07 16:50:33
Just hit 160 members. Boom! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-07 16:53:14
That's cool were going up celebration time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-07 16:56:20
We do have some celebrations in the future for past achievements.  Summer is coming, be prepared. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-06-08 11:27:25
The site is getting a lot of new people and a good amount seem to be talking.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-09 17:10:07
It's nice to see so many new faces.  I wonder why the sudden mass join and people talking?  Possibly has to do with fallout from the red forum. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-06-10 07:53:43
I just passed Rainy in posts and within striking distance of Miggs.  I will pass Miggs by next weekend most likely.  Then next I will pass Blurr.
and after you pass Blurr in a blur?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-06-10 08:22:43
Then he'll pass APD. ;p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-06-10 10:27:31
Oh right, Blurr isn't number 2 anymore is he?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-06-10 10:46:42
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Death Blossom on 2017-06-10 10:55:55
Right, been that way in awhile.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-10 11:56:08
APD passed Blurr rather quick and is now way ahead of him.  But I don't think he will be catching number one anytime soon.  He will catch them at this rate, but not right away. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-06-10 17:44:57
And then Smiles jumps into overdrive and passes everyone! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-10 17:50:23
Go smiles might take a while though.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-10 17:58:48
Smiles on a little fighter jet, shooting down everyone.  ;D  Each lil person and their post count represented by them in lil fighter jets. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-11 12:38:03
Site is nearing 80,000 posts.

Also look at this.  Really look at this.  Look how many page views PSF has.  That is a lot for a small community that keeps growing.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-06-11 13:38:46
Ayyy noice
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-06-11 17:09:04
Smiles on a little fighter jet, shooting down everyone.  ;D  Each lil person and their post count represented by them in lil fighter jets. ;D

I'm picturing chibi everyone in little fighter planes shooting out green and red lasers. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-06-12 22:58:23
Had a big night tonight.  Lot of people chatting. :)

Also I like that mental image, Soda.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-06-12 23:11:56
Big night indeed. 

So we can stop referring to ourselves as a smaller forum then Sneeze Furs.  We are bigger (not in members yet) but our growth rate far surpasses them.  That would mean we would be second to The Sneeze Fetish Forum.  Yes, members is very important, and we need more, but we are getting a lot more activity then both.

In 2016 a year we didn't even fully run everyday or have full members... here are our states compared to Sneeze Furs.

Sneeze Furs
Total Views - 2,046,598
New Members - 83
Most Online: 83
New Posts: 1,879
New Topics: 326

Total Views - 2,048,516
New Members - 125
Most Online: 135
New Posts: 49,837
New Topics:780

And then as of right now, 2017.

Average Posts Per Day: 5.82
Total Posts: 16,228
Average Online Per Day: 38.32
Average Views Per Day: 3727.18

Average Posts Per Day: 156.39
Total Posts: 80,292
Average Online Per Day: 39.23
Average Views Per Day: 6361.95

They've been around eight years.  PSF has been around a year and not even a half.  We already beat them in post count and are dominating in all over areas too.  Good work everyone!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-13 15:10:33
Pretty great stats.  We will see how things go. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-06-14 17:57:00
I'm pretty pumped. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-15 05:43:53
Yeah that's pretty good. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-06-15 13:59:20
Would you all like more personal options in your profiles?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-15 14:55:44
I don't mind.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-06-15 14:58:25
Like more options for sneeze questions or more spaces for personal stuff?  :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-06-15 15:00:32
Mainly questions that can have options to them or can be answered, such as...

What is your favorite color? 

A. Blue
B. Red
C. Green


What is your favorite number?

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-15 15:19:33
My favorite color is red.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-06-15 15:38:43
I don't need to know... ::) those are the examples of the kind of questions we could add to profiles.  So let us know everyone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-15 15:40:00
Oh oops  :-[
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-15 15:47:20
You seem to have gotten the sneeze questions down pretty good.  But you could maybe go more in depth with maybe favorite music type or band, maybe fav tv shows? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2017-06-16 16:28:11
^ What MasterXtreme said.  Maybe fav food?  All these would be optional of course.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-16 22:43:44
Pretty much let your imagination run wild. 
Title: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-06-17 11:14:43
Would you all like more personal options in your profiles?
I don't know... I'd feel like I was filling out a questionnaire on a dating site.   ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-17 11:39:40
This will be optional for users to enter.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-06-17 16:55:57
Would you all like more personal options in your profiles?
I don't know... I'd feel like I was filling out a questionnaire on a dating site.   ;)

Might attract a pretty young woman with a great profile pic and some info there. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-06-17 16:59:40
Single or relationship option. ;D  j/k  Unless... people want that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-06-18 08:37:20
I've always felt that there's something... kind of juvenile about large lists of generic questions.

My biggest bugbear is probably all those profiles and character sheets on Deviantart (and co) that feel the need to list "likes" and "dislikes", and then fill "dislikes" with transparently awful things that no-one likes, thereby adding absolutely nothing to the viewer's understanding of the character.

This generalizes in the BB / forum context in the form of long lists of generic profile questions that are almost always irrelevant, but which new users are inclined to fill in, out of some form of completionism (goodness knows I used to on other forums).

When I originally set up the profile questions (a tweaked version of those at Sneezefurs), I quite specifically limited them to the sneeze realm, expecting that such would come up fairly frequently, and be the most relevant set of details (e.g. if one member wanted to surprise another with a commission, or evaluate which way to steer an RP, then a little summary of preferences would be right at hand).

I ultimately struggle to imagine members regularly caring about other members' (e.g.) favorite color/s.  And if they do, surely the context will be a thread (or a "PSF Chat" point of discussion) in which everyone is discussing their favorite color?  But outside of that specific context, when will favorite colors ever be relevant?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go shoo some children off my lawn...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-06-18 12:00:52
I can see your point.  I don't care either way really.  I already know a lot of about people and care about people here based on our conversations.  Little profile things won't make me care. 

Unlike other forums, a lot of people here actually do care about each other.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-18 12:52:59
Yes this forum has a lot of caring people I don't mind if there more options for profile or not.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-06-18 18:06:09
I'm fine either way. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-19 12:15:07
So what about special spoiler tagging in text?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-19 12:43:51
Spoiler tagging seems a good idea.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-19 14:20:25
That does seem like a good idea.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-06-20 14:10:45
Spoiler tags would be cool.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-21 08:53:14
I will check with our specialist.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-22 11:09:59
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-22 14:06:37
Anytime, spoiler tagging was a good idea.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-06-22 18:12:17
I like how Darrin was the one to come up with it.  Does anyone else have good ideas?  I am trying to think of things, but they hit me randomly. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-24 18:09:58
I do what I can. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-06-25 14:55:43
We know! :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-06-25 21:01:47
Hey, look at this.

June 21st: 138 posts.
June 22nd: 138 posts.

There's more.

June 23rd: 110 posts.
June 24th: 110 posts.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-25 21:51:22
That is interesting!  I know there is a name for instances like that, but not sure what they are called.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-06-26 11:04:25
We used to be able to have our text glow didnt we? It disappeared... not that we ever used it. Maybe once.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-26 12:03:17
Yeah we used to have text glow.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-26 14:03:07
And it is unknown why it went away.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-27 17:13:12
Also it is being looked into if we can do spoiler tags. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-27 18:08:27
Cool stuff spoiler tags will be good.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-27 20:27:33
Excellent, thanks for the update!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-06-28 13:24:59
We will know more this weekend. Yasl is going to toy around when they have time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-06-28 13:34:13
It would be neat if it works.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-06-28 16:17:13
Coming soon "Nose Vision!" 

All the great views of a nose's point of view, to you, the PSF viewer!  How amazing!  Stay tuned for more exciting mock news! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-28 16:26:06
Mock news :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-06-28 17:38:47
Nose vision?  Like what would that even entail, Smiles?  It makes no sense!  Lol!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-06-28 23:05:53
I think Smiles pulled that idea out of her . . . nose. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-06-28 23:08:55
Looks like another active night on the forum. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-06-29 00:10:28
I was a bit late :(
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-06-29 17:25:09
No worries, I wasn't there for most of it either.  I had to leave. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-01 02:19:06
Can somebody help please I seem to be having trouble loading this site its been getting very frequent.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-07-01 09:28:33
Please note that I've updated the forum software from v2.0.13 to v2.0.14.

I don't expect anything visible to have changed, so let me know if anything has!

Also, I've added spoiler tags, which you may use with [spoiler][/spoiler].  An example:

[spoiler]It's a spoiler, yo!

Seems to work okay.

Err, but they're probably The Worst on mobile, since hover's not really a thing there.  If folks have Thoughts, please share them.  I might scratch my chin and maybe have reveal-on-click work too, I guess.

As for Umbreon: Can you show the full "detailed information"? And it's only happening for PSF?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-01 11:05:18
I can if it happens again and everything else worked but let's not worry at moment could be my computer or internet.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-07-01 12:01:40
Woah, Imma test it here if that's ok


Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-01 13:23:58
Yasl, you rock!  Thanks for updating the site to the latest version and for the spoiler code! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-01 13:24:19
[spoiler]Yasl rocks[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-01 14:04:47
[spoiler]Indeed, he does. ;)[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-07-01 17:43:17
Yasl you are awesome x10!  Thank you for doing this for us!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-07-01 21:04:23
No worries y'all! :)

But yeah, the spoiler tags are only a first pass -- they're basically useless on mobile (since there's no cursor you can move to to "hover" over things).  I've not yet puzzled out how to make them toggle reveal on click without using Javascript.  And I'm allergic to Javascript.  I'll puzzle a little longer before giving in.

They're currently implemented as text-on-same-color-background, since that let's you reveal all by Ctrl-A or otherwise selecting all the text on the page, which I like.

But that meant the smileys and any other images were visible at all times, so I tweaked it to specifically fully hide them without an active hover... but that also means they don't show up when using the select-all-text trick.

So it's all a bit of a mess atm.

At least the forum software upgrade to v2.0.14 seems to have gone smoothly!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-02 17:21:30
Still seems great to me, thank you. :)  I know its a lot of work. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-07-02 22:33:34
Thank you, Yasl.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-07-04 01:14:01
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-04 13:42:26
Happy 4th, PSF!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-07-04 21:44:06
Happy Independence day PSF!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-07-04 21:46:47
I liked the icon Yasl choose for the spoiler icon by the way. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-05 11:39:12
Yes it does stand out.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-05 16:25:40
I juts noticed it myself!  Neat icon, and great work, Yasl!  All your background work you do for us is awesome!  We recognize what you do for us, so thank you!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-05 16:40:15
Yes thank you its much appreciated.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-07-05 21:03:40
I juts noticed it myself!  Neat icon, and great work, Yasl!  All your background work you do for us is awesome!  We recognize what you do for us, so thank you!

All that x10.  Thank you, Yasl. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-07-06 15:53:22
Y'all are too much! *blush*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-06 16:16:28

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-06 17:35:42
It's true.  He's amazing.  We wouldn't have anything here if it was up to me.  I would screw up EVERYTHING.  He's awesome and a wonderful person who produces results.

I also like that font, Numbers.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-07-06 22:58:50


I really like this, Numbers.  It looks so official. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-08 22:58:57
THERE'S 14 MEMBERS ONLINE, as of typing this! :o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-07-08 23:28:49
It is very busy tonight!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-09 11:27:34
PSF Chat hit 20k posts yesterday!  :o  Wild bunch!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-09 16:40:40
That is a lot of posts.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-09 20:10:23
We live on the edge.  We use straws to drink our coffees. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-07-10 14:10:27
Wow, let's not go too far, now...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-10 16:11:55
Yeah, APD. You know we drink our coffees using hammers. ;p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-07-10 16:33:25
I mean, I bet some of us pour the milk before the cereal
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-10 18:31:07
Does anyone really pour milk in before the cereal?  Like... honest question now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-10 18:34:41
I've done it a few times. TBH, I see no difference in the order you pour them in the bowl.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-10 18:38:01
Well if you pour cereal after, depending on the type it can float or sort of fill up too quickly and pour over. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-10 18:38:41
People do cereal first because it tends to stay down and have the milk flow around the creases and edges instead of having the cereal SPLASH into the milk. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-07-10 18:39:21
You pour the cereal first then the milk, that way is doesn't splatter.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-10 18:40:35
Awright. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-10 18:41:03
But you can do what you want. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-10 18:41:28
Anyone put butter on toast before toasting it? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-10 18:41:37
Anyone put butter on toast before toasting it?

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-10 19:59:04
You're no fun! ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-07-10 19:59:41
Haha!  I do the cereal then the milk. ;D  Also toast then butter. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-07-11 20:24:00
Why would you do the milk first?  Ha ha! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-12 22:33:25
When you make chocolate milk with a chocolate syrup... do you add the milk then syrup or syrup then milk? 

I've done it both ways just to try it out, but I would have usually done the milk then the syrup.

Granted I haven't done this since I was like 7...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-12 22:36:11
Now, THAT can't make any difference. ;p

I know I've done it both ways too. Lately, I've just been doing the milk then the syrup.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-12 22:36:57
Stir it till it turns brown! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-07-12 22:37:21
Weird!  So for that one I do the milk then the syrup.  But the syrup doesn't splash like cereal would.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-12 22:39:48
Anyone when they were younger try to make chocolate milk cereal?  Like pour your cereal, but make chocolate milk out of it?  (Can't be a chocolate cereal)

Or maybe pour chocolate milk instead of milk on their cereal? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-07-12 22:40:51
So with the cocoa puffs or whatever, I did try to make it as chocolatey as possible and just drink it, but it never tasted that chocolatey as a milk.  I never poured syrup in my milk.

But i did bathe my cereal in chocolate milk a few times growing up. ;D  If Mom found out, she would have freaked.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-12 22:43:43
I did a few chocolate milk pours too as a kid. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-13 15:20:10
Cereal that turned your milk into a chocolate hue was fun.  Never tasted much like chocolate sadly. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-13 17:25:57
Thanks to Yasl, we are backing up the site better here soon.  Possibly some other new stuff someday. Keep you all posted.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-13 17:29:12
Ok thanks for letting us know.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-13 17:37:01
Yasl always does great stuff. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-13 18:03:18
Indeed he does! :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-13 18:05:27
You know who else does great stuff for the site?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-13 18:05:40
Ben Stiller?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-13 18:07:08
No!  It's Numbers!  He made awesome emoticons and some cool cars! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-13 18:07:33
You don't say?  ::|  :')  :))
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-14 14:23:02
He did.  He's a good contributor.  He wins a cool fridge magnet that says, "Stop right there, no opening the fridge!" 

Just pretend it's related to PSF...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-07-14 14:52:31
Numbers has a birthday coming soon, since a few weeks ago he said it was coming soon.... so it's soon.  That's all I know.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-14 15:21:28
It might be in a week. ::)

I'll gladly take the magnet if Yasl gets one too. ^-^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-07-14 18:43:39
Numbers HAS a birthday this week. ;D  He's gonna be a big boy!  A little man! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-15 02:04:08
Oh birthday :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-07-15 13:30:22
What day is it?  I want to celebrate and bring out the grape juice! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-17 11:15:02
Apparently, APD misread "in a week" as "in a day". ::)

It was still nice of him to make a thread while I was gone. :D
Title: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-07-17 11:35:07
Anyone put butter on toast before toasting it?
I buy pre-buttered frozen garlic toast and put it the toaster oven.  Good with soups,  stews, Italian food, some types of sandwiches....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-17 15:14:31
Apparently, APD misread "in a week" as "in a day". ::)

It was still nice of him to make a thread while I was gone. :D

Were ready for you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-17 15:15:01
Anyone put butter on toast before toasting it?
I buy pre-buttered frozen garlic toast and put it the toaster oven.  Good with soups,  stews, Italian food, some types of sandwiches....

That's too lazy!  I just buy bread and do that.  Though I will agree, it is tasty. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-07-19 16:35:19
I've never bought bread from a freezer.  Does it taste like normal bread? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-07-19 16:37:13
You have to bake it yourself. 

Personally I don't buy bread in a freezer either.  I just go to the bread outlet stores and buy full loaves for like $1.50. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-07-19 16:38:50
^ I do the same thing.  They think I am going to spend $5 bucks for a whole wheat, grain and nut bread?  HA! 

Also Trader Joes is amazing, so I get bread their. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-20 15:52:47
I get cheese and bread and other nicknacks from TJ's. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-07-21 14:44:51
Big news, Numbers birthday today.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-07-22 22:47:25
^ I do the same thing.  They think I am going to spend $5 bucks for a whole wheat, grain and nut bread?  HA! 

Also Trader Joes is amazing, so I get bread their.

They have great loafs for 99 cents!  Sourdough loafs. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-07-23 10:54:17
^ Yes, those are a great deal! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-23 20:36:54
Went around and created a few new topics that might be of interest to people, might not.  Guess we will find out.

One is for animated films and discussing them.

The other is car talk in GENERAL.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-24 16:47:24
So far so good. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-24 18:36:43
Good topics.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-24 19:41:26
Agreed, I enjoy them. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-07-25 14:32:03
Did I ever say you people make me happy?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-07-25 15:42:25
I dunno, but you just did. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-25 17:03:59
We like you too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-27 13:34:10
Look for a golden egg on a topic starting tomorrow. If you find it like it to me.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-27 17:59:09
Sounds interesting.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-07-27 21:02:23
I've heard rumors another birthday is coming soon for someone here....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-07-27 22:33:47
As have I :thinking:

I think we're thinking of the same person I think
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-28 00:21:55
I've heard those rumors.... *squints eyes.*

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-28 20:01:32
Rumors best be left as rumors, Travelers.  Around these parts, word spreads quickly.  If you hear the wrong thing, you can just as easily take a wrong turn. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-07-29 21:08:23

APD and Silverwing (me) did 31 ( weaving responses amongst two members in one minute!  That is the most ever!  PSF Record!  Can you beat our record with someone else?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-29 21:09:49
If anyone can beat that record, I will give you a free drawing of your choice.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-07-29 21:11:03
Even if we took off two responses, it would be 29.  I would like to see some duo try to beat this. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-07-29 21:49:39
We will be making a PSF posting game where we can have teams compete for the highest post count after scheduled events.  This is going to be fun.

Right now our top record holders are this...

Silverwing and AnyPoneDrawn = 31

Rainberry and Playstationman = 29
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-29 22:04:25
Sounds like you both had fun.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-07-30 01:25:24
I am strangely interested.  Tell me more about this.... competition. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-30 10:44:36
31 seems like a high number.  I will have to see if this record can be broken. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-07-30 11:19:21
New record run.  46 posts a minute.  See if you can beat that.  Link (

RainySunshine and MasterXtreme dominate. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-07-30 16:02:45
WHAAAAAA?  Good job guys!  That is mighty impressive. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-07-30 20:09:39
WHAT?!  No way!  How... huh?!  Gonna beat that. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-07-30 20:19:02
Are you kidding me right now?  How did... No way!  Great job you guys.  We will definitely train to beat that record.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-07-30 22:07:15
Good job very impressive on that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-07-30 23:07:44
Call me impressed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-01 13:53:14
Some news is coming.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-01 14:19:21
Ooooh. •.•
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-01 17:30:12
What kind of news we talking?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-01 19:02:58
News :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-02 17:46:38
Naw, it's unimportant.  No news.  Darrin is making stuff up. Totally.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-08-02 17:58:31
When I know what's happening
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-02 18:01:13
Nothing is happening.  Stop it!  Stop it!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-08-02 18:03:02
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-02 18:08:39
^ That image intensified. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-02 18:09:57

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-02 18:19:20
Doh no news.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-02 18:41:21
Don't be fooled Umbreon.  Smiles is hiding something.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-02 18:53:09
^ Nope!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-08-02 19:07:57
New news?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-08-02 19:08:14
There be news
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-08-02 22:27:41
There she blows!

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-02 22:50:56
News news news.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-08-03 18:00:45
Thar she blows!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-08-03 18:16:26
Her nose
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-08-03 18:28:23
^ Please yes. ;D

The news has to be real close.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-03 23:21:17
Within 48 hours close.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-04 12:54:15

Birthday hint part one (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-08-06 17:09:12
49 is the new record (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-07 01:47:21
Well done.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-07 16:37:00
You guys are insane.  How do you even do that? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-08-10 15:13:46
41 ( for Soda and I.  Our highest yet!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-08-10 15:27:06
We just beat the site record with 50!   (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-10 15:40:33
Your excitement throughout your games, was adorable. :))
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-10 17:12:51
Congrats on beating the record.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-08-10 23:00:08
Your excitement throughout your games were adorable. :))

It really was. ;D  Wish I was there live.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: playstation man on 2017-08-11 00:32:04
Well then, I've finally broke the top ten for time spent online...... (I know right, such an addict!  ;D)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-08-11 12:46:46
^ Hold your head high! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-11 12:55:51
Before long you catch up with us.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-08-11 16:26:59
I won't catch up!  I won't. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-11 18:15:35
Maybe you will  ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-08-11 18:35:08
I'm not even in the top ten. ;)  It's okay though,  I am not here as much as others. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-08-12 18:11:15
Silverwing needs to update our clicker records. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-08-12 20:48:41
Adding it right now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-13 10:32:38
Good sport, Silver. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-14 08:06:54
Nice thanks.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-08-20 14:29:02
There is no reason to keep the site so hidden anymore I don't think... we can probably one it back up a bit for more people to see certain things.  Keep SZE stuff hidden, but everything else can be fine.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-21 15:23:32
POSSIBLE PSF DOWNTIME written by Darrin August 21, 2017

Wanted to give advance notice that the PSF forum might have potential disruptions during the transition to HTTPS switch.  What this will do is make PSF a more secure site not only for our content, but for you privacy and safety.  This change will be coming sometime within the next month, late August into early September.  Yasl is working away in his sweatbox room with the key thrown away.... well, not really. ;)  He has a fan. 

