Article"Amphibia" is an animated comedy series that chronicles the adventures of 13-year-old Anne Boonchuy, who is magically transported to the fantastical world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig, Anne will transform into a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life. Created and executive-produced by Matt Braly, "Amphibia" premieres summer 2019 on Disney Channel.In its 4th week (week of 7/8/19), Disney Channel's "Amphibia" grew for the 2nd straight week among Kids 6-11 (+1% - 137,000/0.57 rating vs. 135,000/0.57 rating) and for the 3rd consecutive week with Tweens 9-14 (+15% - 99,000/0.41 rating vs. 86,000/0.36 rating) to its strongest week of the series.Thursday's telecast of "Amphibia" capped off the week with series highs among Kids 6-11 (160,000/0.67 rating) and Tweens 9-14 (114,000/0.47 rating), ranking as the No. 1 program in its 10:00 a.m. time slot.(((Still pretty low ratings)))
Quote from: MasterXtreme on 2019-07-21 16:10:31Article"Amphibia" is an animated comedy series that chronicles the adventures of 13-year-old Anne Boonchuy, who is magically transported to the fantastical world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig, Anne will transform into a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life. Created and executive-produced by Matt Braly, "Amphibia" premieres summer 2019 on Disney Channel.In its 4th week (week of 7/8/19), Disney Channel's "Amphibia" grew for the 2nd straight week among Kids 6-11 (+1% - 137,000/0.57 rating vs. 135,000/0.57 rating) and for the 3rd consecutive week with Tweens 9-14 (+15% - 99,000/0.41 rating vs. 86,000/0.36 rating) to its strongest week of the series.Thursday's telecast of "Amphibia" capped off the week with series highs among Kids 6-11 (160,000/0.67 rating) and Tweens 9-14 (114,000/0.47 rating), ranking as the No. 1 program in its 10:00 a.m. time slot.(((Still pretty low ratings)))F*** those ratings. They mean nothing to the individual. I just got done binging both current seasons on Disney plus and it left me in tears. FFFFFFRAACK I LOVE IT!
Quote from: Blurr on 2021-06-08 06:57:43Quote from: MasterXtreme on 2019-07-21 16:10:31Article"Amphibia" is an animated comedy series that chronicles the adventures of 13-year-old Anne Boonchuy, who is magically transported to the fantastical world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig, Anne will transform into a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life. Created and executive-produced by Matt Braly, "Amphibia" premieres summer 2019 on Disney Channel.In its 4th week (week of 7/8/19), Disney Channel's "Amphibia" grew for the 2nd straight week among Kids 6-11 (+1% - 137,000/0.57 rating vs. 135,000/0.57 rating) and for the 3rd consecutive week with Tweens 9-14 (+15% - 99,000/0.41 rating vs. 86,000/0.36 rating) to its strongest week of the series.Thursday's telecast of "Amphibia" capped off the week with series highs among Kids 6-11 (160,000/0.67 rating) and Tweens 9-14 (114,000/0.47 rating), ranking as the No. 1 program in its 10:00 a.m. time slot.(((Still pretty low ratings)))F*** those ratings. They mean nothing to the individual. I just got done binging both current seasons on Disney plus and it left me in tears. FFFFFFRAACK I LOVE IT!I love how you quoted a 3 year old post, lol. I thought it was something new and went back trying to find it, lol.Ratings should matter though to people. If ratings are bad, the show's lifespan will be short. That is what happened to OK KO: Lets Be Heroes on CN.