Barring a few isolated nuts, of course. I mean, any crazy can hide behind a Bible or a Torah and claim he's killing people in the name of God, but Islam is a whole different thing.
Eeeh. People want to find meaning in their lives. Since there's no objectively discernible point to existence, this can be a bit tricky.
The well-adjusted plod along and amplify the importance of local events. They get a passable job and fill in the gaps with entertainment media and some socialization. Maybe even a hobby. Bread and circuses.
The less well-adjusted find escape through drugs. Many eventually can't find their way back.
Further down the chain you have gangs. And most religious violence is really just a riff on the same theme, afaict.
The reason that Islam is flavor-of-the-week probably boils down to:
1. The middle-east is a hell-hole & has been for some time; and
2. Inertia / Self-fulfilling-prophecy-ism.
Islam as widely practiced is regressive wrt modern sensibilities, and I don't have much love for it. But if it disappeared tomorrow, I'm confident that the scum would just grow around some other poor host meme.