Just wanted to let you all know in advance incase PSF is down for a short time.  We will try to always give advance notice, but you don't always know when you are going to break a code or spill soda on your keyboard.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-08-21 16:14:23
Good to know, thanks.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-21 17:43:32
Nice thanks.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-21 17:47:34
Thank you for telling us. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-08-21 20:48:23
Good to know. :)

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-22 16:17:45
^ GOOD TO KNOW!  When those first came out, I spent several months talking in that voice and saying "Good to know" whenever I could. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-08-23 16:57:23

52 (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-08-23 17:18:11
You guys are amazing!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-08-24 11:53:09
Good to know!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-24 14:22:33
Oh no, not Blonic! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 11:54:54
We are in the process of a site update and it is possible we will have some downtime.  We will give notice when we clear things up, but right now we are aiming for Monday August 28, 2017.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 17:44:06

PSF could possible be down August 27th.  At the max, we will be down for 48 hours as we move from HTTP to HTTPS which will make our site far more secure.  Yasl says there is an   80% chance that there will be no downtime at all, and a 20% chance of downtime of some duration.  In the event of downtime, 2 days is the most likely the max.

We will have updates on our Deviant Art page, PSFFORUM, if you have questions or concerns.  You can contact us there or by our emails.  Thank you.

Track our progress here (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-26 17:46:04
Thanks for the warning.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 17:46:45
You are welcome.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-08-26 17:47:37
Very good to know and awesome for the safety upgrade.  That will be great.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-08-26 18:01:08
I know you have to give time for people to see it, but I would just do it now!  Get it done.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-26 18:05:49
Nice thanks for the warning.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:10:14
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-26 18:11:06
Done I bookmarked the page.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:11:58
Excellent.  I am going to make the dive... ETA five minutes.  We will see if the site goes down or not.  If it does, I will post on our Deviant Art page.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:12:51
It is 6:12pm.  We will do it at 6:15pm Pacific time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-26 18:13:10
Alright sweet :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:13:47
Hopefully this works, Umbreon.

See you on the other side. :)  Possibly two days, possibly two seconds.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-26 18:14:28
Farewell, PSF.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:14:49
Here we go....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-26 18:14:53
Yep see ya shortly but its good to change.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:15:00
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:15:29
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:15:35
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:16:17
I'm not sure if anything happened. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-26 18:16:24
Its done?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:18:23
I....I think so? 

I'm looking to see if our site is secure.. but only Yasl will know the best. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-26 18:19:03
Hmm I still see http but yasl might be able to tell.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:20:37
I still see http too.  He did say it might take up to 48 hours for the change to occur.  It has to go through the servers worldwide to change our address. 

But for now, it doesn't seem like there will be downtime of our site.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-26 18:21:44
Ah okay so will take some time then and good site still up.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-26 18:21:55
Well then, farewell, PSF. ^^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:22:11
Maybe.  Unless we did something wrong.  I guess we will find out soon enough. 

On my end, it says the change was successful and shows that it was done.  Yet I still see http.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-26 18:24:22
Could of been successfully done just could take bit of time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 18:50:23
Hopefully that is the case.  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-26 21:25:37
We'll just have to see what yawl says. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-26 21:44:42
Yep. Leave it to Yawl. ;p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-26 22:34:40

Okay, so we have some more information.  It worked and we have officially confirmation it worked.  Before we notice the https changes, Yasl will still have to do some work in the coming week, or when they have time.  We do need to wait 48 hours for the global thinga-magigs to recognize the changes we made on our end.  By Monday, yawl can continue the next part.  So it will be a process for him, but he's an expert. After they are finished, we should be golden.

No expected downtime unless, you know, someone breaks something. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-27 10:06:04
Well that's good to hear. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-27 12:17:38
Glad it went without a hitch so far.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-27 17:03:53

As of now, if we changed to HTTPS some people's INTERNET WOULD EXPLODE.  Also favorites or bookmarks of PSF would be obsolete.  So soon, Yasl will make it so it will automatically convert to HTTPS.

In the mean time, if you want to see if it works for you, try this and let us know if the speed is about the same or faster, slower, etc.  If something doesn't work, blah, blah.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-08-27 17:12:21
Holy crap, that's fast as hell
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-08-27 17:14:03
Oh my gosh!  It's like the site has 700hp and can do a sub 9 second quarter mile!  How did it become so fast? :O
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-27 20:46:26
It does seem faster.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-08-27 21:44:40
Oh wow, fancy!  It has a little locked lock now! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-08-27 22:35:42
The HTTPS works for me.  Thank you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-27 22:39:29
Yep, the HTTPS works like a charm. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-08-28 16:28:25
I still haven't been using it as my go too, but I will when the whole site converts.  It seems to be very quick, though the site is quick for me now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-08-28 16:32:21
If you click the "reply" button, we have no options for emoticons or font changing anymore.  It's just blank. 

@yasl @Darrin @Smiles2us
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-08-28 16:33:16
I always do the quick reply, but you are right.  It isn't there anymore. But if you know how to code what you want to do, it all still works. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-28 16:36:44
Tried on both the HTTP and HTTPS, buttons and smileys are still missing.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-28 16:56:42
I'm sorry to say I do not know what the problem is.  I looked through out logs.  I am sure it has something to do with our update in progress, and Yasl will hopefully have an answer.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-08-28 18:16:44
For some reason, youtube videos are black boxes for me. I can click on them but nothing happens.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-28 19:04:02
Smiley test  :o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-28 19:05:17
All the icons are there for me.
Title: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-08-28 22:51:49
For some reason, youtube videos are black boxes for me. I can click on them but nothing happens.
You mean just on board or at the source? I get those weird green boxes with sound but no picture sometimes.  Try rebooting and refreshing your computer.  That should do 'er.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-08-28 23:00:13
I think that is on your end more, Miggs.  All the Youtube videos I looked through here on the site are working and appear properly.

But I also don't see any reply options anymore, like changing the font, text size, or the smileys.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-08-28 23:08:47
In the reply page, I don't have access to all the posting options.  Nothing appears.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-08-28 23:09:08
Seems to be a widespread issue. It just disappeared.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-08-28 23:13:06
I'm curious as to where the smileys and stuff ran off too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-28 23:15:07
In due time, Yasl will explain all in his ever clever way. :)
Title: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2017-08-29 02:22:26
... I also don't see any reply options anymore, like changing the font, text size, or the smileys.

So that's not just me, then. I can do it manually, with brackets and a backslash, but that just seems like an extra step.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-08-29 02:42:20
Yeah, I fat-fingered a thing.  Whoops.  Trying to tweak too many things at once.  At 2am.  The best time to make changes to live websites.

In totally unrelated news: HTTP is now redirecting to HTTPS.  Woot!

I'll do some more cleanup in the coming days, but this was the big one.  No longer will your technically-inclined kid sister be able to read your PSF username and everything you post here (though she'll still be able to see that you /visit/, so don't let your guard down completely ;) ).
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-08-29 13:03:23
For some reason, youtube videos are black boxes for me. I can click on them but nothing happens.
You mean just on board or at the source? I get those weird green boxes with sound but no picture sometimes.  Try rebooting and refreshing your computer.  That should do 'er.
It was like...when you embed the video into posts.

It's all good now though. Dunno what was up those other days.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-29 14:17:19
Thanks for the info, Yasl. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-08-29 15:25:31
Thank you Yasl.  Everything works now and I get to see that beautiful HTTPS up there. :)  Thrilled about this.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-08-29 22:02:50
Oh cool it is https now!  You rock, Yasl!  Thank you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2017-08-29 22:03:16
Runs really fast.  Maybe I am fooling myself, but is seems faster then before.  Thank you for the hard work, Yasl.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-29 22:10:45
It really works. Thanks again, Y. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-08-29 23:16:37
Thanks, Yasl!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-30 04:27:04
Yes, thanks Yasl.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-30 15:31:11
Everything else seems to be working too.  This was a great implementation of this feature and you guys did it so smoothly and professionally.  Major props to Yasl and not Darrin.  ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-08-30 16:22:53
Thank you for all the handiwork on this project. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-30 16:23:45
^ These two who posted before me, made this day the one with the biggest post count this month. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-30 16:27:55

I've noticed the end of months for some reason tend to draw in on average more posts then the beginning of the month days.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-08-30 18:04:07
Such a slow post day.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-30 18:06:18
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-30 20:54:44
What on earth you guys!  Second busiest posting day EVER. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-30 20:56:55
Oh my gosh! We went past 1000! :o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-30 21:25:30
Yes they did.  They were busy bee's.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-08-30 21:30:06
Those busy bees. Buzzing like... like bees.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-08-30 21:32:24
Thankfully it wasn't like angry hornets. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-31 13:09:20
Were certainly busy :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-08-31 15:29:47
Busy indeed.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-08-31 19:05:21
Aww cute cat.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2017-08-31 22:33:15
Cat pulls up when driving like that and picks up all the ladies.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-09-01 10:56:31
Every day since the start of May 2017 has had over 100 posts or more. 

August 2017 was the third most posted in month and the second most viewed month in PSF history. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-09-01 22:58:30
For a short time to try and draw in some more legit members, the artwork and authors boards have been opened up for all to see.  This will end shortly, so if you know friend's who are on the edge, bring them in now!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-09-03 00:03:44
People are looking too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-09-07 11:42:36
Site is running great.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-09-08 21:55:43
Got to thank @yasl again for all his hard work.  That guy is great. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-09-09 11:23:27
^ He's pretty great.  He helps me understand stuff too.  I like working with him and learning from him.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-09-09 13:15:25
I've made it clear before, but without Yasl here, we'd all be communicating via snail mail. ;) 

(  <----Darrin creating a website.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-09-10 11:12:31
^ One of my favorIte Patrick scenes, lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-09-10 14:24:45
I did find that bit funny.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-09-13 11:51:14
Was going to give more feedback to the member groups topic... but someone locked it. :-\ 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-09-13 16:20:21
@AnyPoneDrawn Sorted  ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-09-14 11:02:37
The team that wins this season the PSF Clicker Championship will win a prize that not only includes DARRIN DOLLARS, but also another great prize.  :D  This should add some fun.

Coming soon, I will reveal the DARRIN DOLLAR monetary system which you can use to purchase stuff here on PSF. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-09-14 11:18:17
That will be great!  Thank you! ^

STANDINGS (Number of events) As of Sep 14, 2017.

1. MasterXtreme and RainySunshine 145 points. (3)
2. A-Team (Silverwing and APD) 135 points. (3)
3. Achieving Underachievers (Wolfwood and Grapefoot) 134 points. (3)
4. SodaRaine (Rainberry and Soda) 88 points. (2)

There are probably some people watching the events.  Anyone got teams they are rooting for to win?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-09-15 11:40:34
Better get SodaRaine's butt into gear! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-09-16 00:10:47
I sent them a reminder. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-09-16 20:12:11
They heeded it and I thank you for it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-09-18 11:12:23
Have a good week.  It's Monday!!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-09-18 11:55:02
Have a great week everyone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-09-18 12:50:22
Thank you.  Monday's can be hard to smile on, but when you come here to PSF.... that smile just sort of appears.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-09-18 13:49:50
Glad to make you smile. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-09-18 17:35:14
My smile quickly faded. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-09-18 19:54:26
PSF:  Making smiles disappear one smile at a time!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-09-18 21:35:42
That is not true at all.  I come here to have my day brightened! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-09-18 21:36:26
Exactly!  I was going to say that would be a bad marketing campaign.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-09-18 21:50:27
PSF Chat II hit 3,000 posts tonight on Sep 18. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-09-18 21:50:43
Das' a lot of posts
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-09-18 21:53:35
More then not that much at all really.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-09-18 22:04:15
Good job you guys!  Wow!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-09-20 21:46:49
Darrin says no news today.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-09-21 13:43:39
Unless Darrin says it.... it ain't no DARRIN Dollars!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-09-25 14:43:17
We are going to be changing our member ranking system and make it have more meaning to rank yourself up!  Stay tuned folks.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-09-30 18:57:51
I wanted to proudly announce to you all that THIS is the 9000th post for the month.  This one right here.  I worked really hard to get twenty posts to saw this.  :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-09-30 22:57:35
Thank you, Silverwing!  You made this month special. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-10-01 11:17:30
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-10-04 14:24:25
There are a few new member rankings up, but which direction we take them depends on your feedback. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-10-04 15:26:00
Nice new rankings.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-10-04 15:26:30
How can we see the rankings?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-10-04 15:28:02
Look under your name.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-10-04 15:29:27
I don't even know what the old rankings were, so like, is there a way to see all the different rankings on people?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-10-04 15:32:09

You can look at the rankings here, but it only shows people who have achieved that ranking.  Who knows what mystery lies ahead still.  Rank is based off post count.

HERE (;sort=posts;start=0;desc)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-10-04 15:32:21
I'm not sure :/
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-10-04 15:32:52

You can look at the rankings here, but it only shows people who have achieved that ranking.  Who knows what mystery lies ahead still.  Rank is based off post count.

HERE (;sort=posts;start=0;desc)
I'm not sure :/

Thank you both.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-10-04 15:33:30
Your welcome.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-10-04 16:18:18
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-10-05 18:26:49
Yeah, there are a few new rankings.  Any feedback for more would be good.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-10-08 22:29:50
Thanks for the terrific feedback.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-10-09 02:52:23
Yes thanks everyone. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-10-09 15:33:18
Yes thanks everyone. :)

No one gave feedback... ;)

But hey, I got what we need anyways.  No worries.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-10-10 10:16:47
That's good then. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-10-10 13:27:19
Sorry we were so worthless at providing feedback on that. Lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-10-10 23:02:50
That's okay it wasn't easy. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-10-11 13:32:56
it was extremely easy.  People were just too lazy or didn't care!  Gosh you people.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-10-19 10:48:32
Someone is going to break a very obscure milestone on our site very soon. They are going to be rewarded.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-10-22 20:11:08
^ I don't even know what this could be. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-10-22 20:47:23
How obscure we talkin?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-10-22 21:00:48
Did you guys notice I purposely leave the letter "x" out of all my sentences?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-10-22 21:02:22
Did you guys notice I purposely leave the letter "x" out of all my sentences?

I haven’t noticed. :o

I do things like that, tho. I purposely leave sense out of all my sentences. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-10-22 21:11:25
^ Lol, ya don't say? ;) 

Did you know I play the ylophone?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-10-22 21:12:53
Why, no. How nice. ^-^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-10-22 21:13:28
Hey, that sentence made sense! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-10-22 21:15:15
Bicycles inside dust particles found on Venus.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-10-22 21:17:36

Of course.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-10-23 14:10:45
Maybe you noticed my new shave level.  I trim it so even less stubble is showing now.  Very nice and smooth.  Very professional. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2017-10-24 13:37:32
Or how I only post the word, "rudimentary" on the 24th of every other month. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-10-25 11:04:36
Those are very obscure things you do guys. Geez.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-11-05 17:11:29
Sadly, due to a recent event that took place Sunday, I will have to be away for a few days.  Please relay all your questions and concerns to Smiles and the mod staff.  Sorry, this was very unexpected, but so was what happened Sunday. 

I will be back soon.  Take care everyone. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-11-05 18:08:22
Good luck, Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-11-06 13:27:47
Best of luck to you, Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-11-07 08:13:46
Take care, Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-11-08 11:05:29
Thank you for the support. I really appreciate the messages of good will and prayer as well. It means a lot. Difficult time right now indeed. I should be back more regularly by Sunday.  Again I thank you my friends.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-11-08 11:32:12
Were always here for you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-11-08 11:34:40
I wasn't as a the seriousness of your a sense but I could tell something was wrong. Take care, Darrin. I hope you and your family are doing well after this tragedy. As good as you can at least. You are in our prayers.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-11-08 16:56:25
Of course, Darrin. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-11-08 16:57:18
We're with you of course. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-11-09 11:23:48
Thank you for all the recent little tweaks and changes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-11-12 10:48:58
I am now back for the time being. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-11-12 10:50:46
Welcome back. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-11-12 14:17:14
Welcome home.  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-11-12 16:46:41
Welcome home!  Glad to have you back.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-11-12 23:38:10
Pleased to have you back.  Hope things went as good as they could have.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-11-13 11:42:43
Thank you for the support team!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-11-13 22:10:13
Anytime Darrin. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-11-13 23:35:07
We are also going to be nearing our third year online here starting in 2018.  That is crazy.  THREE YEARS.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-11-14 09:53:02
Yes time does seem to go fast these days.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-11-14 11:50:37
Holy hell, three years?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-11-14 12:08:00
Oh my gosh. That means Ive known some people here almost five years!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-11-15 13:45:02
It is amazing actually. :)  I'm glad to have known so many of you.  We've been through a lot as a community.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-11-16 00:06:09
Hopefully that means you won't have to pay anytime soon for the site again. :P  I know it was expensive.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-11-17 12:55:41
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-11-18 12:26:35
Lol. I dont even know when our term is up. I have to look.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-11-19 12:15:29
Hopefully no time soon.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-11-21 12:12:30
Anyone going to set up a Secret Santa this year? 

Was it Silverwing who never got their gift last year from their Secret Santa?  Whoever it was, they need to be rewarded this year, Secret Santa or not.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-11-21 12:39:03
I thought he did though? I remember it being mentioned they gave it to him.

Although I'd be down to give him a thing for a Not-so-Secret Santa. Like a free commission or something.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-11-21 19:42:45
Nah, I don't think he ever got it. :-\

As for this year's SS, maybe I'll do something for someone. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-11-21 22:26:04
He never got his gift. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-11-21 22:32:14
Shame. Real shame. He's a cool dude, deserves one.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-11-21 22:48:57
I did draw them a little something, and they were appreciative.  It was several months later, as I didn't know until then.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-11-22 00:00:42
So who wants to start it this year or will we do it privately?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-11-22 10:14:06
It will be up to the private sector this year, you guys.  Just like last year.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-11-22 11:16:50
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-11-22 11:30:50
^ ;D  Yes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-11-26 12:42:22
For a split second when looking at that image for the video, I thought it was Groundhog Day, one of my fav movies.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-11-27 15:55:51
That is a good movie, I agree. :)  One of my favorite 90s films.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-11-28 00:09:14
Gosh, I have not seen that movie in ages.  I want to watch Groundhog Day now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-11-29 12:18:59
Possible Site Downtime

There may be some site downtime this weekend, and there might not be.  Shortly, we will be conducting a minor site upgrade that will improve safety to and security to the system.  We will share more information.  The last few times, these updates had zero down time, but you never know if they will.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2017-11-29 18:56:36
Thanks for the update, Smiles!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-11-30 12:42:06
Thanks Smiles. :)  She knows more then me sometimes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-11-30 15:31:15
Thanks for updating us. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-11-30 21:53:03
*Gets prepared to freak out if the site is down 30 seconds this weekend.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-12-01 17:29:34

So there may be some downtime, but it will be when most of you go to sleep.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-12-01 22:32:06

If anyone smells something burning, let me know...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-12-01 23:49:43

Don't see anything.

What did the update do, anything we would notice, @yasl ?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-12-02 01:22:41
Nah, you shouldn't notice anything.  Just some minor patch fixes.  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-12-02 09:56:45
Everything seems fine.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2017-12-02 13:03:11
Thank you, Yasl.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-12-02 23:09:57
Thanks Yasl for the continued background work. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-12-04 06:29:20
Cheers, y'all.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2017-12-04 22:14:05
Cheers! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-12-05 13:06:45
Gosh I would love to have our fun PSF logos reappear and be easy to change.  I am looking at our past Christmas PSF logo, and I got one I can make as a gif so a few Christmas lights flash.  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-12-05 13:16:09
That would look really good. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-12-05 13:21:04
I know.  I wish this site was as easy as in the past to update.  Unfortunately, Yasl does all the stuff now, and i hope it isn't a burden.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-12-06 12:57:31
I wish it didn't cost you guys so much money.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-12-07 08:39:53
I know in the past you said you wouldn't ask for money... but why not do a donation thing to help pay for the site's costs?

We all use this site as a service, so why shouldn't we have the choice to help pay for a service we enjoy?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-12-07 08:50:40
I know in the past you said you wouldn't ask for money... but why not do a donation thing to help pay for the site's costs?

We all use this site as a service, so why shouldn't we have the choice to help pay for a service we enjoy?

Don't feel right about taking other's money.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-12-07 23:15:13
Heck with you then Darrin.  We need to get Smiles to set up a fund page for this place.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-12-08 05:42:55
I know.  I wish this site was as easy as in the past to update.  Unfortunately, Yasl does all the stuff now, and i hope it isn't a burden.

You should be able to temporarily change the main logo by using the File Manager in cPanel, or by FTP.  Rename the file "public_html/Themes/green-ornamental_09/images/psf.png" and upload the new one where it was before.  When done, delete or rename the new one and move the old one back.

