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Author Topic: US News & Politics  (Read 640114 times)
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« Reply #90 on: 2016-02-27 23:15:34 »

Hilary Clinton schooled Bernie Sanders in South Carolina as predicted. 
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« Reply #91 on: 2016-02-29 16:38:02 »


Donald Trump - He will dominate the Republican side of Super Tuesday.  I don't feel anyone has a chance at slowing him down, even with Rubio's and Cruz's recent attacks.  Nothing can stop "The Donald" right now as he continues to push his agenda with short quips and single liners.  Is he as conservative as he says on television, based on previous evidence from him, but he might have the moderate undertones ended to beat a possible Democratic juggernaut.  Constant support from people continue to make sure Trump dominates news cycles.

Hillary Clinton - Continuing to be plagued by the email scandal and constant low ratings for trustworthiness, I believe Hillary will do very well this Tuesday.  I would be surprised actually if she didn't since there are so many states she would most likely do well with.  Hillary does well with the minority vote, but she isn't swaying as many women voters as she had hoped.  Still I think Hillary will eventually be the Democratic nominee.  She is vulnerable and not as powerful or as unstoppable as we thought even just five months ago.

Bernie Sanders - He has certainly drawn in crowds of young people, but he is also getting the elderly vote.  That is sort of an odd extreme if you think about it.  Sander's strongest states will be north eastern states, but will have a harder time in the south and midwest.  While he still is doing well, it is doubtful the Democratic party wants to fully exclaim they are pushing socialist values, even if they are Democratic Socialist.  In the long run, I feel he won't be able to defeat Hillary this Tuesday or beyond.

Ted Cruz - While his campaign has certainly been dirty, Cruz is currently the second fiddle to Trump.  Whether people will trust him or not is another story.  If he doesn't come away with a win in Texas, it will be all but a loss this Super Tuesday.  He needs more then one state to keep his campaign on decently solid ground.  Even then, just winning two or three states isn't going to cut it, and I don't see him winning many, if any.  Super Tuesday may be a big shock.  Right now, he just wants delegates. 

Marco Rubio - It is possible Rubio can come away from Super Tuesday with no wins from any state.  But oddly, he can be seen as on a better footing then Cruz because he continues to draw people in to his conservative message.  He can consistently be second or third, and still possibly be on well enough footing to continue on well past Super Tuesday.  The Republican Party seems to want to make Rubio the new golden boy of the party after Jeb Bush's step out.  It will be interesting to see how well the "new" Rubio does in polls after his recent performance in debates and attack stance against Trump.

John Kasich - The moderate of the Republican Party that can arguable draw voters from all sides, Kasich isn't a top runner at this point, but is in still a good position with chances of winning Ohio very high.  So far he has not attacked any candidate and continues to draw conservatives, independents, and democrats alike.  He will probably run longer then some of the Republican front runners and be there when the numbers dwindle down.  I could see him a Vice President.

Ben Carson - No one dislikes Carson, the soft spoken and thoughtful retired neurosurgeon, but sadly at this point, his campaign is nothing more then a losing battle.  He can share his good message, but he has no chance at overall victory, let alone Super Tuesday. 
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« Reply #92 on: 2016-02-29 17:49:06 »

Whoa, looking at their pictures, why were people making fun of Trumps hair? Look at Bernie's. Jeez.

Anyway, nice sum up here, Silver. Really intellectual you are.

To be honest, I haven't heard of John Kasich before now. Hmm.

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« Reply #93 on: 2016-02-29 19:12:06 »

I pretty much agree with how you summed that up, Silverwing.  I see Rubio and Cruz getting snubbed completely.  Though there will be glimmers of hope for them in various states.  I see Kasich picking up his home state and possibly other states he has really focused on. 

Very nice sum up, and the pictures were a nice touch. 

That picture of Hillary makes me think of Germany's, Angela Merkel. 
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« Reply #94 on: 2016-03-01 14:02:06 »

*Grab popcorn.*

Here we go, Super Tuesday. 
Death Blossom
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« Reply #95 on: 2016-03-01 15:39:16 »

Oh boy, I'm avoiding my friends tonight.

They get in such heated arguments, especially one of them. The other one enjoys debating, the other.... Seems to run on the "people talk louder when they want to sound smart" principle. And then he gets more in your face and angry.

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« Reply #96 on: 2016-03-02 00:48:56 »

So much anger tonight, but our forum has always been very calm and cool about politics.  We can laugh at our own candidates.

Here is what everyone won tonight.


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« Reply #97 on: 2016-03-02 13:29:18 »

So much anger tonight, but our forum has always been very calm and cool about politics.  We can laugh at our own candidates.
Especially since one of them is named "Ben Sasse". It sounds perfectly ripe for a Saturday Night Live sketch-- just seven or eight straight minutes of butt jokes.

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« Reply #98 on: 2016-03-02 14:18:54 »

Oh boy, I'm avoiding my friends tonight.

They get in such heated arguments, especially one of them. The other one enjoys debating, the other.... Seems to run on the "people talk louder when they want to sound smart" principle. And then he gets more in your face and angry.

I don't get why people get into such angry debates with each other.  I think the chances of you reasonably changing anyone's mind is so minuscule it isn't worth the headache.  Facebook is especially full of people threatening to unfriend each other over who they vote for.
It's a secret ballot for a reason.
aka "Numbers"
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« Reply #99 on: 2016-03-02 14:21:46 »

Facebook "threats", now? Tsk.

The things people argue about, sometimes... :-\

Smileys. Made a list of them. I had nothing better to do.
Death Blossom
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« Reply #100 on: 2016-03-02 16:13:04 »

See that's the thing, they don't debate to change their minds. They're both stubborn, but one of them actually stays cool and collected and sarcastic. The other one genuinely gets angry. It's kind of pathetic.

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« Reply #101 on: 2016-03-02 16:30:02 »

Really, this site's community has done a good job discussing politics for the most part.  It might not always be super in depth, but I haven't seen anyone angry even if they disagree.

Overall, Silverwing's predictions were pretty much spot on.  Trump and Hillary won the most, Cruz would win maybe one or two. 

aka "Numbers"
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« Reply #102 on: 2016-03-02 17:33:32 »

That's the problem: some people just can't respect others' opinions when it comes to politics (which we have done a good job discussing).

Smileys. Made a list of them. I had nothing better to do.
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« Reply #103 on: 2016-03-02 20:57:07 »

See that's the thing, they don't debate to change their minds. They're both stubborn, but one of them actually stays cool and collected and sarcastic. The other one genuinely gets angry. It's kind of pathetic.
You could say this of the Presidential candidates. Whatever you think of Trump, he's a lively one, and a bit of a hothead, which makes  his every debate a verbal joust. He doesn't mince words, which I like.  A welcome change from past elections and guys like John McCain, who had all the personality of a sucked orange, or George W. Bush, who at times came off as Tweedledum to Al Gore's Tweedledee. Sometimes I close my eyes and think I've actually gone back in time  to 1992... we've got a Bush, a Clinton, and a firebrand rich guy running for the White House.

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« Reply #104 on: 2016-03-02 21:58:40 »

Since we are so good at this, maybe some of you can get a laugh at this.  There is a bunch of them and I just found them today.  They are of course just making fun of everyone, I am not just picking on certain people.

This is of Ted Cruz.  This one had me laughing all the way till the end. 

One is of the first Democratic debate.  I like it in the beginning and after 3:35. ;) 
« Last Edit: 2016-03-02 22:04:42 by AnyPoneDrawn » Logged
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