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 on: 2024-10-05 01:08:09 
Started by Silverwing - Last post by Wolfwood
Good new training academy video. :D  I really like watching them.  This is probably my fav new feature in a long time.

 on: 2024-10-04 23:30:26 
Started by MasterXtreme - Last post by MasterXtreme
Good to hear. Looking forward to seeing what they can do. I like me some old fashioned gangster cat battles and car chases.

 on: 2024-10-04 23:25:33 
Started by Smiles2us - Last post by MasterXtreme
Happy Friday Night everyone!

 on: 2024-10-03 22:49:50 
Started by MasterXtreme - Last post by Sniffles
Little update.  Work is ongoing for season 1 episodes.  Previews coming "soon."

 on: 2024-10-03 17:15:33 
Started by Silverwing - Last post by Rainberry
^ That Canadian guy is kind of mean to everyone. I don't like that.

 on: 2024-10-03 00:18:20 
Started by Silverwing - Last post by timmelon
I remember a long time ago there was a promotional photo from one of the more flat state DLC's and someone was celebrating when they saw a slight hill in the background.  Not sure who it was.  Very similar to posts here recently. ;D
Oh, I remember that. But it was a false alarm [excited]

An elevation change has been spotted in Kansas!!!!!! :o
Isn’t it just a ramp as a part of the interchange?

Another Driving Academy stream!
An improvement: they were using the drumroll sound this time ;D.

 on: 2024-10-03 00:08:21 
Started by Smiles2us - Last post by Rainberry
Keep voting!

 on: 2024-10-03 00:06:00 
Started by Silverwing - Last post by Rainberry
^ Man that Tim guy does nothing but complain. ;)  ;D

I remember a long time ago there was a promotional photo from one of the more flat state DLC's and someone was celebrating when they saw a slight hill in the background.  Not sure who it was.  Very similar to posts here recently. ;D

 on: 2024-10-02 23:49:08 
Started by Silverwing - Last post by timmelon
Feh. Next you'll be complaining that there's too many mountains in Kansas.    ;)
Well, we had some complains when this state was added a year ago.
Kansas is so flat.  But I am loving me these rural places.  Once we fill in more states, it will be easier to drive instead of having to avoid states not yet included.
The land is so flat, so the draw distance can be not enough ;D. Of course, when there are no fog (a new weather effect, which appears at morning and evening pretty often... but usually not as strong as on my picture). Even the bridges at the intersections seem to look lower than usual ;D.

I think I have found the most flat part of Kansas — between Dodge City and Hays. Hays itself uses some interesting way to slow down the traffic ;D. Later I was shocked by seeing the HILLS (!) north to Hays, also, at the same parallel near Garden City there are some rock formation which deserves to be a photo trophy more than the water tank of Hutchinson (the elevators from there look more impressive ;D)

Oh, there are plenty of towns with far worse names... Remind me sometime to tell you how close the place where I live came to being called "Gayoso City".
Still, I love the name of this city:

Yes, yes, I remember it’s spelled differently ;D.

 on: 2024-10-02 20:20:26 
Started by Silverwing - Last post by NostradamusTheSeer
There are way too many hills in those Iowa photos than I am comfortable with. ;D
Feh. Next you'll be complaining that there's too many mountains in Kansas.    ;)

If something as important as a town name can be so meaninglessly named from a girl holding a can of tomatoes... that makes me very sad.
Oh, there are plenty of towns with far worse names... Remind me sometime to tell you how close the place where I live came to being called "Gayoso City".

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