Or just chuck the temporary logo at me over PM ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-12-08 09:26:44
DOOO ETTTT, or test it out at least, Darrin. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2017-12-08 09:40:47
I know I'm really curious to as what it will look like. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-12-08 13:05:09
I know in the past you said you wouldn't ask for money... but why not do a donation thing to help pay for the site's costs?

We all use this site as a service, so why shouldn't we have the choice to help pay for a service we enjoy?


Your the last hope, make an account so we can donate money. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-12-09 12:45:39
I know in the past you said you wouldn't ask for money... but why not do a donation thing to help pay for the site's costs?

We all use this site as a service, so why shouldn't we have the choice to help pay for a service we enjoy?


Your the last hope, make an account so we can donate money.

Maybe at the start of the year I will start something. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-12-10 21:35:27
Thanks Smiles.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2017-12-12 12:50:34
So when do they ask for their money?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-12-12 23:31:57
Probably anytime, end of the year, start of the year.  Or whenever he created the site... which was about this time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-12-13 22:02:10
We have a yearly bill too that involves buying the rights to our name and hosting... and I feel like I am getting ripped off a the price, but our yearly price is $40.00.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-12-14 00:15:53
That sounds like a steep price.

Okay, so how can I donate?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-12-14 13:38:12
You can try PayPal at [email protected].  I don't know if our actual PSF email is set up to PayPal. :P  But I know that email is.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-12-15 12:01:02
I hit 10,000 posts today. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: yasl on 2017-12-15 12:03:12
$40/yr is not a really steep price for hosting.  $5/month is typical for up-front, fixed-term, small, single-server websites; domain registration is often extra on top of that.  $40/yr = $3.33/month, so it's pretty okay (presumably there's a pay-for-a-couple-of-years-in-advance discount going on here).

We could /probably/ get cheaper with a pay-for-what-you-use service... but then if there was a "black swan" event, you'd be on the hook for a bajillion dollars, instead of just having the site be down for a while.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-12-15 12:17:56
I think it's better to do it the safe way.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-12-16 12:54:25
Safer is better then sorry.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-12-16 13:20:23
Rainy, you hit 10,000 posts too! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-12-16 13:24:13
What?  Oh!  COOL! :D

Wow.  I just realized you don't even have 5,000!  I thought you had way more then that! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2017-12-16 13:26:00
I thought so too, but, *shrug* I don't. ;p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2017-12-16 13:29:04
Is there a way to see all members post count someplace on this forum?

EDIT: Nvm, I found it. :D

Side note, Kiwi is the newest member with the highest post count too.  She joined in 2017 and has almost 1,000 posts!  Never knew that!  Also never knew Wolfwood has 5,000 posts!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2017-12-17 00:23:50
Three new sneezy topics to enjoy everyone!

1 (;boardseen#new)
2 (
3 (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-12-19 09:03:41
Thanks everyone!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-12-21 13:00:16
I'm glad people are creating content and sharing it. :)  Makes things fresh.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2017-12-22 11:51:28
Me too.  :)  It's great to come in and see something different and new.  Everyone's in the giving Christmas spirit it seems.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-12-23 00:04:03
Indeed. I felt the same way. No telling what might happen on Christmas Day.

Site randomly locked due to rule 51a of Proboards law...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2017-12-24 21:54:47
^ Don't even joke about that!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-12-25 10:26:00
MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-12-26 00:06:48
Next we got New Years.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-12-26 16:29:30
So some people were asking how long we got everything running on this site.

So let me be transparent and answer some questions.  We pay yearly for our domain name but have hosting service paid off till 2021. 

Hopefully that clears things up. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2017-12-27 16:48:06
Thanks for the information, Darrin.  So we got some time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2017-12-31 12:44:53
Plenty of time.  2021 is a ways away.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-01 00:23:12
This is the very first post for 2018 here on PSF using PSF's time zone.  I feel accomplished. 

I wish you all an awesome 2018!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-01 00:32:38
Also I was the first person to post in every single board for 2018.  Lucky me!
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-01 00:33:15
Did you guys remember PSF had a live chat?  I forgot about it until tonight.  It has probably literally months since I remembered it or been in there.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-01 00:37:15
This is the very first post for 2018 here on PSF using PSF's time zone.  I feel accomplished. 

I wish you all an awesome 2018!

Also I was the first person to post in every single board for 2018.  Lucky me!

And because you were the first person to post in 2018 based off PSF's timezone, you just won an award, plus since you somehow did my secondary prizes without realizing by posting in each board first, you also win all the secondary prizes....

Contact me for your prize.  You can share what you won to others once you claim them all. Congrats to you, MasterX!!!! :D :D  Happy 2018! @MasterXtreme
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-01-01 01:20:58
Any prizes for not being in the top 10? ;)  Good job, MasterX.  I wanna know the prize!  Let us know!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-01 12:24:43
This is the very first post for 2018 here on PSF using PSF's time zone.  I feel accomplished. 

I wish you all an awesome 2018!

Also I was the first person to post in every single board for 2018.  Lucky me!

And because you were the first person to post in 2018 based off PSF's timezone, you just won an award, plus since you somehow did my secondary prizes without realizing by posting in each board first, you also win all the secondary prizes....

Contact me for your prize.  You can share what you won to others once you claim them all. Congrats to you, MasterX!!!! :D :D  Happy 2018! @MasterXtreme

Way too generous.  So apparently... The first post of 2018 would get $10 Amazon card.  The first person to post in each board also would win a $5 Amazon card.  There are thirteen boards and I was the first to post in each.  I won $65 dollars plus the $10 for posting first.  I won $75 dollars in Amazon card.

I of course will not accept that!  It is an amazingly generous reward.  I'll happily take zero.  I don't need it.  Give it to other winners or save it for the site.  If I must, I will take $5 or the $10 but no more.  Thank you for the reward. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-01 12:26:30
You have to win it all.  It's the rules I made up.  Congrats! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-01 12:26:50
This is the very first post for 2018 here on PSF using PSF's time zone.  I feel accomplished. 

I wish you all an awesome 2018!

Also I was the first person to post in every single board for 2018.  Lucky me!

And because you were the first person to post in 2018 based off PSF's timezone, you just won an award, plus since you somehow did my secondary prizes without realizing by posting in each board first, you also win all the secondary prizes....

Contact me for your prize.  You can share what you won to others once you claim them all. Congrats to you, MasterX!!!! :D :D  Happy 2018! @MasterXtreme

Way too generous.  So apparently... The first post of 2018 would get $10 Amazon card.  The first person to post in each board also would win a $5 Amazon card.  There are thirteen boards and I was the first to post in each.  I won $65 dollars plus the $10 for posting first.  I won $75 dollars in Amazon card.

I of course will not accept that!  It is an amazingly generous reward.  I'll happily take zero.  I don't need it.  Give it to other winners or save it for the site.  If I must, I will take $5 or the $10 but no more.  Thank you for the reward. :D

You have to win it all.  It is the rules I made up.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-01 12:29:07
@Smiles2us , @Umbreon , @1234

Do you know who the last post of 2017 was?  It needs to be based off of the PSF timezone, so that would be Pacific.  I am looking but can't find who it was.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-01 12:30:55
I think it was Kiwi with this post.  I am pretty positive of this.

Link (
Title: 2017/18 AWARD WINNERS!
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-01 12:35:09
Congratulations to MASTEREXTREME and ________ (Pending)

MasterXtreme has won $75 dollars in Amazon gift cards for being the first member to post on PSF for 2018.  That reward is $10.  They were also the first person to post in each board for 2018.  Each board was worth $5!

We are currently looking to see who the last person to post for 2017 was for their reward. :)

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-01-01 12:35:42
I think it was Kiwi with this post.  I am pretty positive of this.

Link (

Nope. It was Soda. ;)

Link (
Title: 2017/18 AWARD WINNERS!
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-01 12:37:19
Congratulations to MASTEREXTREME and SODA (Pending)

MasterXtreme has won $75 dollars in Amazon gift cards for being the first member ( to post on PSF for 2018.  That reward is $10.  They were also the first person to post in each board for 2018.  Each board was worth $5!

Soda also wins a $10 Amazon gift card for being the last person ( to post in 2017 on PSF!  Contact me for your rewards.

Title: 2017/18 AWARD WINNERS!
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-01 12:38:39
Is it normal to feel bad that I took away an opportunity for so many to win money?  I didn't know! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-01-01 13:01:26
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, waaaaaait.

Why didn't you announce there was going to be a New Years awards giveaway? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-01-01 13:01:43
Nah, it's normal-ish, MasterX

Congrats tho, Master and Soda
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-01 13:02:11
Because it is so much more fun to be a surprise!  People probably like this better then DARRIN DOLLARS... but I don't see how they could.  DARRIN DOLLARS are far superior.
Title: Re: 2017/18 AWARD WINNERS!
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-01 13:03:04
Is it normal to feel bad that I took away an opportunity for so many to win money?  I didn't know!

You should feel good on capitalizing on something I tell people to do all the time, "post!"  You did it, you got the rewards.  Stop whining.  ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-01-01 13:04:26
Because it is so much more fun to be a surprise!  People probably like this better then DARRIN DOLLARS... but I don't see how they could.  DARRIN DOLLARS are far superior.

That seems fair.  I do like surprises like that.  I will say that was WAY too generous of you.  The comp certainly gave many opportunities for people to win money, but no one stayed on past midnight it seems for NEW YEARS, LOL.  Thats pretty funny.  Congrats to the winners.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-01-01 15:48:53
Oh my gosh... I told you not to, Darrin!  That is too much money!  Oh my gosh! 

*Buries head in my hands.*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2018-01-01 19:48:03
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-01 20:30:11
^ You're welcome.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-01-02 12:54:28
I love how opposite Smiles and Darrin can be.  They balance each other out. ;D   Like ying and yang.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-01-04 15:39:12
Record breaking runs on the PSF Clicker games!

Two teams broke records today with 56 posts per minute (ppm)  The previous record had been 53ppm.  The new record shattered the old record.

Silverwing and APD

MasterXtreme and Rainysunshine.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-05 16:42:54
January 4, 2018, we had over 1,000 posts in a day!  Wow!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-01-05 17:06:17
I never noticed! :o

Everybody playing the clicker game that day, might've helped. ;p
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-01-05 18:02:07
Totally helped.  Everyone was insane.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2018-01-06 13:43:38
You guys are nuts.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-09 12:17:50
I saw that 1,000 post day and just was blown away.  Amazing.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-10 20:47:45
Hey Darrin... it's Hump Day....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-10 21:46:24
@1234  and @Umbreon

Hey... you guys rock.  I want to thank you.  Contact me...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-01-10 23:35:49

From literally one post to over 300 today, in just a couple hours... O_o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2018-01-11 05:17:03
I don't know if that's impressive or sad.   
Do we even have lives anymore?   ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-01-11 16:56:53
^ I saw that at lol'd when I check for a new comic. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-01-11 16:57:49

From literally one post to over 300 today, in just a couple hours... O_o

Three is a crowd. ;D  It was pretty much three people talking. ;D Well... six... two different groups of three.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-01-11 16:58:07
I don't know if that's impressive or sad.   
Do we even have lives anymore?   ;)

Oh gosh.... I hope I don't look similar to that when I wake up. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-01-12 15:29:05
Oh dear... the details.  :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-13 20:44:11
Because I would totally do this.

( (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-01-14 23:06:10
Oh my gosh..... Darrin. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Captain Ridiculous on 2018-01-15 19:50:13
Haha!  That's funny.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-01-16 17:01:42
His face at the end is what gets me.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2018-01-16 17:09:32
Yeah, that's totally up there with embarrassing acronyms ( for me. It's, like, do you not have a planning committee to run that one past?

I thought of this one when I looked outside and saw a couple inches or so of snow on the ground.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-01-16 17:16:31
Lol! ^ Thats hilarious!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-16 19:46:57
Oh dear. :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2018-01-17 14:12:46
In the latest strip, Ronnie goes to see a doctor about his chronic flatulence....


Talk about talking out of your ass....    :-]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2018-01-17 17:56:02
That is very worrisome.  Imagine how frightening that would be!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-01-18 13:03:42
What is with that comic?!
Title: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2018-01-18 22:13:04
Imagine how frightening that would be!
Sadly, that isn't the first time Ronnie has talked out of his butt. Debatably that one was even worse (

What is with that comic?!
Some have wondered if the artist of Whomp! is a truly troubled man.   I can relate....    :')
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-19 14:26:10
^ Lol!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-01-22 14:07:48
Rainberry & Soda dominated the PSF Clicker Game today breaking a record.  57 posts in 60 seconds!  That is incredible.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-01-22 14:19:16
They rock!  I'm rooting for them if it isn't Silver and I up at the top. :D  Go beat MasterX and Rainy. ;) 

Also I like seeing Kiwi and Foxtail doing so good too!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-01-23 19:45:15
Rainberry & Soda dominated the PSF Clicker Game today breaking a record.  57 posts in 60 seconds!  That is incredible.

That is amazing actually.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-01-24 14:09:13
WOW.  That's.... like....superhuman!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-01-25 18:11:54
Is it funny i root for the other teams to do great?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-01-28 22:35:12
^ I do the same thing.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-01-29 16:50:16
WHOMP Comics are very disturbing sometimes. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-01-30 16:08:49
I was thinking of smiley faces again... and thought of a new one.

Why don't we have a scared face?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-01-30 16:52:26
Good idea. :D I could work on it next weekend.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-01-30 17:00:53
Yeah sounds good looking forward to the new smiley.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-01-30 17:57:53
I like that idea!  Also what about a shocked smiley?  I know we got one that looks confused... but like an actual SHOCKED one.

Big eyes and like an open mouth in shock!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-01-30 17:58:59
I like it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-01-30 18:02:11
This is really silly, but I have thought to make tiny sprites of Rainberry and Soda, just their characters heads, in various emotions.  Like emoticons, but with people's characters to be used for the site.  So smileys of our OC's you can use on the forum pretty much.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-01-31 13:33:57
Thats pretty cool of an idea.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-02-01 11:58:54
That is a good idea.  I like it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-02-02 13:53:23
Is there a program that people would recommend to make drawings into pixels?  Maybe we can do something like that?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-02-04 10:19:40
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-02-05 14:18:54
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2018-02-05 21:03:39
You mean convert .jpegs into bitmaps, or pixilate faces like they do to suspects on those cop dramas?  Because, yeah, Silver and the Rain-Man are right; I can do both on Photoshop.   
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-02-06 12:25:58
Their's also some other programs.  Affinity Designer does.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2018-02-07 13:41:53
This might be the wrong place to post this... but the PSF Clicker game, after the season ends, whoever is in control should make a bigger deal about the season ending.  This season's winners were glossed over and the awards too.  It should be a bigger deal with a formal announcement or something.  Make it feel more special for the winning team.  Just an idea. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-02-09 16:02:02
This might be the wrong place to post this... but the PSF Clicker game, after the season ends, whoever is in control should make a bigger deal about the season ending.  This season's winners were glossed over and the awards too.  It should be a bigger deal with a formal announcement or something.  Make it feel more special for the winning team.  Just an idea. :)

Thanks, I agree.  We will try to do that better at the end of next season.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-02-10 16:45:40
Nice idea, Foxy!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-02-19 01:01:30
Might want to watch and found out... this account may be a spammer or a bot.

Link (;u=365)

Not sure yet.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-02-19 22:42:55
Thanks.  Like you said, it is hard to tell still.  Broken English?  Not sure yet either.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-02-21 15:34:50
They haven't come back, so it might be nothing to worry about.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-02-22 19:53:46
It might be a nothing burger...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-02-23 13:58:46
Knock on wood, but there actually hasn't been any spammer problems at all as of late which is great. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2018-02-24 10:43:33
Thats true.  :)  I remember we had to worry about it from time to time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-02-25 00:27:32
Then last year that was that month bots kept making accounts but kept getting blocked. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-03-01 17:35:28
We've been lucky so far this year.  Knock on wood.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2018-03-04 00:31:48
Anyone ever see those wooden keyboards?  They are mechanical, but made of pure wood.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-03-04 11:53:57
Just looked it up. Neato
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-03-04 16:22:46
Same here had a look some do look pretty though.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-03-04 17:58:35
They look really neat, especially the ones with the wood grain all going one direction and in line with each other.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-03-04 19:28:27
Yeah, I saw those on Amazon last Christmas.  Wasn't sure what I thought about them.  They look nice though.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-03-05 15:21:06
They have very cheap versions on Amazon too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2018-03-06 14:10:16
I saw a review on Youtube.  They said as cool as they are, normal keyboards function better.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-03-08 14:34:35
For the price, it is better just to get a normal keyboard.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-03-10 00:04:57
Wood would get worn too I assume... and it can CATCH ON FIRE. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-03-10 11:18:23
You know what else can catch fire?
Title: Talk about a flame war...!
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2018-03-10 12:56:43
What sort of paces are you putting your poor keyboard through, dear....?

That has to be staged with some sort of accelerant.  Cool, but dangerous. The foam in those extinguishers is under extreme pressure, and perforating or damaging the canister could result in a massive, messy explosion.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-03-10 14:02:44
You know what else can catch fire?

Lol!  Thats a bad sign if that happens!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-03-11 01:39:27
Never knew they could catch fire.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-03-11 11:21:30
How does that happen?  Those are supposed to save us from fire!  Not catch on fire!

My guess is someone put something flammable on top of the fire ex then took a picture of that stuff burning.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-03-11 13:32:24
Yeah, probably
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-03-11 14:33:34
Thats also extremely dangerous.  The contents are under pressure and the device could explode.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-03-11 14:52:17
Yeah, but memes, dude. Gotta think of the memes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-03-11 20:37:00
I don't get memes.  I didn't know what they were up till about a year and a half ago.  I just called them funny pictures.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-03-11 22:21:22
Memes help keep me alive
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2018-03-12 18:52:17
Love that new signature, Miggs! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-03-12 19:02:51
Yeah, it's cute. :3
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-03-12 20:40:37
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-03-13 15:25:35
I like how concerned she looks holding that... chicken thing. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-03-14 18:04:38
She seems so worried that someone is catching her holding that chicki!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2018-03-15 15:39:49
All it took was one poke and that chicky-poo blobbed all night.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-03-16 12:42:46
Reminds me of jelly.
Title: Jelly belly
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2018-03-16 13:35:01
(a la Homer Simpson)   Mmmmmmmmmm....  Chicken jelly.   (slavers)

...Actually, there is such a thing;  it's called aspic.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-03-16 13:35:49
Aspic: A savory jelly made with meat stock, set in a mold and used to contain pieces of meat, seafood, or eggs.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2018-03-16 21:59:54
Or, that clear goopy stuff in a can of dog food that kind of looks like boogers.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-03-17 01:00:49
OH!  The congealed fat!  ^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-03-19 14:41:23
^ Ewww... I've always wondered what you call that stuff.  I guess it is just nasty fat juices.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-03-19 23:59:48
I cringe at that stuff.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2018-03-21 13:32:57
Little sausage anyone? ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-03-22 16:33:41
Uh... no.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-03-24 15:57:11
Site is back online after being down for about thirty minutes from 3:30pm to 4:00pm.  There was an incoming "attack" I guess I will call it from some bot spamming the site.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-03-25 09:10:48
Good to hear every thing is okay.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-03-25 11:44:44
Glad it was fixed.  Interesting, wonder who was doing that?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-03-26 15:44:15
We got the IP. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-03-30 10:54:27
The IP returned yesterday, but only visited a few spots.  Interesting.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-03-30 12:39:58
Hmm Indeed.  :o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-03-30 21:03:42
Hopefully it is nothing.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-03-31 21:05:23
We're good. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-04-01 09:05:30
Happy Easter everyone!  Hope you all have a great day!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-04-01 12:44:27
Happy Easter. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-04-01 15:12:59
Happy Easter.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-04-02 22:34:29
^ Thank you.  You too. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-04-03 15:48:24
You are welcome.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2018-04-05 16:09:39
Happy Thursday!  One day till the weekend!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-04-06 00:31:31
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-04-06 13:25:57
Congrats to our big winners in the 4th season in the PSF Clickers game series!  To find out who won the $20 Amazon gift cards, click here!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: TheBeesSneeze on 2018-04-07 21:01:52
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-04-08 00:42:16
I want to congratulate Kiwi and FoxTail for their big win!  They showed consistency all season and truly dominated at times!  MasterX and I really tried and the legitimately beat us!  They were more consistent then us and got some major wins this season!  A second season team that already acts like veterans!  They almost won their first season too!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-04-09 17:18:18
Congrats, Kiwi and Fox! :D

Another thing. We got a new "legendary member" with over 10,000 posts. ;D

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-04-09 17:22:52
Wow! Congrats to them too!  Thats awesome! *Claps*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2018-04-09 22:16:26
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2018-04-10 13:58:52
Congrats to Kiwi and Fox!  What an awesome accomplishment on their part to be able to beat MasterX and Rainy.  They were the only competitive people on the same playing field as them. ;D  Everyone else was like children!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-04-11 13:43:57
Kiwi and FoxTail are an amazing duo!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2018-04-14 00:00:32
Thanks everyone! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: sunnygirl on 2018-04-15 23:11:07
I’ve only been here a few days, I love this place. Thankyou for creating such a friendly place. ☺️ Everyone had been very nice. I enjoy coming here very much. 😊
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-04-16 14:41:31
Glad you enjoy it. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: sunnygirl on 2018-04-16 19:19:36
Glad you enjoy it. :)
Thankyou. 😊
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-04-16 20:23:54
I'm happy you enjoy it too.  I've been a part of the community since... 2012?  2013?  Wow... It's been a long time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-04-20 13:36:39
The General Board ( hit 97,000 posts today!!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-04-20 13:52:47
Holy hell
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-04-20 13:59:02
Oh wow.  We're getting closer to 100k!  Cripes!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-04-21 00:20:03
Thats a lot of posts.  Wow. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-04-21 08:55:28
Woah we are getting there. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-04-22 11:20:46
Oh hey, we're 2 members away from 200.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-04-22 11:39:15
Oh wow!  I also realized we have over a million posts on our site.  200 members is more then PSF 1.0.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: sunnygirl on 2018-04-22 15:47:12
I'm happy you enjoy it too.  I've been a part of the community since... 2012?  2013?  Wow... It's been a long time.
Thankyou. Yes that has been a long time. And that’s great about the site reaching 200 members. 😁
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2018-04-23 16:52:17
I think we were around 180 before on our old website.  So thats awesome to reach that milestone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-04-23 23:42:06
It's a great accomplishment. :D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-04-24 14:08:54
So is the several million views!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-04-25 15:56:03
Yep certainly is. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-04-25 20:25:58
I like your new avatar, Umbreon.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-04-26 04:31:58
Hehe thanks. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2018-04-26 16:22:02
I like it too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-04-28 10:21:23
Sort of mischievous looking.  I can't tell what they are trying to express exactly. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-04-28 18:32:44
I can't either. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-04-28 21:59:27
You just open your eyes in the middle of the night and you see that face at the edge of the bed before you....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-04-30 15:43:28
You just open your eyes in the middle of the night and you see that face at the edge of the bed before you....

