CNN is hosting a Republican town hall event right now.
Pope Francis said something rather unfortunate today, implying he did not feel Trump's policies and ideas were Christian. Well, it isn't the Pope who decides what Trump's relationship is with God. It is between the individual and God. Not the Pope. I respect the Pope greatly, even though I am not Catholic(I am Christian), but I feel he may have misspoke. Here is a
source, but be wary of how CNN spins this article and misquotes to make it sound far worse then it is.
Jeb Bush and John Kasich have done a great job today in the town hall. I feel this is were they shine, not bit debate stages. They are more personal, and it clearly shows. Jeb teared up at one point talking about his father, and told the crowd before he left that he truly, devoutly cares and loves this country and the people, and he wants to help. It came off as a very "True" moment.
Kasich was very down to earth and shined. He hugged a person who he was answering a question too, even consoling. It was also a very "true" moment.