I just finished watching Alpha and Omega.
It was exactly what I hoped for. It was extremely cute and I really enjoyed it. There wasn't really any bad guys, it was just an adventure and love story, love for multiple characters. It was really enjoyable and I love how wolves howling sounds like magic, and is beautiful to them.

That was a really cool twist. Humphrey and Kate were really cute together, but man, those feels in there. Knowing the girl you love is going to get married or doesn't think the same way about you, I know how that feeling hurts and it digs. I really related.
I really like the white female wolf and that other alpha male. It was so cute to see those two develop.
The visuals were good for this film, a blend of CGI and almost hand drawn backgrounds visuals. It wasn't groundbreaking, but it was really enjoyable.
The film was put out by Lionsgate, a branch of Disney. It's the branding that no one knows is tied to Disney because Disney's name is no where on it. Sadly, many just say it is the brand that puts out film's Disney rejects and passes on to them to distribute.
I liked Alpha and Omega. It was a fun story, fun adventure, cute characters, and I have the urge to do fan art of it. I'm such a nerd. I will give it an 'A' for tonight because it was an emotional up and down that I related too with love, and I really enjoyed it.