I would feel very unnerved. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2018-05-01 15:37:08
Sneeze Card Game.... that needs to happen guys.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-01 16:38:42
You guys created 84 new topics last month! WOW.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-05-02 14:32:09
We're nuts.  How do we do that many topics?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-05-03 05:54:02
Not sure but it's a good thing. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-05-03 14:55:09
Talkative.  Its a good thing and promote more conversations. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-05-04 10:47:01
I've been noticing the other SF related communities are all suffering from external outages on their sites.  The blue site hasn't even been working all week.  Any ideas?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-05-04 10:49:23
NVM.  Both their sites are working today.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-05-04 20:18:31
It's because they made a few changes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2018-05-04 20:42:11
I wonder what they changed?  They look the same.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-05-04 21:30:56
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-05-04 21:33:28

Hmmm... how to celebrate.....  Oh, lets celebrate the occasion with this! (

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-05-05 06:39:45
Welp. There we go. Our 200th member. (;u=372) ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2018-05-05 12:02:08
Hope our 200th member knows what a milestone they achieved!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-06 11:17:24
Minor changes and safety features.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2018-05-06 23:41:07
So many milestones.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2018-05-07 18:06:05
I past mile marker 10 today.  Does that win any awards? ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-07 19:57:34
Thats good for a stick of gum.  Savor it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-05-08 16:28:48
Not sure if this was on purpose, but I noticed before logging in today that the MEDIA Section of the site was visible to guests.  It never usually is.  Is this a mistake or on purpose?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-05-08 20:46:47
It was done temporarily on purpose. :)  Thanks for letting us know though. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-08 21:17:25
Not sure if this was on purpose, but I noticed before logging in today that the MEDIA Section of the site was visible to guests.  It never usually is.  Is this a mistake or on purpose?

Yep, it was just temporary. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-05-11 21:17:39
Nice of you to open it up sometimes for outsiders to view.  Might make them want to become full time members.  I feel when we hide it, people don't realize how much content there really is sometimes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: IdiotFarm on 2018-05-12 18:44:56
Hey there,
I'm kinda new to this forum(*w00t!*)and one thing I can't figure out is how to attach images to a post?
Every time I click preview, the image doesn't show up XD
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-05-12 19:08:39
Hey there,
I'm kinda new to this forum(*w00t!*)and one thing I can't figure out is how to attach images to a post?
Every time I click preview, the image doesn't show up XD

Welcome to the site.

To post an image, do the following-----> [.img]url of pic you wanna post[/.img] (without the dots).

Or click the quote button to see how I post this mage below.


Did that help?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: IdiotFarm on 2018-05-12 20:00:12
Did that help?

I see the attach image button, only what if I wanted to post an image from my computer?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-05-12 20:03:40
Then do what I already told you.

If you really mean, attach an image, click "Preview" instead of using Quick Reply. Then go to "Attachments and other options", click the button and select the file you wanna upload from your computer.

Hope that helped. ^^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-12 20:09:44
Did that help?

I see the attach image button, only what if I wanted to post an image from my computer?

You can use the site's memory by uploading it through the site, or you can use a DeviantArt link OR use a third party hosting website.  if you use a third party hosting website, use the BBCode.  It's as easy as drag and drop the image you want to use from your computer.  < Click new post at the top
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: IdiotFarm on 2018-05-12 20:20:14
You can use the site's memory by uploading it through the site

These all are pictures from my computer, not hosted on other websites. And each time I try "Attachments and other options", the picture never shows up when I try to preview the post. So is there really no way to upload picture files here, unless it's a link to another website?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-05-12 20:21:37
Try posting it instead of just previewing. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-12 20:23:11
Try dragging the photos you want to upload onto your desktop and naming them "zzzzzz."  Then click attachments and it should be there to upload.

The image will not show up in preview because it is an attachment.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: IdiotFarm on 2018-05-12 20:26:59
That's the problem I was having, attached images do not show up in preview XD
-So sorry for bothering everybody like this~
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-05-12 20:28:07
It's okay, lol. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-12 20:28:26
No worries.  We're here to help, but usually very slowly. ;)  Your lucky everyone was on at this moment.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: IdiotFarm on 2018-05-12 20:33:06
Everybody's so helpful today^^

One more little question if that's okay? XD
If I have a lot of pictures and things to share, could I just make one thread for that in the Media section?(instead of a separate post for each item)?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-05-12 20:35:09
You can do anything you like.  I feel when you lump them in one topic, a lot of it gets ignored.  If you separate certain things you will get more feedback for those specific things.  You can even stagger what you want to post over the course of time so you aren't just posting them all at once.  That way it gives everything equal time to set in with people.  Figure it takes 1-5 days on average for people to see something.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-12 20:35:27
^ What she said.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-12 20:40:30
You can do anything you like.  I feel when you lump them in one topic, a lot of it gets ignored.  If you separate certain things you will get more feedback for those specific things.  You can even stagger what you want to post over the course of time so you aren't just posting them all at once.  That way it gives everything equal time to set in with people.  Figure it takes 1-5 days on average for people to see something.

Especially if you post on the evenings too, less people will see it till tomorrow.  Right now it is almost midnight for the east coast and late evening for the west coast, so pretty much most people are gone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: IdiotFarm on 2018-05-12 20:42:09
You can do anything you like.  I feel when you lump them in one topic, a lot of it gets ignored.  If you separate certain things you will get more feedback for those specific things.  You can even stagger what you want to post over the course of time so you aren't just posting them all at once

That's really great advice, I was about to do the lump everything together in one topic thing XD
I'll try spreading them out slowly instead  :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-12 20:44:29
You can do anything you like.  I feel when you lump them in one topic, a lot of it gets ignored.  If you separate certain things you will get more feedback for those specific things.  You can even stagger what you want to post over the course of time so you aren't just posting them all at once

That's really great advice, I was about to do the lump everything together in one topic thing XD
I'll try spreading them out slowly instead  :D

That would probably be the best.  Big "art dumps" or whatever it may be, like she said, people just say "great job" and might even not click or see everything.  If you want more personal feedback, smaller groupings.

Hehehe... I said art dump which just made me think of the term, "big dump."  I have no idea why I am laughing to myself right now...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: IdiotFarm on 2018-05-12 20:44:34
Thanks for more advice, Darrin!  ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-12 20:45:24
Your welcome.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-05-12 20:45:43
You are very welcome! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-05-14 19:00:37
I just noticed Darrin's signature has, "Green is the New You" -PSF.  Was this ever officially used as a motto?  Is it just implying that our green site is the new home of "you/me?"  Lol.  Please explain, Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-05-14 19:01:54
I just noticed Darrin's signature has, "Green is the New You" -PSF.  Was this ever officially used as a motto?  Is it just implying that our green site is the new home of "you/me?"  Lol.  Please explain, Darrin.

It was a clever way of saying "PSF is your new home."  I forgot I had it there.  Green is the new dew!  PSF is the new place, the hip place!  The bouncin' place!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-05-14 19:02:12
Love it.  Your honesty is refreshing.  Lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-05-15 16:55:31
I didn't remember all the smilies in his signature.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2018-05-18 13:04:13
I remember when he put them on :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-05-18 15:40:52

Right now we have a REQUESTS and COMMISSIONS section of the site.  Why not have a sub board or a board separating the two?  One for requests and one for artists to share their commission prices?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-05-18 22:20:52
Good idea, but we need to get more feedback on this. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2018-05-19 14:11:29
It would make it easier to find artists you want to buy stuff from.  Certainly would filter things out nicely.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-05-20 12:08:52
Seems like a good idea.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2018-05-21 15:27:19
I'm good for it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-05-21 16:05:43
Sounds like you guys have a good idea. :)  Maybe this weekend I can start organizing for the implementation of it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-05-22 09:31:53
Sweet sounds good. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-05-22 17:15:46
Awesome idea! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-05-24 16:18:05
Good idea!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-05-26 16:20:09
Look forward to it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-05-30 18:11:13
Just a reminder to the admin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-05-30 23:24:36
I just didn't have time.  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-06-02 00:00:12
Follow the PSF Clicker Game as our teams head off to fight in the LAST event of the season.  We have four teams within striking distance of winning the championship!

SEASON 5 STANDINGS (Number of events)

MasterXtreme and RainySunshine -- 484 (9)
Rainberry and Grapefoot -- 484 (9)
Kiwi and FoxTail -- 477 (9)
Silverwing and Soda -- 477 (9)
AnyPoneDrawn and Wolfwood -- 448 (9)

We have an intense battle amongst 4 teams!  First place tied and 3rd place is tied!  It is anyone's ballgame right now as each team has to claw for their final chance at victory.  Will we have a tie this season that requires us to have a tie breaker amongst more then one team?  If so we will have to set up rules for such an occasion!  Nonetheless, this is the closest, most exciting PSF Clicker battle season we've had to date!  Silverwing and Soda made a massive leap forward from their win last event to get within striking distance of third place.  Rainberry and Grapefoot want to be new winners overall and possible prevent MasterXtreme and RainySunshine from winning their third season championship.  Who will win!?  Find out in our next event!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-06-03 11:42:54
It has been an awesome season no doubt.  Winning team each gets $20 Amazon gift cards!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-06-10 10:27:33
I can't wait for the final results. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-06-10 22:20:38
For those who may be wondering, SneezeFurs, the website, is having a database error and members cannot access the site.  Update 10:20pm Pacific.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-06-10 22:22:15
So working on something called, "SNEEZE HUB." Hoping for it to be a defining feature of PSF. Hopefully some more info coming soon...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-06-10 22:25:15
We are also working on having art contests...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-06-10 22:28:56
Ohh new feature? and art contests sounds good. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-06-11 14:05:14
Yeah, hopefully it will be. :)  Thats the goal at least. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-06-11 14:40:35
What's a "Sneeze hub"?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-06-11 15:17:35
^ You'll have to wait and find out.  ;D 

But it would be a hub for all things tailored to your specific likes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-06-12 14:33:57
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-06-12 17:20:43
Sounds interesting actually. Like a fancy app type thing?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-06-15 22:35:11
Thats pretty neat, Darrin. Sounds like you are trying to create something kinda cool.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-06-16 13:48:33
Is it being made with like an app maker?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-06-17 08:45:19
Does sound really interesting.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-06-17 18:19:25
Yes it was, but a wrench flew into my plans.  It is apparently much more difficult then I first though in my initial building.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-06-19 16:48:02
I would imagine it being hard.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-06-20 16:36:46
Sounds cool.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-06-24 11:00:15
Over 2 million hits this year on the site so far. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-06-24 15:54:53
That's good. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-06-25 15:20:16
On par to hit 3 million easily. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-06-26 14:38:29
Easily.  I am thinking around 4 million.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-06-27 15:26:51
I think so too, at this rate.  If it slows down though, it might not happen.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-06-29 15:16:46
Maybe it's just me, but the site has been extra quick seeming lately.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-06-29 16:37:12
Been nothing but good.  I agree.  Running smooth.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-06-29 17:56:44
Yes very quick pretty much instant. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-07-01 00:25:55
I heard there was a large outage for Comcast users... though I didn't have any issues.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-07-03 13:23:44
So PSF has a presence on Youtube now? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2018-07-03 14:24:14
Wait what?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2018-07-03 15:48:25
^ Maybe.  Maybe not.  I think they are referring to the SCM channel.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2018-07-03 20:50:22
The SCM channel has a link to PSF in its "About" section.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-07-03 21:59:58
Oh my.  Thats... interesting.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-07-04 09:07:20
Happy Independence Day everyone! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-07-04 09:09:29
Yes happy independance day peeps.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-07-04 09:09:58
Ha!  You called us "peeps!"  I've never heard you use that term before. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-07-04 09:12:04
I know I don't use it very often but sometimes I do.  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-07-04 14:18:01
Happy 4th to you too. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-07-05 15:38:59
So PSF has a presence on Youtube now?

Unofficially I guess.  No I have nothing to do with it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-07-07 14:14:23
You should brand it or cross brand it with PSF.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-07-09 14:57:51
^ Oh now there is an idea.  Rebrand the colors of SCM to be PSF colors.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-07-11 15:07:27
Hues of green.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-07-14 12:53:57
Or maybe PSF changed color?  Naw.  Our color is green. ;D
Title: Color commentary
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2018-07-14 13:37:11
A combination of phlegmy green and a delightful sputum yellow.
Title: Re: Color commentary
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-07-14 21:12:17
A combination of phlegmy green and a delightful sputum yellow.

Hahaha!  Seems all too fitting a color now that I think about it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2018-07-15 00:25:58
Hmmm, green and sneezing.  I always thought this site's colors were picked because of it's calming nature. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-07-18 14:46:09
Was that the original intent with the green color?  To be sneeze related colors? ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-07-18 18:08:21
That was not the original intention honestly.  It was just a color. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-07-19 14:11:49
Did it not concern you there was another "green" forum for a small time?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-08-02 14:33:49
I'm guessing no.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-08-06 14:53:17
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-08-20 14:52:06
Site's been running good lately on my end.  Seems fast.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-08-27 14:35:23
Any arbitrary news, Darrin or Smiles?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-08-27 14:39:47
Yes.  I will be releasing a poll in a few minutes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-08-30 14:44:29

HERE are the official standings for season 5!  In a nail biter of a round that had 1st and second tied with one round to go, Rainberry and Grapefoot passed MasterXtreme and Rainysunshine with ONE point!  MasterX and Rainy didn't end the last round how they wanted, but like everyone, had an amazing season with lots of consistency!  What an awesome win and great job to all the teams!  This is Grapefoot and Rainberry's first official championship win!

SEASON 5 STANDINGS (Number of events)

Rainberry and Grapefoot -- 537 (10)
MasterXtreme and RainySunshine -- 536 (10)
Kiwi and FoxTail -- 532 (10)
Silverwing and Soda -- 531 (10)
AnyPoneDrawn and Wolfwood -- 499 (10)

Stats coming soon and Season 6 starts in early September!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-09-02 20:59:41
A big congrats to you two!  You won by ONE point. :) That is impressive and you were right up at the top all season long vying for first!  Congrats on that big win and the gift cards.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2018-09-03 14:24:59
Congrats on the win. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-09-04 14:58:21
Those two get to enjoy those Amazon cards.  Good job you guys.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-09-05 00:01:36
Yep, gift cards given. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-11-11 13:08:51
Hope everyone has a good Veterans day.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-11-13 14:37:10
Why are we getting so many new members all of a sudden?  13 in three days?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-11-13 16:38:36
They seem to all be legit.  I am not sure why.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-11-14 13:09:14
I've done some searching.  Seems someone linked to us for sneezy content. 

Sad how NONE of these new people are joining to be a part of the community.  Instead they are just joining to see some sneezy stuff then leave.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-11-17 17:06:08
It is true.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-11-17 23:12:45
I am trying to kickstart the sneezy discussion in our SNEEZE COMMUNITY board.  Help me get it moving. We've had a lot of old topics necro'd and I am trying to help get things lively in there.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-11-18 13:20:45
Those two get to enjoy those Amazon cards.  Good job you guys.

Thats great!  I'm going to help ya.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2018-11-19 17:09:23
Interesting all the new people joining.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2018-11-21 12:02:14
Yes.  It will continue to slow down as we've seen.  Just a bunch of Fetishist's realizing this site has existed for many years and they are ravenously looking through material they've never seen.  Shame they can't so much as say hi though.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2018-11-22 07:54:37
Happy Thanksgiving.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2018-11-23 10:37:05
It has slowed. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2018-11-23 17:27:59
34 Guests, 8 Users (0 Buddies) Users active in past 15 minutes:
Silverwing, Rainberry, Wisk, Gohn, sarahgirl, Blurr001, Claof, LuckyTheWolf

Lots of people on.  Now post! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-11-27 08:53:51
It's been pretty active recently.  A lot of lurkers.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-12-03 20:28:14
Calling all users! We need your opinions!  We are trying to make a list of the best video games each year from 2000 till now!  We need your opinions!

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2018-12-08 13:52:48
I'm going to help!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2018-12-14 13:38:22
Thank you.  We need it in more ways than one. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2018-12-15 14:12:32
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2018-12-22 13:55:06
Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2018-12-25 00:41:52
Merry Christmas everyone!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2019-01-01 00:41:41
Happy new year.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2019-01-06 14:58:02
Little late but happy new year.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-01-06 16:23:05
Happy new year to you too all!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-02-04 23:05:11
Would you guys be interested in a forum games board I stead of everything being lumped into general?

I would like to move the PSF top clicker games out too because they have so many topics that clutter things in general. I know it's a very popular game. Maybe just give it it's own sub board as well separate from a games board?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2019-02-05 16:28:46
At the very least, move the clicker game.  I don't like how to blocks other topics in the general board.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-02-05 16:30:02
I'd move it for sure.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-02-05 16:30:15
Don't know if a games board is needed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-02-05 18:21:26
Might change it up, but for now it's in a separate board.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-02-06 20:49:31
I did something that will make people with OCD freak out when they find it... :D

Whoever can figure it out will get a prize.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2019-05-08 15:10:29
I was reminded today that we have a live chat on this forum.  Lol!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2019-05-09 14:50:30
Funny that you say that, I was kinda bored, had the thought of just sticking around in it for an entire day to see who'd pop in. Maybe Saturday or something, cuz the way my schedule's been, can't do it ALL day
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-05-10 00:19:24
I forgot about it too.  Huh.  I might have to check it out if someone else gets on it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2019-05-18 17:34:33
Oh wow.  I should probably give it a look. :O 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-06-06 16:05:16
* Made some minor updates to the site's code today.  Also in the Community Links board, removed the N.O.S.E. Forum from the list and replaced it with Sneeze Center Media. N.O.S.E. ceased to operate late last year.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-06-23 17:47:29
Random surge of new people joining today.  6 new members. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2019-06-23 18:20:31
Now there has been 8.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2019-06-23 20:59:10
Now it's 9.  11 in the past 3 days.  How much you wanna bet no one will post anything and just lurk? :P
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2019-06-23 20:59:49
I mean, isn't that a majority of what about 90% of the members here do?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2019-06-24 15:06:33
Sadly yes.

But we've been lucky with people like LSA, Ynona, etc and a few others come to mind in more recent times.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2019-06-24 18:22:34
Hell yeah
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2019-06-24 20:42:43
I'm sorry everyone... but I was one of the people who talked. ;) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2019-06-26 15:38:10
Seems like quit a few
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-06-26 16:28:53
A shoutout to any new players who want to form new teams for PSF Top Clicker Championship!  Just get a teammate and get ready for a fun season!  We currently have five teams, would love to have more!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-07-04 10:56:15
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-07-06 22:50:03
Thanks for sharing.  Happy Independence Day to you too!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2019-08-05 09:58:02
Probably random but almost 300 members :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2019-08-05 18:36:13
Yes!!! Just one away from 300!! It's exciting!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-08-05 23:11:15
Congrats @MischievousPixie!  You are our 300th member!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2019-08-08 19:08:10
Hooray! Hopefully they will be someone who is active and posts.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-08-19 15:15:15
They weren't. ;d  They haven't posted once or came back.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-08-20 15:45:24
FireFlower is 301 and is posting. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: LovesSneezingApparently on 2019-09-04 01:04:46
But we've been lucky with people like LSA, Ynona, etc and a few others come to mind in more recent times.

