Article"Amphibia" is an animated comedy series that chronicles the adventures of 13-year-old Anne Boonchuy, who is magically transported to the fantastical world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig, Anne will transform into a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life. Created and executive-produced by Matt Braly, "Amphibia" premieres summer 2019 on Disney Channel.
In its 4th week (week of 7/8/19), Disney Channel's "Amphibia" grew for the 2nd straight week among Kids 6-11 (+1% - 137,000/0.57 rating vs. 135,000/0.57 rating) and for the 3rd consecutive week with Tweens 9-14 (+15% - 99,000/0.41 rating vs. 86,000/0.36 rating) to its strongest week of the series.
Thursday's telecast of "Amphibia" capped off the week with series highs among Kids 6-11 (160,000/0.67 rating) and Tweens 9-14 (114,000/0.47 rating), ranking as the No. 1 program in its 10:00 a.m. time slot.
(((Still pretty low ratings)))