(Repost cuz Darrin made me do it
I got another suggestion, don't know if it's just me that is a bit put off by this, but
Is all that stuff really necessary up there? I mean, if I get a PM, don't I get a little "1" that pops up above the profile tab?
Total time logged in is kinda cool, but wouldn't that be better suited in your profile info, to see when you want to see it? Rather than all the time?
The last two are pretty cool, I recall PSF 1 had a small side tab called Participation or something that showed you if any posts you replied in had new messages, so that's pretty cool.
And then there's those little drop down folders, aesthetically speaking the page would look better without them there. It just kinda, clutters up the page with something that isn't necessary to be there. I mean, maybe if it showed up like, horizontally instead of vertically and took up less room it would be alright, but for some reason, them being vertical like that... I don't know, it just doesn't look nice to me.
I hope I'm not coming off as a whiny bitch, I really do appreciate everything you 3 have done to make the site what it is. Just kinda, uh, throwing in my 2 cents. I hope I didn't come off as rude...