I am hopelessly fond of all of you.   ^-^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2019-09-04 14:19:48
Hopelessly!  That's dangerous, LSA.  Lol!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2019-09-12 15:54:26
I'm fond of you too, LSA!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2019-09-16 14:37:03
:D  We all like ya.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-09-20 13:31:32
Nice to feel loved. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2019-09-21 14:33:51
Happy Day of Peace!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-10-10 13:16:08
Nice busy afternoon.

41 Guests, 7 Users (1 Buddy, 1 Hidden) Users active in past 15 minutes:
1234, RainySunshine, MasterXtreme, ZakuConvoy, Animesneezys, Snmm01
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2019-10-12 23:47:01
Ponies Has Ended

Nine years ago almost on the day, My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic started.  It was today, October 12, 2019 the series came to an official end.  Why do I bring this up in the news section?  Because without this series, PSF would not be here.

You see, PSF started long ago at a website called Ponychan.  Someone created a topic about sneezing ponies and that attracted anonymous artists to post more. The following grew and people moved to more established locations including forums... but they were not welcomed.  Even sneeze fetish websites, their art, stories, and contributions were not welcome.  Therefore, in 2014 PSF 1.0 was created.  So soon after it's establishment it was taken down by the host only for the members to scramble and wait in limbo until their new PSF was created.  PSF 2.0 was started using their own servers and own contents and left to be their own masters with their own rules.  Pony Sneeze Forum was born!  But as time went on, it evolved.  The official name became, "Personal Sneeze Forum," with original members knowing it's true origins.

But here we are today, in 2019.  So many years after the days of Ponychan, PSF 1.0, and even MLP:FiM starting.  As you can see, it all got it's start from ponies.  Whether you are a fan or not, this community would not be here without it.  The struggles and hardships we went through to get here made us stronger.  We forged alliances and best of all, we made genuine friendships. 

MLP:FiM started our foundation.  But we built it up and made it grow.

So the show has ended today and now here we are.  Not at a crossroads, but ready to blaze a trail.  We have not forgot our foundations, our origins.  We know the past.  But we look forward to the future and step forward together in strength, in friendship.  We have grown so much after all these years and we can tackle anything together.

Thank you community for being here.  Thank you for being a part of the PSF Community.
We would be nothing without you.

PSF Staff. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2019-10-13 07:24:20
...Smiles, I can't find words. This was beautiful. Thank you for this magnificently delivered message. :')
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2019-10-13 07:38:21
This is gorgeous smiles. Thank you for this I'm stuck for words myself. :))
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-10-13 13:54:26
A lovely message, Smiles.  Absolutely lovely. 

I sound silly for saying this, but it made me choke up a bit.  The community has been excellent and I have made such awesome friends. :)  Thank you guys. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2019-10-13 16:54:28
Thank you for being here.  Thank you for that lovely piece.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2019-10-15 17:21:21
Thank you for sharing that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2019-10-16 20:34:49
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2019-10-19 13:45:50
Thanks for sharing. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-10-28 23:14:53
42 Guests, 10 Users Users active in past 15 minutes:
Darrin, Wolfwood, Snmm01, TikoPiko, LovesSneezingApparently, Soda, FireFlower3013, WrongBoot, Grapefoot, Blurr001

Busy night!!! And on a Monday of all days!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2019-11-04 23:16:39
For those wondering, we've been seeing a mass influx of new members coming over from SFF. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-11-05 18:01:28
Over 30 new members.  Most probably all from SFF. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-11-11 21:25:11
We need a thumbs up emoji.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2019-11-15 21:43:43
We need a thumbs up emoji.

I second.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Ynona on 2019-11-15 21:47:54
We need a thumbs up emoji.

I agree
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2019-11-15 22:08:13
 ^b- ^b-New Emoji's Added To PSF ^b- ^b-

Added some new Emoji's to PSF.  Some are shown, some only appear in the popup menu, and there may be a few hidden ones.  I hope to probably update this more often to keep things fresh.  If you have Emoji ideas or make some yourself, please feel free to notify me and we can see if we can get them added.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2019-11-16 19:25:30
^b- ^b-New Emoji's Added To PSF ^b- ^b-

Added some new Emoji's to PSF.  Some are shown, some only appear in the popup menu, and there may be a few hidden ones.  I hope to probably update this more often to keep things fresh.  If you have Emoji ideas or make some yourself, please feel free to notify me and we can see if we can get them added.

Thank you!  I am curious what the secret one's are!  But thank you very much!  I think these will come in handy!   ^b-
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-11-17 14:30:53
I just noticed the new emoticons!  Thanks, Smiles!! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2019-11-17 16:48:30
Thank you.

What about a board for forum games?  Right now they are all mixed in the general board.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-11-17 23:53:14

What about a board for forum games?  Right now they are all mixed in the general board.

We may do that.  Good idea.  We're getting more people and could easily spread our games board better.  I would also like to move our PSF Clicker thing into a sub-board.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2019-11-18 19:56:25
Also little late but thanks smiles good emojis ^~^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2019-11-18 20:58:48
I just noticed the new emojis.  Thanks guys!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-11-18 21:22:47
Our news ticker will now be updated regularly at the top of the webpage. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-11-19 15:47:58
Our Politics ( thread has passed a milestone!  Over 100,000 views!  People are reading it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-11-19 20:27:52
So busy!!!

230 Guests, 21 Users (0 Buddies, 2 Hidden) Users active in past 120 minutes:
1234, RainySunshine, Kirbo, timelysmith, snottybirdsneezes, Zuki, bben9-sama, Serarel, Lance, DJM4991, zoebel12, ZakuConvoy, MrDark1amao, skater, Wisk, Bondi, The_EXxtra, Neelyryan95, Azrael
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Graymist on 2019-11-20 21:09:56
Wow, so many people have been joining!  I'm excited, but I hope it doesn't change the chill "everyone knows each other" culture of PSF.  I love that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2019-11-21 14:03:07
There are 1031 people on right now!!! :o
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-11-21 14:36:14
I have created a topic purely for our site rules.  I realize in the past it could be hidden for people who didn't know where to look.  It is now in a RULES topic.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2019-11-21 15:38:29
Wow, so many people have been joining!  I'm excited, but I hope it doesn't change the chill "everyone knows each other" culture of PSF.  I love that.

Should we stop allowing new members?  That is a question that has been sent to us a few times already.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bumble on 2019-11-21 16:09:51
It's a little worrying how many people are joining.

86 new members in the last two months.  That is substantial growth and if we're not ready to handle all that, we should maybe consider a cap.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-11-21 16:28:05
I'm just kind of sitting here in complete shock.  All the adversity we've gone through as a community to even make PSF.  We had PSF 1.0 then PSF 2.0... and we always saw ourselves as outsiders.... and not somehow... we're the top sneeze fetish website?  We're the big one now?

Isn't this all weird?  I kind of hope things calm down and we go back to our calm usual self.  But I just can't believe these turns of events and how much has changed in the past few weeks here.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2019-11-21 17:13:09
Yeah, it's pretty wild how everything's changed so suddenly.  But we can't be afraid of change.  Plus, I am sure there will still just be a core group of contributors and talkers.  Most will probably lurk or stop coming after a few days.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-11-22 10:06:05
We should be able to handle it.  We got our awesome Community Monitors whom we will be advising with new "powers" soon and we will probably grab another that we have been in the works with already.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: ✨proponypal✨ on 2019-11-22 16:08:13
Probably won’t be me 🤣
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2019-11-22 21:00:00
239 Guests, 19 Users (7 Hidden) Users active in past 120 minutes:
Wolfwood, Daphine, Serarel, Omegapony, Kirbo, bakky0, Blurr001, FireFlower3013, lxtxl898, Azrael, Wisk, Snmm01

Why on earth would 7 people need to be hidden?  lol.  Geez new people... you embarrassed or something?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: TheBeesSneeze on 2019-11-25 20:29:21
Thankfully now, hopefully things will go back to normal. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-11-26 11:49:04
223 Guests, 24 Users Users active in past 15 minutes:
Darrin, LocoLover3, megacycle, blah!?, Lance, Bluebird, Claof, Blessing Queen, Snmm01, FireFlower3013, Popsot, Blurr001, Daphine, Animesneezys, zoebel12, Shadow, Siegmeyer, The_EXxtra, rantingguy, Umeko, thenotsoclevername, Aleck, starlight, Neelyryan95
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2019-11-26 23:38:44
It goes to show how many people were only here because they didn't have the blue forum.  Things have already calmed down considerably.  Fair weather members. ::)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2019-11-27 21:56:24
Yes, a lot quieter today.  Seems most have moved on already.  ::)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2019-11-28 14:18:09
Happy thanksgiving everyone and staff!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2019-11-30 16:25:38
Thank you.  Right back at you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-12-01 16:59:57
We had exactly 100 new members join last month!  Maybe 2 or 3 actually are commenting. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: LocoLover3 on 2019-12-05 10:50:21
I did join out of the Blue Forum fiasco, but I'll stick around. I like this place better.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-12-05 11:53:54
I did join out of the Blue Forum fiasco, but I'll stick around. I like this place better.


*High fives* 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: LocoLover3 on 2019-12-05 12:06:58
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2019-12-05 12:13:28
Awesome!  Let me get in on that high five. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: LocoLover3 on 2019-12-05 12:29:16
Y'all are so nice. //^-^//
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Lance on 2019-12-05 16:05:18
I 100% agree, LocoLover3.  This place is great!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2019-12-05 18:00:25
It's only as good as it's members. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-12-12 14:14:41
It is amazing of how many people who joined, how few actually wanted to stay.  Less than 4% stayed to comment beyond their first week.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bondi on 2019-12-14 09:09:22
I joined a couple days before the blue forum went down. I'm still around and I check at least a few times a day. I'm pretty bad about coming up with topics, but if I see something that I have something to say about, I'll post a message in that thread. Same with the Blue Forum.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2019-12-14 13:46:03
I joined a couple days before the blue forum went down. I'm still around and I check at least a few times a day. I'm pretty bad about coming up with topics, but if I see something that I have something to say about, I'll post a message in that thread. Same with the Blue Forum.

And thanks for hanging around. :)  It's just mainly surprising how many joined and how few actually stayed.  Means they weren't here because they wanted to be.  I'm fine with that, but I am a tad sad about that too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-12-18 14:47:16
Lots on.

217 Guests, 21 Users (1 Buddy, 3 Hidden) Users active in past 120 minutes:
1234, Silverwing, Soda, Umeko, Blurr001, FireFlower3013, Chikara, Bondi, The_EXxtra, sudosnz, Maximusace9, vakarian7, LocoLover3, Animesneezys, Lance, playstation man, Siegmeyer, thenotsoclevername
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2019-12-19 04:50:16
We are growing woo starting to get more of them :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-12-22 14:20:32
Yeah, we've leveled off again here. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2019-12-23 14:45:09
On December 22, 2019, we at PSF beat our post count from 2018.  We had about 91,000 in 2018.  We are currently at 92,000 with a few more days to go.  Will we hit 100k?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2019-12-24 15:54:39
We wish all of you a very...

xmas^^ xmas^^ xmas^^ Merry Christmas!
xmas^^ xmas^^ xmas^^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2019-12-24 20:51:44
Happy Christmas everyone 🌲
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2019-12-25 13:55:20
Merry Christmas!

Ohhh!  I now know a secret PSF Emoji!  Christmas trees!  Thanks for giving it away, Smiles!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2019-12-27 20:05:25
Another busy evening.

317 Guests, 23 Users Users active in past 120 minutes:
1234, Darrin, AnyPoneDrawn, zoebel12, Bumble, Ynona, LovesSneezingApparently, Gforram, sunnygirl, timelysmith, ppl16, Shadow, The_EXxtra, TurtleST, Daphine, Kirbo, Blurr001, sudosnz, megacycle, vakarian7, Umeko, VexedOut, Claof
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2019-12-29 16:08:57
Thats good. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2019-12-31 21:14:24
Just gotta say I am so happy with the group of friends and people we have at this community.  It's wonderful. Thanks PSF staff as well for the great year.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2020-01-01 00:16:10
Happy new year everyone!  Thanks for the great 2019!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-01-01 00:40:12

As per tradition here at PSF.  The first person to post in each of the site's 14 boards earns $5.  In that case, 2019 was a repeat of the year before with MasterXtreme being the first person to post in each of the 14 boards here at PSF.  He has earned himself $70 worth of Amazon Gift Cards!  Congrats to him for the award!

View Posts Here (

 ^b- ^b- ^b- ^b-
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2020-01-01 00:52:46
Well congrats dude!  That's awesome!  I was just a little too late!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2020-01-01 00:54:38
Hahaha!  Foiled again by MasterX!!! Congrats on the big win!  It's pretty much tradition now.  He just wins it automatically because he is so laser focused! Really good job, man!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2020-01-01 01:03:53
You lucky dog.... well not lucky since MasterX planned to win.  Haha!  Congrats!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2020-01-01 13:33:30
Awesome job, MasterXtreme!  You rock!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Depressed edge lord on 2020-01-01 13:48:08
Nice job MasterXtreme congratulations On winning!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2020-01-01 13:55:59
Thanks everyone. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bumble on 2020-01-04 13:39:01
Congrats!  Wow!  What a payout!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Lance on 2020-01-04 18:39:32
A late congrats!  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-01-12 17:23:35
Did some minor cleaning of the forum today.  Mainly fixed all the tags and titles people can't seem to figure out.  Put the (F) or (M) at the end of you title!  Easy.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2020-01-13 12:53:12
There are 923 people online. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2020-01-19 14:30:14
That is a heck of a lot.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-01-20 17:14:22
We broke a record today  January 20, 2020.  1,752 people online at once.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2020-01-23 18:07:33
We broke a record today  January 20, 2020.  1,752 people online at once.

A new record on the 22nd of January.  2,251 people!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-01-24 12:49:17
Please people... PLEASE follow the tagging system.  It really isn't that hard.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2020-02-08 21:32:49
There are over 1,100 guests on right now! :O
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-02-14 16:16:50
New Hosting Partner For PSF
In the later half of February, PSF will be moving over to a new server host.  It should not affect uptime of our forum and we should be open during the entire process.  Most likely, you won't notice any change.

You as a community member do not need to take any action, although we will be taking this opportunity to back up our website on top of our usual scheduled backups. We will handle migrating our website and all of its data, including emails, personal messages, and photos and we will automatically switch our domain to the new server after the migration is complete.

After the migration is complete, you as a member will experience faster loading speeds on PSF, less downtime due to better hardware, new operating system, and much more.  We will be running some of the latest software and technologies!
If you have any questions, please contact PSF staff.
PSF Team.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-02-18 13:55:44
Everything is up to date and fixed after a one day outage.  Our bad. :)

This would be a good time to re-share our emergency outlets if you want to be kept up to date on site news.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2020-02-18 18:05:33
I was wondering what happened.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bondi on 2020-02-19 04:06:27
I wasn't that worried. Blue forum goes down all the time. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-02-19 18:26:10
I wasn't that worried. Blue forum goes down all the time. :)

For PSF to be down is a rarity.  We were up at 99.9% since the site was created.  But the one day off hurt that. :(
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2020-02-20 03:15:29
Was wondering what happened and can defiantly vouch for that always up and running
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2020-02-20 17:00:42
I've never seen PSF down except for that occasional refresh and it's probably on my end saying it can't be reached.  Then you refresh again and it's there.

Also usually after midnight, there is a small period of time (less then five minutes) when the site runs slow.  I assume this is when backups are going on.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2020-03-15 13:51:42
Been very quiet here the past few days.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2020-03-15 14:18:52
Been very quiet here the past few days.

Only yesterday.  Day before was busy.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2020-03-16 17:11:38
That's true.   
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2020-03-26 13:47:58
Been very busy the past week.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2020-07-04 21:23:24
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2020-07-05 16:23:49
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2020-07-05 17:35:03
My windows were rattling until well after ten from the street fireworks last night.  Lovely show, but the dogs were upset by all the noise, and it's a lucky thing the weeds in the dry overgrown lot up the block didn't catch fire from a stray spark.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2020-07-05 23:12:37
There are fireworks going off today.  They went off a few days before the Fourth too!  They are illegal where I live, but people still do it.
Title: Fire, wotta burn
Post by: NostradamusTheSeer on 2020-07-06 11:46:18
So's peeing in public, but, well, you know.  Come to think of it, if you drink a couple of those fruity frozen daquiri pops while celebratin' the Fouth, you can do both at once.  Ask me how I know....

(cue this audio clip of Jeff Foxworthy (
Title: Re: Fire, wotta burn
Post by: Kiwi on 2020-07-06 16:40:20
So's peeing in public, but, well, you know.  Come to think of it, if you drink a couple of those fruity frozen daquiri pops while celebratin' the Fouth, you can do both at once.  Ask me how I know....

(cue this audio clip of Jeff Foxworthy (

I had a cheap bottle of two buck chuck.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2020-07-07 16:16:19
^ Sounds like a good time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-07-09 16:56:14
My windows were rattling until well after ten from the street fireworks last night. 

Must have been some big fireworks!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-08-06 23:25:04
For this weekend, we have opened all art/authors/sneeze boards to be viewable during a small weekend ad campaign.  It might draw in some new traffic and viewers, or none.  We do this a few times a year, and this is one of those times. It will run August 7-10th.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2020-08-08 13:57:27
Ever wonder what the most viewed topic is in each board?  Here you go.

GENERAL - PSF Chat - 658,436
MIDNIGHT LOUNGE - Midnight Club Chat - 4,372
TELEVISION & FILM DISCUSSION  - My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Discussion - 82,312
GAMING BOARD - Playstation Gaming - 75,301
PSF GAMES - PSF Top Clicker Games Official - 178,110

INTRODUCTIONS - Hewoo? - 4,853
SITE NEWS & FEEDBACK - Site News & Feedback - 208,433
GENERAL COMMUNITY - How Many Times Did You Sneeze Today? - 77,790
MEDIA & OBSERVATIONS - Sneezing Videos (F/M) - 3,995
COMMUNITY LINKS - Sneeze Fetish Forum - 2,782

ARTWORK - Adorkable Twilight & Friends Series - 65,972
AUTHORS - Authors General Discussion - 23,526
REQUESTS & COMMISSIONS - Umeko's Commission Thread - 73,934
ROLEPLAYING - OC Camping Trip - 23,984

I think this is worth discussing.  I was SHOCKED by the lack of views in the media and observe section.  Why is that you think?  I would say it's because the board is locked from guests... but that doesn't make sense because the Authors and Artwork sections are also blocked from guests. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: LocoLover3 on 2020-08-08 14:19:19
Well, maybe some come here with an account to be able to chat about their fetish openly, not to look at that stuff. Me? I never go there.

But there is also the difficulty of Covid. Obs? Not much opportunity for them unless it's self.
Media? That, I have no clue about.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-08-08 17:20:10
I would like to see more activity and discussion in our "General Community" board because besides the "daily sneeze" thread, everything else is not frequented.  And for being a sneeze board too, it isn't that active.  Thought luckily a huge portion of our sneeze community loves their artwork. They also love the stories, but too many people don't post.  Its sad because writers get very little feedback.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2020-08-09 00:12:49
I would like to see more activity and discussion in our "General Community" board because besides the "daily sneeze" thread, everything else is not frequented.  And for being a sneeze board too, it isn't that active.  Thought luckily a huge portion of our sneeze community loves their artwork. They also love the stories, but too many people don't post.  Its sad because writers get very little feedback.

That is especially true among new members.  They don't comment or respond to people's work, even though they clearly look at it.  Luckily a lot of the old guard comments and is actively building up the community.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-08-13 13:44:39
Thank you for the quick notifications.  Spam has been removed for now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2020-08-20 17:45:55
Thanks! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Ynona on 2020-08-20 18:32:01
Quick question: For how much the artwork section is going to stay open to guests?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2020-08-20 22:00:25
It was suppose to be open from 7-10 August however it is up to administration to decide how long it stay's open though, I'm guessing it's to show there's more to offer as stated it happen few times I don't see any harm in it being open longer.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-08-20 23:09:37
I didn't know anyone really cared, lol.  We extended it, but it closes on Friday August 21st. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2020-08-21 01:43:00
I don't I personally think it's a good thing allows more to be seen really gets the publicity.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2020-08-21 12:57:43
Seems to be blocked again as said.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2020-08-28 21:05:22
I would like to see more activity and discussion in our "General Community" board because besides the "daily sneeze" thread, everything else is not frequented.  And for being a sneeze board too, it isn't that active.  Thought luckily a huge portion of our sneeze community loves their artwork. They also love the stories, but too many people don't post.  Its sad because writers get very little feedback.

You could always make a barrier.  Make new users comment somewhere on the forum to access the artwork and authors section. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2020-08-29 12:38:59
I just posted the 100th new topic for the month of August!  Wow.  We've been busy this month.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-08-31 18:45:52
PSF broke a site record today.  August 2020 was the busiest and most posted in month of our site's history! 

The previous record was December 2019.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-09-02 15:16:04
Spambot removed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-09-10 22:44:48
Please everyone, put the gender tag at the end of your topic title. Examples below.  Have the tag as a capital letter.

Super Sneeze (F)

Great Sneeze By A Wolf (M)

Good sneezes (N)

Wild sneezes (M & F)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2020-09-11 12:47:39
OK, I'll remember that!  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2020-09-11 15:58:34
10-4, Smiles.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-10-09 23:40:17
Went through and fixed some titles that lacked tags. 

I am noticing some titles are extremely wordy and long and not very descriptive.  Please try to be descriptive in the title if possible and have a simple gender tag at the end as posted in a post above.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2020-10-10 23:01:06
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2020-10-10 23:59:57
Thanks, Smiles2us, I'll remember it when I open a new topic next time!  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-10-21 15:43:00
Oops, posted in the wrong place.  Nothing to see here.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Miggs on 2020-10-21 15:52:07
Ah damn. That sucks, but good to hear there's no bad blood in it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2020-10-21 16:30:14
I obviously missed it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-11-26 13:31:37
We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-12-03 00:18:58

PSF has nearly used up it's memory space for attachments.  So this is for everyone who uploads attachments, uploads photos and uses our site as storage, or anyone who uploads an avatar to our site.
I recommend you save the files you want to save.

We are going to have to remove OLD attachments from two years ago or older, or images that have gotten very little attention and traffic, usually under 10 views.  But we will keep all avatars.  This only affects people who post attachments and use our site to host images. But I am giving everyone plenty of time to save images.  We won't do this change till January 1st, 2020.

In the meantime, you are no longer able to host new images via attachments here at PSF.  You will have to use a third party image hosting site.  If you have questions, ask below or send me a message.

Thanks and have a super week.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umeko on 2020-12-03 00:34:13
Is it better to use links instead of attaching things? Normally when I upload art here I just use an image link from Deviantart.
That shouldn't be adding to the storage right? I'm not sure how it works.

I guess as this place grows it's going to need a storage upgrade maybe yeah?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Noastrel on 2020-12-03 08:04:11
Damn, just three days after I joined?  :{
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Daphine on 2020-12-03 14:34:23
I know that I use attachments for posting my art.  I would be happy to take down the older ones if someone could tell me how to.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2020-12-03 14:48:41
Go to your posts and click edit, then it should show attachment options untick the files the you want removed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2020-12-03 15:43:07
Thanks for the update.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-12-03 15:51:14
Is it better to use links instead of attaching things? Normally when I upload art here I just use an image link from Deviantart.
That shouldn't be adding to the storage right? I'm not sure how it works.

I guess as this place grows it's going to need a storage upgrade maybe yeah?

You are correct, linking to your art has no affect on our site's storage.  You can also use a third party image hosting site or "hotlink" your photos from DeviantArt and it has no effect on our site's attachment storage.

The only time our site's storage is used is when people click the "attachments" button and upload an image using our site's memory.  It has taken five years to fill up, so we did pretty good. :) 

Our site's bandwidth and memory is fine.  We are nowhere near ever reaching limits for that.  It's purely out attachment storage which we allowed as an option for users to use.  :) 

We already spend roughly $160.00 on site costs annually, and with the current structure our site is built off of, we can't increase the site's attachment storage, which is kind of strange.

Damn, just three days after I joined?  :{

As long as you use a third party source for a little bit, you are completely fine. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-12-03 15:54:02
I know that I use attachments for posting my art.  I would be happy to take down the older ones if someone could tell me how to.

There is no need to take them down.  I am just warning people incase they wanted to save art.  Our goal is to eventually go through are "re-host" the older attachments to a third party source so they will still be seen on the forum.  That will then allow us to empty our attachments.

You can host your art on several free image hosting websites at zero cost to you or our forum's attachment storage.  If you need help, we can help.  Some popular ones are Imgur or iPiccy. One's with more control on privacy and several steps above would be something like Flickr or a Photobucket, Imageshack, etc.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-12-03 16:18:20
To further answer some questions, in five years, our site has used about 1TB (terabyte) of attachment space.  It is at 90% capacity right now. 

This is roughly the cost of a TB of space for storage.
Amazon Link (

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2020-12-03 16:48:02
Good to know, Darrin.  Never have used attachments except for my forum avatar before, but good to know.  Hopefully it won't be too much work.

And please, offer a donation drive someday to allow us to help with site costs.  It isn't fair this all comes out of your pocket.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2020-12-04 00:12:02
Ooh, that is important.  Thank you.

So I know you said it above, but I just want to be UBER clear.  Our avatars are safe, right?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2020-12-04 00:23:37
Well, the avatar isn’t so big (even yours in full size ;D), so it’s not a problem to backup it ;D.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2020-12-04 00:29:40
^ Thats true.  I can imagine it is only a few hundred KB's or something.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-12-04 00:30:35
So I know you said it above, but I just want to be UBER clear.  Our avatars are safe, right?

Everyone's avatars are 100% safe.  No one will lose them.  They are being kept. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2020-12-04 00:34:23
And what’s with a topics from «PSF Games» part?
There is a need to keep all this «1» «1» «1» «1» and so on after several months that topic was ended?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-12-04 00:36:17
And what’s with a topics from «PSF Games» part?
There is a need to keep all this «1» «1» «1» «1» and so on after several months that topic was ended?

We are working on a way to remove that card entirely from the site of most, except for those playing the game and trying to win gift cards.

Luckily, all those topics combined don't even make up 1MB of space!  :D The whole forum as a whole uses up next to nothing.  Text is so miniscule.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2020-12-04 00:38:12
Luckily, all those topics combined don't even make up 1MB of space!.
( (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-12-04 00:41:47
Luckily, all those topics combined don't even make up 1MB of space!.
Wow. :-0

It's the bandwidth that bites.  But we've never had to worry about bandwidth, we got a good package.  We aren't a huge site with hundreds posting at once. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2020-12-04 00:47:23
Oh, yeah...
There are a lot of forums where you can see more members online than a number of registered users on this forum.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2020-12-04 00:49:27
We aren't a huge site with hundreds posting at once.

That is what I like about this place.  I get to KNOW people and not just be a random name who posts.

Though I do wish many more people posted.  So many just hide and lurk around.  They should say hi!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: flemishcap on 2020-12-04 13:32:02
Thank you for the news update.  I will also say that news ticker at the top left was very helpful to notice this.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2020-12-04 20:28:37
Thanks for the news alert.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-12-07 00:37:13

Members who frequent the Midnight Lounge will notice it has a new location and is changing.  We are going to organize it better and make it flow better with the site.  This is time consuming, so you will notice it is unorganized and unfinished for a couple days.  We allowed this instead of blocking you from the content until it was done.  Who wants to get blocked?  Not me.  So give us a little time and ignore our mess if you can.  It's all unfinished.

We are also looking into adding a link to SneezeCenterMedia from our site, similar as to how we have a link to the MLPS. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: megacycle on 2020-12-07 07:12:09
Thank you for keeping us updated on everything, and for all the hard work you all put into the site. Keep up the excellent work!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2020-12-07 07:14:29
Ok that's 2 pages done I leave the rest since I don't know some and if I was suppose to move them, if you feel I moved something to wrong place let me know.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2020-12-07 13:19:13

Members who frequent the Midnight Lounge will notice it has a new location and is changing.  We are going to organize it better and make it flow better with the site.  This is time consuming, so you will notice it is unorganized and unfinished for a couple days.  We allowed this instead of blocking you from the content until it was done.  Who wants to get blocked?  Not me.  So give us a little time and ignore our mess if you can.  It's all unfinished.

We are also looking into adding a link to SneezeCenterMedia from our site, similar as to how we have a link to the MLPS.

I like the way you split it up into writers / art / discussion topics - it makes things easier to find, and it gives us a nice overview!  ^b- Thank you so much for doing all this work for us, you are doing a terrific job!  <3
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2020-12-07 14:08:46
Thank you everyone for the kind words.  Smiles, Umbreon, and now I are taking the organizing into shifts so it isn't too much load on everyone.  It's been very nice and fun going through topics again.

If YOU have more ideas, please let us know on what can be done and changed.

We want 2021 to be a fresh year for everyone.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2020-12-07 14:30:19
Moved a few more for you, and certainly is nice reading topics again :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2020-12-07 15:49:48
Oh that is a great change for the Midnight Lounge...category I guess it is now. :D  I love the organization.

I am sure you will have some issues with where to put mature clips/and media.  But since that is so uncommon, that might be fine just keeping it in the general "Midnight Lounge" portion.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bumble on 2020-12-07 23:33:28
I love what you are doing to the Midnight Boards.  I am not trying to take away from that, but I have a legit idea I want to say before I forget.

You know our emote icons we can post?  For a long time I have wondered why we don't have a mischievous one!  You could use the "angry" emote but make it smile. Wa-la!  Done.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2020-12-08 03:29:31

^ We do have this one. It's programmed for use in the forum, but it's not listed, from what I can see.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2020-12-08 15:32:34
There are secret emojis?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2020-12-08 16:37:10
Not a whole lot of them. SMF has lots of hidden emotes, but we unhid most of them after I brought them to attention years ago. Right now, there's only 2 or 3 that are still hidden.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: flemishcap on 2020-12-08 21:16:56
I curious as to what the hidden ones are, but it's kinda cool if you somehow happen to stumble upon them.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-12-08 21:31:57
I feel a little bad going through the Midnight Lounge and moving topics to other locations.  The Midnight Lounge is quickly shrinking.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2020-12-08 22:00:50
I never realized there were almost 100 pieces of MIDNIGHT sneeze art here at PSF and 20 MIDNIGHT stories.  Organizing came up with some good things
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2020-12-08 22:34:49
I feel a little bad going through the Midnight Lounge and moving topics to other locations.  The Midnight Lounge is quickly shrinking.

Don't feel bad. You're doing a great job!  :)
Title: PSF's Cost
Post by: Darrin on 2020-12-25 15:24:15
Bought Another 5 Years of PSF

It's painful, but I want to be transparent with all of you.  Here is PSF's bill.

If you are willing to support us a little bit on our PayPal to help pay this bill, it would be very much appreciated.  No pressure.

Send it to [email protected]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.

( (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2020-12-25 20:07:42
I like to help out I send something soon as I can.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2020-12-25 20:59:32
I will definitely help out.  I can't believe it's been five years here already!  :)  Thanks for letting us HELP you this time. ;)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2021-01-01 14:00:20
Happy new year.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-01-04 16:37:00
Every year we've been paying the person who posts first in each board $5 via an Amazon gift card.  This year it won't be done due to our massive bill. Funnily enough, our only winner has always been MasterXtreme.  Lol!  He kindly donates back.   He won again this year if we were keeping score, plus someone else.

Bought Another 5 Years of PSF

It's painful, but I want to be transparent with all of you.  Here is PSF's bill.

If you are willing to support us a little bit on our PayPal to help pay this bill, it would be very much appreciated.  No pressure.

Send it to [email protected]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.

( (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: megacycle on 2021-01-05 10:04:05
I appreciate you all for keeping this site up and running, now I feel bad for not donating any of my own money. I spend most of my spare money on myself; rolling it into my savings, spending it on commissions, and buying video games.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-04-13 18:42:10
Current members of the PSF Clicker Game will be happy to know it is now the PSFC League!  We are creating a new board for the league that won't be intrusive to people who don't want to see it.  Legacy players will automatically be given access to see the new board as we work on it.  Anyone can join if they so choose by going to their profile and clicking the member group settings.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2021-04-14 06:30:20
Thanks, thanks so much <3.
Finally, the command «Show recent posts» is really useful ;D.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2021-04-14 17:17:36
I approve of this change.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-06-11 13:36:26
Cute group photo I am featuring here. (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2021-06-11 13:36:47
Oooh! Checking it out now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: TheBeesSneeze on 2021-06-27 13:35:20
Is it me or did a bunch of posts randomly go missing the MEDIA and OBS board?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2021-07-28 15:51:57
I don't think it has but if you think so I can take a look
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2021-07-28 18:14:35
Is it me or did a bunch of posts randomly go missing the MEDIA and OBS board?

Like entire topics? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-07-28 18:15:56
Is it me or did a bunch of posts randomly go missing the MEDIA and OBS board?

@TheBeesSneeze Someone actually messaged us about this a month ago.  We looked into it and saw no log changes.  Nothing was being deleted.  But unless you have some evidence that shows otherwise, I don't think anything changed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2021-07-30 15:38:29
I see there are some new smileys on the site.  Some are a bit too big though, but I like them.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-07-30 16:36:19
I see there are some new smileys on the site.  Some are a bit too big though, but I like them.

Sadly all the new ones are bigger.  But they are meant for a bit different use than our typical emojis.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-07-31 13:44:31
I just want to immortalize this cool and rare moment here.

What are the chances of this happening?  I am posting in the wee hours of the morning and saw that June and July have many of the same stats at this exact moment.  The same number of posts for the month, the same number of new members, and the same number of new topics!  That is so peculiar.


^ The chances of that happening were so slim, but you made it happen!  Very cool!
Post by: Smiles2us on 2021-09-02 17:10:12
SITE REFRESH (September 2, 2021)

I did a forum refresh today that did a bunch of things, but the most noticeable thing it will have done is remove people of their Midnight Member status if they didn't reach the post threshold.  Now I realize some members joined before we had that post count, so contact me if that is the case (I do not know who was removed unless you tell me).  It also removed over 150 profiles who registered, but never activated their account.  For everyone else, you will probably notice no difference.  Pretty much the she's files were cleaned and organized, and any errors were resolved.

With that said, we freed up a lot of space and we may be allowing people to post attachments soon using our site.
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2021-09-02 17:43:27
August was also the busiest month of the year at PSF so far.   [excited] [excited]  It had the most new topics (55) and most posts.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2021-09-02 21:51:27
Thank you for the update. :)

August was also the busiest month of the year at PSF so far.   [excited] [excited]  It had the most new topics (55) and most posts.

BOOM BABY!!!   [excited] [excited] [excited] [excited] [excited]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2021-09-03 01:28:59
Thanks for all the great work, @Smiles2us and @Darrin !  ^b-
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-09-03 22:57:26
Thanks for all the great work, @Smiles2us and @Darrin !  ^b-

Thank you for participating in the community antics!  It has been a joy having you here and congrats on your first year anniversary at PSF, @kiku!   ^b- [excited]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2021-09-04 12:44:46
Thank you!  <3
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-09-27 23:51:16
We had a minor update to the description of this board from the home splash page.  It now says, "Site rules, membership applications, feedback, and community news all in one place."  Instead of, "Site rules, feedback, and community news all in one place."
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-10-07 23:50:14
Oct 7.  We had a small time spammer who posted three things linking to websites to sell video games cheap.  Just be on the look out.  They have been removed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-10-15 13:38:36

We are doing testing and error log checks.  So you will notice various changes on the site, most notably color/template changes throughout the day.  This is normal and being done on our end.  Do not worry. :)

Throughout the day today October, 15, 2021; we will be switching our site's template to a default color template.  Not our usual green.  We are going to be modifying things.  Sorry if this irks you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2021-10-15 13:59:58
It looks great!  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-10-15 14:02:25

Thanks.  :D

So an update to everyone here... Our past template, the green one, has been acting up recently and causing a lot of errors throughout the site, causing people to have several 404 errors when loading up the site.  So until we fix this, and can figure out what exactly is causing it, we may be stuck with this blue background for a period of time.  Any questions, please let me know.  When we get this solved, we will be going back to our tradtional, "PSF Green."
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2021-10-15 14:15:18
I hope you can figure it out.  Can't say I've had those problems, but I hope it works out.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2021-10-15 17:06:44
Muscle memory has me confused seeing this current layout, lol.   Good luck.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2021-10-15 22:00:32

So we tried to make this temporary layout more similar to our past green layout.  But for now everyone, we will be stuck with this color and layout until we can get fixes done with the other layout.  Get used to some generic light blues for a little bit.  I know it's not the PSF green we are all used too, but this is the most stable layout we can use and still be somewhat easy to read.  Thank you all for your patience.  We will be working on this throughout the weekend.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2021-10-15 23:06:59
Wow, I was thrown for a loop seeing he site this way.  Also that extra step where I have to click "quick reply" to reply isn't optimal.  But it's okay!  First world problems.  Good luck on the continued work.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2021-10-16 12:02:52
Good luck, @Smiles2us and @Darrin , you're both doing such a great job!!  ^b- No pressure on yourselves, please - the forum is working and we can all communicate and share things, so everything's fine. I wish I could offer some technical help, but I'm afraid I'm a total computer illiterate.  ;D I'm sure you can fix all the issues, and even if some things are going to stay different - what's the problem as long as we all still have each other!  :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2021-10-16 20:28:40
Good luck, @Smiles2us and @Darrin , you're both doing such a great job!!  ^b- No pressure on yourselves, please - the forum is working and we can all communicate and share things, so everything's fine. I wish I could offer some technical help, but I'm afraid I'm a total computer illiterate.  ;D I'm sure you can fix all the issues, and even if some things are going to stay different - what's the problem as long as we all still have each other!  :)

I love her positive attitude!  I agree. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2021-10-16 22:19:50
Hmm, I can’t see any forum board untill I sign in (it’s not a problem actually ;D), but the stats show there are still a big amount of guests on this forum. How they can be on a forum in this case? ::)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2021-10-16 22:35:45
Hmm, I can’t see any forum board untill I sign in (it’s not a problem actually ;D), but the stats show there are still a big amount of guests on this forum. How they can be on a forum in this case? ::)

How many guests? I currently see 118.

I'm cool with the fact we have to log in to see stuff.  It keeps our stuff more safe from prying eyes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-10-16 22:39:09
Hmm, I can’t see any forum board until I sign in (it’s not a problem actually ;D), but the stats show there are still a big amount of guests on this forum. How they can be on a forum in this case? ::)

Some of those are website crawlers and bots which grab information for search engines.  That is one of the things we are trying to reduce.  As for the number of guests (how many did you see?) they are just stuck on the login page and things I am not fully understanding yet. :D

Hmm, I can’t see any forum board untill I sign in (it’s not a problem actually ;D), but the stats show there are still a big amount of guests on this forum. How they can be on a forum in this case? ::)
I'm cool with the fact we have to log in to see stuff.  It keeps our stuff more safe from prying eyes.

We will discuss this with the community on whether or not they want this to be a "closed" community or "open" like how it was before with certain things blocked.  As a closed community, we will likely grow slower.

Thank you @kiku and @FoxTail. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2021-10-16 23:21:27
A bit more than 100 guests, as usual, and most of them apparently traveled further than a login page.
( (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: TheBeesSneeze on 2021-10-17 00:32:02
I am up at a ungodly time right now, and there are still 99 guests on.  Same as pictured above pretty much.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2021-10-18 00:19:35
I think it's normal to have around a 100 guests.  There are 104 right now.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Kiwi on 2021-10-18 21:39:44
I like the color of the old forum, but I love the added features this layout provides.  It allows for more information.

I also figured out at the top tabs, I had this number next to "PROFILE."  That means someone mentions you and to get that to go away, click profile and go to mentions.

I like how we can also see all posts and topics we created too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-10-22 17:36:18
So here is what is going on...

Our service provider is claiming this layout causes issues and they want us to upgrade out service to $466.00 dollars.... :(  I can't figure out why this is causing any issues.  I've been working with @Smiles2us and trying to get help from our tech @yasl to solve this issues, but there is only so much we know.

What is stupid is our site uses less than 1% of the resources they offer.  But something in this skin is causing something called "faults" which for a .001th of a second uses up 100% resources then drops to 1% again.  This happens maybe 4 times a day and I don't know why.

Because of this, they say we need to upgrade our service.... despite not using 1% of the resources 99.99% of the time!!!  I can't spend $466.00 dollars more for this site every 30 months.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: TheBeesSneeze on 2021-10-22 18:39:38
Seems like they found a way to make money.  If this site isn't using resources except for these random instances, that seems pretty unfair to make you have to pay more.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2021-10-22 23:30:27
The regular forum costs us $400.00, and they want to add $466 on top of that.  That is ridiculous.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-10-23 14:03:26
The green layout is causing too many errors for now.  Nothing we can do about it.  We are stuck with this blue layout for now.  :-/ 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2021-10-24 17:59:20
I know staff likes topics to end at 10k usually before a new one is made.  Should we end this topic at 11k since it's so close and start a new one?

If so... I would love to make it. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2021-10-24 18:05:45
I think this topic may be closed no earlier than current month’s result will be published and discussed ;D.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2021-10-24 18:52:22
^ I'm thinking that is a smart idea.  Since FoxTail brought it up first, I think she deserves the honor to create the new topic. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-10-25 16:16:05
Free tease week for guests.  Throughout the week, various boards will open up to allow them to see things they wouldn't usually see.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2021-10-29 21:31:28

We've had a lot of people visit during this time too. :)
Post by: Darrin on 2021-11-03 14:34:27
So we are going to have to either upgrade our account due to some faults we can't find which will be an extra $200 dollars every two years.  Or another option is to find a new host... but then I have no idea how to do that.  So.... we would need trusted help from anyone in the community.  Please @yasl respond... need help.  Otherwise, if you know of a good hosting service, we may have to switch, or possibly start a community fund to pay for this site.

Lastly, the worst option, they shut down our site because we don't make an option and these weird faults that happen for .001 second, are making them unhappy.  They happen about four times a day and we have no clue why.

This is sort of a last minute, desperate plea for anyone who is good with computers, websites, cPanel, Simple Machines, servers, etc, please reach out. 
Post by: RainySunshine on 2021-11-03 16:32:36
I wish I knew how to do that stuff.  :-\

I would be willing to help support fund the upgrade.  But it stinks clearly since we don't even use up the data, it is these .01 second spikes you talk about. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2021-11-03 16:32:46
So we are going to have to either upgrade our account due to some faults we can't find which will be an extra $200 dollars every two years.  Or another option is to find a new host... but then I have no idea how to do that.  So.... we would need trusted help from anyone in the community.  Please @yasl respond... need help.  Otherwise, if you know of a good hosting service, we may have to switch, or possibly start a community fund to pay for this site.

Lastly, the worst option, they shut down our site because we don't make an option and these weird faults that happen for .001 second, are making them unhappy.  They happen about four times a day and we have no clue why.

This is sort of a last minute, desperate plea for anyone who is good with computers, websites, cPanel, Simple Machines, servers, etc, please reach out. 
Title: Forcible Upgrade
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2021-11-04 13:58:45
So we are going to have to either upgrade our account due to some faults we can't find which will be an extra $200 dollars every two years.  Or another option is to find a new host... but then I have no idea how to do that.  So.... we would need trusted help from anyone in the community.  Please @yasl respond... need help.  Otherwise, if you know of a good hosting service, we may have to switch, or possibly start a community fund to pay for this site.

Lastly, the worst option, they shut down our site because we don't make an option and these weird faults that happen for .001 second, are making them unhappy.  They happen about four times a day and we have no clue why.

This is sort of a last minute, desperate plea for anyone who is good with computers, websites, cPanel, Simple Machines, servers, etc, please reach out. 

They are going to rope you in unfortunately. :-\  Without the know-how, you will be forced to pay for the upgrade.    An extra $400 plus dollars.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2021-11-06 01:05:52
Let me amend what I said earlier.  I was told by a representative of the company it is now $466 for three years.  That is a ton. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2021-11-06 10:04:18
@Darrin if your still looking for help I might be able to get some help send me a pm when available.
Title: Deadline Given...
Post by: Darrin on 2021-12-06 14:44:20

I have been given an ultimatum by our host provider.  Our host says we have until the end of the week or our site will be shut down.

So I have switched us back to green.  Our future is up in the air... I've tried all I can do, but we've had zero help to improve the issues they claim are hurting our servers.  They want to charge us officially now $466.20 + tax for a 3 year term (which is the highest billing term currently available).  That is unreasonably high. That is $155 a year, plus tax, plus the cost of our host name and primary costs.  That equals about $550 dollars to run this site for 3 years by them.  That is too much and I can't afford that on my own.

So... the only thing we can do now is either move to a new host (But I will need help from people to actually get us on a new platform to migrate what we have to a new host) or to actually pay what these thieves want and buy us time for three years.  (It is the Business Pro Plan)

We have a PayPal setup.  You can use either one of these emails which will go to our account to pay for the current plan.  Any amount will help since I feel the only option at this point, since we have no tech savvy person to help, is to give in and pay their crazy rate.  I don't want to lose our community.

PAYPAL: [email protected] or [email protected]

Title: Deadline Given...
Post by: megacycle on 2021-12-07 07:49:39
I sent what I could to help, @Darrin , hopefully other people pitch in to help.

If I knew somebody tech savy I would direct them to you, but I don't. I'm sorry! I hope we can keep the community going, this is one of the few places I feel comfortable being myself.
Title: Thank You So Much!
Post by: Darrin on 2021-12-07 10:40:02
Oh my goodness!  I turned on my computer today and was bombarded with support.  I cannot thank you @megacycle and the other anonymous people enough!  Your generosity is amazing.  I will happily pay what is left, but you all certainly came through and made this so much easier for me to pay.  Thank you so much.  I will get this going right now, pay, and contact you with news when I hear back from our host. There might be some slight downtime as we migrate over to a dedicated server. I've never had this kind of support before and I must say I am overwhelmed.  Thank you truly.  I'm touched. :)  Thank you for helping our community.

I hope can I can provide you all something as a thank you (It's just I don't know who most of you are because Paypal hides that info!)  Thank you again so much.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: megacycle on 2021-12-07 11:09:25
I'm just happy I could help; I wish I could offer you the tech support that you need, but I can provide this type of support instead. Now spread some holiday joy by keeping the site up and running! Now I'm going to go hang some mistletoe and some other, heavy on the pollen, plants. lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2021-12-07 12:00:42
:) I hope it works out!! Least we could do for all the years you've paid for the service and kept it running.  Love this place.

I'm going to go hang some mistletoe and some other, heavy on the pollen, plants. lol.

Lol!  [excited]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2021-12-07 14:32:51
Hopefully the amount given will help pay for future years too.  Thank you for providing this community.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2021-12-07 23:58:01
I want to thank the real gift givers who supported the site to exist further!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2021-12-08 10:52:27
THANK YOU from me too!!  <3
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2021-12-08 13:50:33
A big thank you to everyone who helped support this forum. :)
Title: In-Depth Info Coming This Weekend
Post by: Darrin on 2021-12-09 00:05:50
Thank you again everyone!  The conversation has already happened with no known downtime.  I will provide more info later, and our faults seem to have disappeared... so that's good! 

We have SOOOOOOOooooo much hosting power now, we are thinking of dabbling into other things to host.  I can't promise yet, but we might be able to host personal websites for members here on PSF.  I think it's as simple as us slapping the domain name you own into our program and wa-laaa!  You'd have a hosted website.

But give me a few days, maybe this weekend.  I will post more in-depth everything that happened. I will post the receipt as well so you can see what we paid for, how much it was, etc.

Thank you SO much to everyone who gave whether it was $100, $50, or a few bucks.  It was a really wholesome and humbling moment for us all.  Thank you so much. 

Title: Re: In-Depth Info Coming This Weekend
Post by: Smiles2us on 2021-12-09 18:52:33
We have SOOOOOOOooooo much hosting power now, we are thinking of dabbling into other things to host.  I can't promise yet, but we might be able to host personal websites for members here on PSF.  I think it's as simple as us slapping the domain name you own into our program and wa-laaa!  You'd have a hosted website.

We really are looking into this and how much work/easy it would be. :D
Title: Site Statistics!
Post by: Darrin on 2021-12-15 14:37:12
As promised, here are some statistics for everyone to view and enjoy and see just what PSF is doing in the background.  I would also like to send a request to anyone who is familiar with Cloudflare as we need some help re-establishing our seamless automated backups via Cloudflare.  Please contact me if you are familiar with such tools.

So let's look at some stats from the month of December and beyond.
This first graph is traffic for the month of December.  The 15th has less traffic because it hasn't been 24hrs yet, but when complete, it should be similar to the other days.

These are the top 25 visitors visiting PSF.  It shows their geographies and surprisingly, a lot of are unknown to the system. Besides the United States of America, our next biggest following is from Eastern Europe and various parts of Europe. We even get some visitors from the African country of Seychelles!! This data is just for December so far.

This is for December and the amount of traffic we have per day.

Here is PSF's traffic for the entire year of 2021 so far.  Obviously December's data isn't complete yet. As you can see, it has been a very busy year here!  Breaking records all this year compared to previous years.

This is the average visit time of people here on PSF. Sure the initial hit count is high, but it amazes me how long people actually stay here on a single visit!  Kudos to you!  Thanks everyone.

These charts show which operating system visits our site the most, followed by the web browser.  We have a large percentage of Apple iMac users who also use Safari.  Also iOS users outnumber Android users by a large margin at PSF.  Overall, phone users make up a minority of visitors to PSF.

Lastly, this graph shows us which hours of the day people visit PSF.  This is for the month of December based off the Pacific Time Zone (Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver, etc) which is where our servers are located. We have two busy times of day, 4pm and 9pm.  The least busy time of day is 5am.  Because.... who is waking up early if they don't have to?

Thank you for taking the time to look through these stats and I hope you all have a great Christmas season coming up.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Graymist on 2021-12-15 23:26:41
Thank you!!! I like seeing all this stuff.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2022-01-01 00:39:35
Thank you.  I liked the stats as well.  I am curious who from Seychelles has visited so much? :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2022-01-04 23:31:54
You are welcome.  I am glad two of you enjoyed it.

Also our first new member of the year joined on January 4th! It was a spam account from India trying to sell products, this time to some school in India!  We've had a lot of India spam accounts the past few months.  We delete them all.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2022-01-14 00:36:01
Busy start to the new year.  We just hit 14 days into the new year (by 30 minutes) and we already have 29 new topics and over 3,600 posts!!! Crazy!
Post by: Darrin on 2022-06-23 16:11:12
PSF Being Offline June 22 - June 23rd

As many of you experienced, PSF was unexpected offline June 22 - 23rd for several hours.  This was due to our hosting company, HostPapa having server issues.  So you likely experienced a timed out loading experience, or a 522 error on your screen.  As promised, when PSF has issues, we turned to our "emergency" outlets and posted the news for our viewers to see and now what was happening.  I am not sure how many even remember our emergency outlets, so I will post the links below once again.  Remember to have these tabs saved incase we ever have outraged or site emergencies where you cannot view PSF itself.  If you can think of another outlet to share our site news, let us know.

Overall, the issue seems to have been resolved.
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2022-06-23 16:14:38
Thank you. I couldn't get online from about noon yesterday till late that night, before I went to bed.  I did check the MLPS for info and thankfully you had some info there.  Good to have those emergency outlets otherwise I would have been wondering the whole time.
Post by: Soda on 2022-06-23 23:44:19
Thank you. I couldn't get online from about noon yesterday till late that night, before I went to bed.  I did check the MLPS for info and thankfully you had some info there.  Good to have those emergency outlets otherwise I would have been wondering the whole time.

And then people like me totally forgot to look there.  I was just worried.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Graymist on 2022-06-25 14:00:41
I'm surprised so few were talking about this.  It was a good 12-14hrs the site was offline.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2022-06-26 06:06:26
I noticed it, but I said to myself that such things happen from time to time, and that surely all would be OK again soon.
Kikuism  8)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: flemishcap on 2022-06-26 18:03:45
I sort of just figured the site would come back too.  522 errors mean it is a hosting issue, so I sort of figured it had nothing to do with YOU the PSF admin.  I knew it was the host.  Glad they got it fixed.  I will say, I was a bit concerned after I came back 5 hrs later and the site was still offline.  I went to sleep, and the next day it was back. :)  <<<V>>>

Kikuism.  I like that. :D   [excited]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2022-09-01 17:24:57
August was a good month for PSF.  We had the most posts all year this month, 7778 posts and 48 new topics!  Nice job everyone involved. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2022-09-07 23:53:46
@Smiles2us or @Darrin please, help to deal with a spammer :-0.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2022-09-08 18:43:38
Thanks, Spam is gone!

If y'all use the "report" button on a topic, I get an instant notification.  That is the quickest way in the future. :) 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2022-10-24 17:34:47
Some minor updates to the site.  Have a good one all!
Title: Legitimate Question
Post by: Bumble on 2022-11-02 15:01:44
I have never seen this before.  Someone is "printing" a topic?

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2022-11-02 15:03:16
«Printing» means showing the simplified version of the page.
It can be useful for reducing traffic ;D.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2022-11-02 15:04:21
It means they are legitimately PRINTING the page or they are viewing it in an easier to read view.  Maybe both. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bumble on 2022-11-02 15:06:06
Wow, thanks for the quick answers.

It still just seems weird.  If they weren't viewing it simplified, to think they may have been PRINTING the page on paper.  Maybe they are a staff member for Hazbin Hotel and found this and wanted to share it?  (Scary too, lol)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2022-11-02 15:11:14
Many, many years ago I was reading some forums with my old phone exactly by using the «printing» option. Instead of turning the page (=connecting) every 15-20 posts, I could open the whole topic and read it the whole day being offline ;D.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bumble on 2022-11-02 15:47:46
^ Thats pretty cool.  I did not know it could do that.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2022-12-02 16:23:09
A lot of people online. :)

154 Guests, 16 Users (1 Hidden) Users active in past 120 minutes:
1234, MasterXtreme, Blurr, Nick Gallen, scootyhue, JolliLolli, Liam of Rock, Nemesis Prime, NostradamusTheSeer, vader07, Daphine, Omegapony, MrDark1amao, TikoPiko, bben9-kun
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: TheBeesSneeze on 2022-12-07 14:33:14
The whole forum is nearing 4,000 topics! :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2023-01-01 00:03:19
Happy New Year!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2023-01-10 00:15:38
I'm surprised how busy it is at midnight/3pm depending on the US timezone. ;D

89 Guests, 13 Users Users active in past 120 minutes:
1234, Rainberry, Omegapony, VexedOut, Bloogap, Claof, NostradamusTheSeer, Y31, Glatissant, Animesneezys, kiku, MrDark1amao, Blurr
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2023-01-14 00:50:23
Wow, I see a lot of new animated emoticons were added! Not sure when, but they are there!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2023-01-14 01:13:55
I remember the big yellow smiles, but the running G5 characters are something new!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2023-01-14 10:39:24
Wow, all the G5 characters except Hitch!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2023-01-25 13:34:18
A lot of people online.  Only two of them actually posting. 

97 Guests, 18 Users Users active in past 120 minutes:
Rainberry, HyperMetalSonic, kiku, scootyhue, MrDark1amao, JolliLolli, Omegapony, Daphine, IsuIsa, Blurr, Nick Gallen, Y31, thebessemer, Hoseky, bakky0, bben9-kun, Crimson Crest, Liam of Rock
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2023-02-06 18:09:05
54 Guests, 18 Users (0 Buddies, 1 Hidden) Users active in past 120 minutes:
1234, RainySunshine, DEEcat98, Gforram, NostradamusTheSeer, Blurr, Grenta, Kirbo, Kmlp, MrDark1amao, sudosnz, IsuIsa, Crocoze, Nick Gallen, redH01, HyperMetalSonic, LocoLover3

A decent amount posting right now.  You got the same few people who come here only to use the links section and go elsewhere. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-02-06 18:21:06
Do you mean this guy who always goes elsewhere?  lol

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2023-02-06 18:22:19
^ Dude, bro.  I wasn't going to call them out. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-02-06 18:26:44
^ Dude, bro.  I wasn't going to call them out. 


Oh you mean this? 


Don't worry, they will never look and see this.  They do this literally every day.  I don't know if I've ever seen them look around this forum?  I wonder if they know they can just START from the other site they seem to like to visit instead of logging in here and going there?  Do you think they even know?  lol
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-02-09 18:29:14
Oh look.  That certain someone is doing it again, lol!  I swear it's all they do.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2023-02-09 23:30:08
Oh look.  That certain someone is doing it again, lol!  I swear it's all they do.


You animal!  Lol!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-04-16 14:10:34
They literally go there every day through PSF, Lol.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: flemishcap on 2023-05-06 22:30:37
This might be a dumb idea but I was just thinking of a way to end the need of people having to put a sex tag at the end of their title.

What if art and stories were separated by female and male sub-boards?  That would also allow people who want to see a certain content just go to that one particular sub-board without having to see the other? 

As for stuff that includes both male and female in the same story/art, I guess it could be posted to both boards?

Again, probably a dumb idea, but just throwing it out to build upon it or something.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-05-07 16:10:20
I think it does need some work still, especially if you have stuff with both F/M content.

Something I think should be worked on is cutting down on lurkers who consume and don't comment ever.  I think we should have 'paywalls' where people can only see art and stories if they have a certain post count.  Yes I know this is controversial, but people who simply look at art or read stories and never comment for the creators are absolutely worthless and do nothing to help communities.  They are but parasites and this goes for any web forum where they exist (which is all of them). Yeah I know my idea will never be done, but just throwing it out there too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: electricferret on 2023-05-08 10:52:09
Something I think should be worked on is cutting down on lurkers who consume and don't comment ever.  I think we should have 'paywalls' where people can only see art and stories if they have a certain post count.

Maybe its the aging lefty in me but i like that everyone is equal here.  Some forums, blue for example,  have dozens of secret and or limited sections by age or status. I don't see it as a positive except that some basic membership requirements limit trolls.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2023-05-09 11:09:57
We can of course maybe discuss this with the administration and see if we can come up with some idea regarding this matter however of course cannot promise it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-05-12 13:00:58
I don't think we want to alienate a lot of people by having a 'paywall' based on post count.  Already people don't realize we have a Midnight Board, even though when signing in with a new account, they are supposed to read the rules and see that information. It shows people aren't actually reading the rules and the Midnight Membership right at the beginning.  We already do have a 'paywall' on the Midnight Membership of just five posts, and yet people in mass try to join without posting five times.  Over 80% are told they need to just post five posts, and they simply don't, choosing to not say anything and miss out on all the content.  I am sure it would be similar if we did that for all content.

That is something we will need to improve. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bumble on 2023-06-11 14:30:42
Anyone else get personal messages from a certain someone like this one?  No context, I hadn't contacted her, and I just randomly got this.

Here is a question I have, do you think every fictional character needs character development and/or backstories?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2023-06-11 16:18:40
She's been making topics asking that same question over and over and over again for a loooonng while. I've heard that a few people got random DMs from her. I got one about a month ago.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: DEEcat98 on 2023-06-11 19:37:25
The main reason I've been asking these similar questions is because I want to see if any of you think that depth, lore, and character development always makes a series better, I mean you guys like My Little Pony and that show had to focus on depth and character development.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: DEEcat98 on 2023-06-11 19:45:26
The main reason I've been asking these similar questions is because I want to see if any of you think that depth, lore, and character development always makes a series better, I mean you guys like My Little Pony and that show had to focus on depth and character development.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: flemishcap on 2023-06-11 22:28:09
I'm pretty sure people have answered that question many times with varying responses.  You just keep asking over and over though anyways.

Case and point, you made yet another topic.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-06-11 23:46:17
Anyone else get personal messages from a certain someone like this one?  No context, I hadn't contacted her, and I just randomly got this.

Here is a question I have, do you think every fictional character needs character development and/or backstories?

Yeah, that's Dee. I got two messages from her recently asking the same question in a different way with zero context or reason for being contacted.  She doesn't discriminate on who she randomly picks.

Let me show you our little discussion.

How come there are not a lot of people being interested in talking about depth in shows and movies, especially if they want to see depth, lore, character development, world building, and backstories in shows and movie franchises? I mean, doesn’t depth always improve anything and gets more people interested?

I don't know Dee.  It might be because you keep asking such similar questions.  No one knows how to keep answering.  Depth doesn't always make things better either.  It just depends what they are writing for.  You don't always want something heavy with a lot of depth.  Light and fun can be relaxing and not allow for much effort to enjoy something. 

But didn't MLP improved in quality when it focused more on it's depth?

No.  The quality was already good from the beginning.

Animation quality was great and improved as the animators learned over time and the studio was given a bigger budget to work from.

And then she never answered again.  Totally ignored the main point of what I told her. She clearly didn't listen or want to listen to it and continues to message people at random and create topics over and over again with the same question.  I think all the topics should be merged.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2023-06-11 23:53:53
^ Well, I guess I should say I got messages to, but I didn't answer because I've answered before in the topics she's created.

Doesn't depth, lore, character development, world building, and backstories always help improve any show and movie franchises? I mean, what's with not many people in forums, reddit, and other sites wanting to talk about character growth as well as knowing more about any side character or discovering the media's world building lore?
Did you read what my message I sent to you said?

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-06-11 23:56:46
I think all the topics should be merged.

I merged one of the topics into the other.  I might do some more.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-06-12 00:39:06
So as you can see @Bumble, it's quite common.

Thanks, @Darrin.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: DEEcat98 on 2023-06-12 04:27:30
As I said, don’t you guys usually like depth, character development, lore, and backstories where they help make things become darker which is what many modern animated shows with major fandoms have?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2023-06-12 08:10:37
I didn't want to think she was, but she's clearly just trolling us, at this point.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: DEEcat98 on 2023-06-12 08:54:20
I’m not trolling you guys, I just want to see if any of you are aware that character development is always needed.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2023-06-12 09:17:03
How many answers will it take until you stop asking, then?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: DEEcat98 on 2023-06-12 09:18:35
But don't you all here love depth and when a series becomes dark? I mean, My Little Pony does depth.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2023-06-12 10:09:11
Answer my question.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: DEEcat98 on 2023-06-12 10:28:57
I pretty much already did, I keep on asking just to see if anyone is aware about character development being necessary in movies and shows all the time.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Sniffles on 2023-06-12 12:36:08
What is even.... what?  lol! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-06-12 12:38:52
@DEEcat98 People have answered your question many times.  You do not need to keep asking it.  Do you understand? 

If you don't stop spamming the forum with your latest obsessions here, I will take action which could mean a temporary ban.  I am posting this here, since you don't seem to read my messages to you.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: DEEcat98 on 2023-06-12 16:55:35
Sorry about all of this, I just wanted to see if any of you are upset about how not every animated fictional character got character development like me.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2023-06-12 18:12:13
@Darrin Please make it stop!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2023-06-13 00:23:01
I just wanted to see if any of you are upset about how not every animated fictional character got character development like me.

No, I am not upset.  Your question has been answered.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2023-06-13 12:32:36
I have answered before and will answer again.  My answer is no I am not upset about it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2023-06-15 13:04:34
This went well. lol.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: DEEcat98 on 2023-06-15 22:21:33
How come many of you aren't upset at how not every animated character got character development?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2023-06-15 22:36:33
Because we are all different people with different tastes, views, and values. We may have some (or even many) things in common, but there are things we don't have in common.
It's totally OK that you think every animated character needs character development, @DEEcat98 . And it's also OK that many other people here (myself included) think differently.
It's OK.  <3
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2023-06-16 00:20:56
Because we are all different people with different tastes, views, and values. We may have some (or even many) things in common, but there are things we don't have in common.
It's totally OK that you think every animated character needs character development, @DEEcat98 . And it's also OK that many other people here (myself included) think differently.
It's OK.  <3

 :)  ^b-
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2023-06-18 21:53:06
I just had a thought.  What if we planned a WRITERS DAY?  A day when writers share new content and people focus on reading and writing feedback to the writer's and their work? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2023-06-20 06:32:24
That could possibly work out and be a very nice thing to try out.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2023-06-20 06:42:14
I just had a thought.  What if we planned a WRITERS DAY?  A day when writers share new content and people focus on reading and writing feedback to the writer's and their work?

I would love that!  ^-^ I must admit I pay much too little attention to fellow writers' stories.  :-\ I want to change that. I need to catch up on my reading!  8)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2023-06-20 12:31:36
I like the idea.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bumble on 2023-07-10 13:17:13
So can we make this happen?  As a boon for the authors?  The artwork topic is booming everyday but the authors section comes in random spurts.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2023-07-11 00:13:07
It is probably going to be up to us to make it happen.  Us as a community. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2023-07-11 13:22:55
It is always up to the community.  If you come to a date or want us to promote what you come up with, we can certainly help. :)
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: TheBeesSneeze on 2023-07-12 00:10:45
Did the quick reply disappear?  I don't see it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2023-07-12 05:41:03
Quick reply is still here far as I can tell as that's the default I believe.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Sniffles on 2023-07-12 12:47:07
Did the quick reply disappear?  I don't see it.

I still have it too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-07-12 12:47:48
Did the quick reply disappear?  I don't see it.

It should be there.  It isn't going anywhere.  If you continue to have issues, please let me know.  Better yet, take a photo of message me.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2023-07-16 23:32:26
Idea.  What if there was a section of the forum for topics that collected content for specific fandoms.

For example, this topic focused on sneezes from Show A.  So people placed art and stories in their, and other media.

Another topic focused on Show B and did the same thing, placing art, stories, media in there.

I don't know exactly where or how this could be done, but it would make finding content easy for some people who search online.  Just a thought.  I don't expect it to be implemented in this rough state, but maybe an idea to build on or test with something.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2023-07-20 13:04:12
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: timmelon on 2023-07-20 13:06:35
I hope we will not forget about it this time ;D.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2023-07-20 13:13:41
Let's do this!  [excited] [excited] [excited]

Idea.  What if there was a section of the forum for topics that collected content for specific fandoms.

For example, this topic focused on sneezes from Show A.  So people placed art and stories in their, and other media.

Another topic focused on Show B and did the same thing, placing art, stories, media in there.

I don't know exactly where or how this could be done, but it would make finding content easy for some people who search online.  Just a thought.  I don't expect it to be implemented in this rough state, but maybe an idea to build on or test with something.

I think this has promise, especially if we were starting out brand new as a forum.  It would need some tweaking though.  Nice idea!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-07-21 01:35:54
To prevent lurkers, maybe we should block artwork to people who only post comments?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-07-21 02:08:09
To prevent lurkers, maybe we should block artwork to people who only post comments?

Probably won't happen.  Lurkers will forever lurk no matter how annoying it may be to some.

Though there is always that possibility if more like the idea, we could put it behind a comment wall.  Such as they have to post 5 posts before they can see it.  The reason we don't do this is because artwork is on the main things people use to comment on to unlock things on the forum.

I just don't think we will do that though anytime soon.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-07-21 02:15:14
Fair enough.  Thanks for the answer.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bumble on 2023-07-21 13:04:35

Hopefully there will be art and writing dumps that day!! :D  [excited]
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2023-07-21 13:48:29
I promise I will post something to read!  ^-^
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2023-07-22 00:02:10
I promise I will post something to read!  ^-^

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-07-22 00:08:18

Are you an artist?  Are you a writer?  Do you just like sneezes?  Well come prepared on July 31st!  We ask all creators to save up some content and release them on July 31st as sort of a fun event for all community members!  Spread the news!  Find content to share and get ready for a fun July 31st!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2023-07-22 13:42:57
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2023-07-22 13:43:07

Are you an artist?  Are you a writer?  Do you just like sneezes?  Well come prepared on July 31st!  We ask all creators to save up some content and release them on July 31st as sort of a fun event for all community members!  Spread the news!  Find content to share and get ready for a fun July 31st!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2023-07-22 16:50:22
^ I know I am preparing!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2023-07-23 20:47:41
Authors are preparing!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-07-25 23:52:28

Are you an artist?  Are you a writer?  Do you just like sneezes?  Well come prepared on July 31st!  We ask all creators to save up some content and release them on July 31st as sort of a fun event for all community members!  Spread the news!  Find content to share and get ready for a fun July 31st!

Related to this, we encourage people to post content all WEEKEND from Friday to Monday.  Monday is an unfortunate day for Sneeze Appreciation Day because it is the first day of the work week.  So we plan to extend the holiday cheer and have the entire weekend be filled with fun new content for people to enjoy! 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2023-07-26 03:37:02
Good idea!  ^b-
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Rainberry on 2023-07-26 13:13:01
I've got to be honest.  I am very hyped about this.

I was shocked even today to come in and see a lot of people posting BEFORE the beg holiday event.  Save your content everyone! lol!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Graymist on 2023-07-27 13:19:50
AUTHORS and ARTISTS section is going to be hopping!  Hopefully people comment on the authors section a lot too!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2023-07-28 12:16:45
Voilà!  ^-^
My contribution for PSF Annual International Sneeze Appreciation Day!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2023-07-28 12:49:52
Go support em'!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2023-07-28 13:05:23
We already go three new topics made for today!  Off to a good start of the celebration!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2023-07-31 12:01:23
An awesome weekend no doubt!  Today is OFFICIALLY Sneeze Appreciation Day!  But I truly loved how this community came together and produced so much content! It truly was like Christmas in July!  lol!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-08-10 13:03:04
The PSF Sneeze Appreciation Day was a large success thanks to everyone here. Traffic for the site during the event was really good! From the 28th to the 31st we had 54,969 unique views, 1,249 new comments, and 26 new topics related to the event. That does not include many updated topics that already had existed but had new content added to them tied to the event. Nice job everyone! Hope you had as much fun as we did.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2023-09-03 22:36:15
The "ARTWORK" and "AUTHORS" boards of the forum is open to the Public for the Labor Day holiday.  All those guests will get to enjoy a little over 24hrs of free content before it's blocked again behind registration.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2023-09-04 16:23:34
^ Oh, very cool!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2023-09-25 12:11:18
Just a heads up, we might have a member who is abusing the 'call function' such as @Smiles2us, @Darrin, and @1234.  Just a heads up.  It's happened twice but I did speak to them about it in a post.  I am probably being a whiney baby too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Bumble on 2023-09-25 12:11:40
I'm not cool enough to be summoned, lol. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-09-25 12:13:46
Noted.  If it keeps happening, we'll step in.  Twice isn't abuse yet.  Hopefully they know now that you said something and rethink how they use the system. It is one thing to want to communicate and notify a member, it's another just to batch call a ton so they can see something you did.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2023-09-25 12:14:53
Noted.  If it keeps happening, we'll step in.  Twice isn't abuse yet. 

Definitely not abuse.  Just making you aware.  Thanks.  ^b-

I'm not cool enough to be summoned, lol.

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Smiles2us on 2023-09-25 12:44:03
Thank you.  We'll monitor it.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2023-10-07 23:46:24
Awww, we had 18 days of new threads being made, then took one day off, just to have another day with five new topics made.  Too bad we couldn't have kept that streak going to 20.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-10-15 15:09:06
AI Artwork and PSF. What Do We Do?

What do you as PSFer's want us to do about AI Art.  Please share your thoughts below.

As how it currently stands, we have an AI art topic, though some bleeds out into it's own separate topics.  AI art will keep getting bigger.

Our thought is we make a separate sub-board for AI art and AI art prompters so topics can be more freely made and shared.  What are your thoughts?  If you have other ideas, please share.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2023-10-15 15:44:47
Personally I think ai art should have it's own thread to allow people to post it freely as their own topics as we do with traditional art.  If this becomes a bigger thing in the authors section too, you might need to consider it there as well. Two separate threads.  Allow the ai section to grow and expand as the traditional art board has too. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2023-10-15 16:00:53
Right now having on topic is fine, but I do think in the future we should split it.  Some people don't want it.  The only negative is it will hinder the growth of the ai art as more people will funnel to traditional for awhile.  But this could be a new outlet for new creators.
Title: Need Opinions!!!
Post by: Smiles2us on 2023-10-19 12:49:19
Thank you for everyone's feedback so far.

Would you prefer a whole new category on the site for AI art and stories?

Or would you prefer AI art have a sub board within the artwork category and authors category?
Title: Re: Need Opinions!!!
Post by: Rainberry on 2023-10-20 00:26:42
Thank you for everyone's feedback so far.

Would you prefer a whole new category on the site for AI art and stories?

Or would you prefer AI art have a sub board within the artwork category and authors category?

Keep them within their respective categories.  AI art in Art category.

I don't think we need a separate AI category.  It will make the forum too long to scroll down.  One thing though is that if you look at the homepage, AI topics may appear over traditional art.  So you might want to think of a way to showcase both.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2023-10-20 12:41:48
I would keep it a separate board within the artwork and authors sections.  Not a new category.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2023-10-29 16:28:15
Busy day!

165 Guests, 20 Users (1 Hidden) Users active in past 120 minutes:
1234, Wolfwood, sudosnz, Blurr, Ruby-Yoimiya, casual_anime_fan_infinite, Y31, kiku, Silverwing, Liam of Rock, Zracken3, Yourtourguidefortoday, Bondi, PartyPony18, Bumble, Omegapony, Animesneezys, Crimson Crest, TikoPiko
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-11-11 21:45:52
Accepting Applications For New PSF Community Monitor  C:-)

Looking for someone who frequents the forum daily (preferably at odd times/random times/and/or peak hours).  Someone who is active within the community and sociable with others.  This person needs to have a positive reputation and can perform their duties with honor and respect towards others.  Community Monitors are responsible for the facilitation, review, and guidance of discussions on PSF and their related interactions. Community Monitors abide by our community rules to ensure that all the content on the forum is appropriate and adheres to the PSF's rules.

This role may require seeing some content that makes you feel uncomfortable.  In such cases, you must be able to react with calm and precision to have the proper actions taken to have said content dealt with in accordance to PSF rules. 

You must also be willing to promote PSF events and site objectives.  You must communicate freely and well with others. A community monitor works online and ensures a positive and safe PSF community forum. Monitors use their judgment to decide what information is approved or removed according to community guidelines. They also provide discussion topics, encourage participants to share, answer questions and define boundaries and rules for the group or discussion, and remove unrelated or inappropriate content.

If you are willing to partake and think you can handle this, please send a message to Darrin or Smiles2us and explain why you would be a good fit for the position. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2023-12-28 23:55:41
Another year of PSF service has been paid for.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2023-12-29 00:58:03
A great thank you to everybody involved!  <3
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2023-12-29 16:30:23
Thank you, Darrin. :)  I know it's very expensive and you get nothing in return. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:15:30
Happy New Year!  For as many years as they've given away rewards to the first poster of a topic in the new year, I can't believe more have yet to do this. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:23:02
ACK!  You beat me!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:23:25
If they give the monetary reward again, I will ask them to pass it to you if you want?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:23:37
No-no-no.  You earned it.  You came here first. ;D 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:23:52
Seriously, I do not need it.  Let's see how much money it would be.... hmmmm...
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:24:34
It was $5 per board that one posted the first post in it right?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:25:00
Yes.  So it would be $80 bucks.  If you don't want the whole thing, we can split it 50/50 if you want.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:25:15
You are legitimately trying to give me money?  Why? Lol!  You won.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:25:30
I seriously do not need it.  You seem like you could use some extra coin. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:25:42
 I mean.... That's so nice of you... but.....
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:26:03
I'm offering it to you.  Do not feel bad, lol.  If someone else logs on and you don't want it, I will give it to them. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:26:27
Okay, okay.  How about... if you don't want the money, you give it to charity? 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:26:52
That's a good idea, except they give it in Amazon cards. 

I'm just trying to make my first thing I do for the year be a nice thing. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:27:04
Awww, that's so sweet of you.  Is that why you do this each year?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:27:32
Yeah.  I'm giving the money they give me to someone else.  Last year I gave it back to Darrin to pay for the site bills plus a lil' extra. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:27:45
That's so nice of you.  I had no idea.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:28:14
I don't advertise what I do.

I guess if they give me Amazon money, I could just donate some of my real money to another charity and use the $80 Amazon card.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:28:32
There ya go!!! That's a great idea. 

If you do it, I will give some to a charity to then.  Sound fair?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:28:51
There is no fair here.  It's what you want to do. :)  If you want to give to charity, that is awesome. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:29:05
Okay. :D  Fine then.  I will, because I want to. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:29:15
St. Jude Children's Hospital. 

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:29:24
Okay.  I'll give some.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:29:53
No matter what, if I get the $80 or not, I will give $100.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:30:07
WOW!! You are pretty rocking tonight.  I will do $20. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:30:16
Awesome!!!  *Fist bumps*
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:30:29
Thank you.  *Fist bumps back*

Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:30:39
Happy new year Foxtail. :D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:30:54
Happy new year, MasterXtreme.  You are the first person I have spoken to online this year.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:31:01
As you are to me too.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: FoxTail on 2024-01-01 00:32:21
Well, I am gonna head back to my irl group here.  Have a super night and morning and day and year!!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-01-01 00:32:47
You too, FoxTail! :)
Title: Congrats To Our $80 Winner!!!
Post by: Darrin on 2024-01-01 15:57:43
Congrats to MasterXtreme for winning $80 dollars in our annual PSF First Post Rewards!!

Yep, every year we give $5 in Amazon money to whomever is the first to post in a board.  Every year only MasterXtreme seems to take advantage of this.  Does no one else want free money?  Lol!  So again, congradulations to MasterXtreme in like... what.... is nonstop wins?  I think he has literally won it every single year!  You are number one again!!!

This year the money was upped because we had two new boards created.
Title: Re: Congrats To Our $80 Winner!!!
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2024-01-01 16:21:07
Congrats to MasterXtreme for winning $80 dollars in our annual PSF First Post Rewards!!

Yep, every year we give $5 in Amazon money to whomever is the first to post in a board.  Every year only MasterXtreme seems to take advantage of this.  Does no one else want free money?  Lol!  So again, congradulations to MasterXtreme in like... what.... is nonstop wins?  I think he has literally won it every single year!  You are number one again!!!

This year the money was upped because we had two new boards created.

Congrats! If I was here, I would have totally done that.  Dang it!! Lol!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2024-01-02 12:59:16
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Spiffmin on 2024-01-02 23:54:31
I didn't know about this!  Is it some silent contest for those in the know? :D I would have loved to have won at least some of it. ;D
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Grapefoot on 2024-01-04 12:22:43
Thank you, Darrin.
Title: Million Views This Month!
Post by: Silverwing on 2024-02-18 16:12:41
Rather shockingly, I noticed the site has had over a million views this month!!! 1,101,140 as of typing this.  I think that is the most ever.
Title: Re: Million Views This Month!
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-02-18 19:55:20
Rather shockingly, I noticed the site has had over a million views this month!!! 1,101,140 as of typing this.  I think that is the most ever.

Wow.  That's a ton.  Amazing work there all.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2024-02-18 22:01:54
Oh my gosh.  That is a ton.  I wonder how that happened?  Google snooping?
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Blurr on 2024-02-23 14:11:23
Hoping those are actual people and not bots
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-02-24 00:14:14
I'm sure it's a mix.  Google and others send bots a few times a year, but that is a ton still.
Title: Server Maintenance / Down Time
Post by: Smiles2us on 2024-03-06 00:23:52
On March 6th at midnight Pacific time, the site went down for twenty minutes for server maintenance.  We also tested this by posting new news on our social media channels. A reminder for those who aren't aware, if the site is down, we will update our outlets for news.  Save these two links below for future reference.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-03-09 16:29:28
Thank you for keeping us up to date and frequently testing things.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2024-03-22 12:34:51
Over 2 million views this month so far.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2024-03-23 21:39:28
Were certainly well this month.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Silverwing on 2024-07-15 12:30:19
1.5 million this month.  We're doing REAL good in 2024.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2024-07-19 11:58:12
>>()SNEEZE APPRECIATION DAYS (July 31st thru August 4th) >>()

Sneeze Appreciation Day falls on a Wednesday this year, and we realize that is a hard time to celebrate for most, so instead we will carry on the festivities from Wednesday till Sunday!  Expect to see a lot of art and stories as we celebrate the power of sneezes and appreciate them for all their sneezy good-ness!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: TheBeesSneeze on 2024-07-19 12:36:54
This is exciting!!!!!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: kiku on 2024-07-19 13:08:53
Ah, that's good that there are a couple of days! I'm working on a story now, trying hard to have it finished in time for the big frestival.  :))
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2024-07-24 12:32:47
I'm pretty excited to see what happens.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2024-07-27 05:32:41
I'm pretty curious to see how it goes this time!.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2024-07-31 12:03:49
On August 4th, the final day of Sneeze Appreciation Week, we have a big reveal that will further put PSF on the map.  It was a massive undertaking and will be the biggest drop in sneeze fetish history!  It will be yet another thing we are known for. Be prepared!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2024-08-04 00:23:58
PSF is proud to present to you the greatest sneeze related creation since the sneeze fetish fandom began.

Click here (
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Wolfwood on 2024-09-03 12:58:10
August 2024 has over 11,000 new posts. I think that is a site record.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2024-10-02 16:09:52
Crud guys... this site is getting expensive to host.  I just signed a 3 year extension to our contract.  $550.00 dollars. 

The site has been upgraded to a new version of SMF.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2024-10-05 17:52:28
Crud guys... this site is getting expensive to host.  I just signed a 3 year extension to our contract.  $550.00 dollars. 

The site has been upgraded to a new version of SMF.
Just remind of where we can donate I can chip in some not sure how much though.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2024-10-12 21:59:13
Crud guys... this site is getting expensive to host.  I just signed a 3 year extension to our contract.  $550.00 dollars. 

The site has been upgraded to a new version of SMF.
Just remind of where we can donate I can chip in some not sure how much though.

Paypal at [email protected]
Title: DEEtective Work
Post by: Darrin on 2024-10-18 17:39:49
Any members on the forum also get tons of unwanted personal messages from particular members?  I am just trying to figure this out if there are members who have never told me anything.  Thank you. 
Title: Re: DEEtective Work
Post by: Soda on 2024-10-18 17:52:28
Any members on the forum also get tons of unwanted personal messages from particular members?  I am just trying to figure this out if there are members who have never told me anything.  Thank you.

I will message you.  Short answer, yes.
Title: Re: DEEtective Work
Post by: Wolfwood on 2024-10-18 19:53:28
If we count from last year, then yes.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: 1234 on 2024-10-19 01:08:03
I got at least one message, I think last year. Not a lot, but I know some others got way more than just one.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Graymist on 2024-10-19 18:01:37
Nothing, no. 
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Umbreon on 2024-10-25 15:40:40
I don't think I did far as I can tell mine was from genuine peeps.
Title: 20 Hour Site Downtime!
Post by: Darrin on 2024-11-26 02:30:30
PSF's server will be going through major maintenance scheduled to take place on November 26th between 4:00 AM and 11:59 PM PST. This maintenance spans a 20-hour window, and services are expected to be down for up to 8 hours, followed by potential service degradation.  This is planned maintenance by our server host.
What to Expect:

The maintenance window spans 20 hours, but expect up to 8 hours of downtime at some point during this period.

Following the downtime, there may be temporary service degradation as we complete the upgrade.

Expect the site to be down for several hours November 26th.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Anyponedrawn on 2024-12-04 00:09:54
Christmas month!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: MasterXtreme on 2025-01-01 00:02:39
Happy New Year!  It is 2025!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Darrin on 2025-01-01 15:47:53
CONGRADULATIONS to MasterXtreme!  He was the first to post in every board on PSF.  As annual tradition, you earn $5 dollars for each board you are the first to post in.  He has been our continual winner for pretty much every year.  I rounded upward, so this year MasterXtreme is the winner of either $100 through PayPal or a $100 Amazon digital card!  Congratulations and happy new year!
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Soda on 2025-02-11 23:43:56
I propose we change the "Ai Artwork" Board to "Ai Creations."  It isn't art.  It is created by an artificial intelligence.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: RainySunshine on 2025-02-15 00:36:50
I propose we change the "Ai Artwork" Board to "Ai Creations."  It isn't art.  It is created by an artificial intelligence.

I wouldn't do that.  It would ruin the flow the forum has with the artwork section clearly being artwork.

The other section is for authors and stories.

Creations could be a mix of more than art or more than stories.  Too broad.
Title: Re: Site Feedback & News
Post by: Graymist on 2025-02-17 12:24:35
^ I have to agree with this.