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« Reply #150 on: 2021-08-06 14:10:59 »

Been following this case for the last 72 hours.   Here's footage of Chris being taken into police custody Sunday morning.

His blase, smarmy attitude is both sad and chilling. He acts as if he's a celebrity getting a police escort to some A-list event. As I said here, I really don't think Chris understands the seriousness of the charges-- or maybe now it's starting to settle into his fat head that this isn't like talking his way out of a parking ticket; he's really in trouble. He illustrated this point perfectly during his bail hearing by actually stamping his feet like a petulant child there, before the judge's bench, when denied a chance to go home and get his stuff.  I think the last of his illusion of "well, it'll all blow over soon, and I'll be home by supper" will finally dissipate when they lead him into the back room, hand him a pair of stripey p.j.'s, and show him where to go to strip off his street togs. 
[zoomfast]  [nomnom]   [blobjoy]   [sadpat]
« Last Edit: 2021-08-06 16:05:51 by NostradamusTheSeer » Logged

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« Reply #151 on: 2021-08-06 15:13:22 »

Does he seriously not understand the gravity of what he did?  What a loon!
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« Reply #152 on: 2021-08-06 15:19:41 »

Reality will set in when he realizes he isn't being let go to go home and has to sit in a jail cell.

Wow.  Amazing how their life has changed.  It started rather innocently and ended in incest.  Well, I take that back.  It hasn't ended yet.  Except more charges then just the one so far.  I can see elderly abuse, assault, and much more.

The officers did a good job and followed all protocol too.  Nice job on their part with hecklers all around.
« Last Edit: 2021-08-06 15:24:58 by MasterXtreme » Logged
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« Reply #153 on: 2021-08-08 17:20:42 »

Further details on Chris Chan... and how this horrible woman baited him to doing this. She is insane and her ultimate goal was to have him end himself.  You can read/watch it all here.  This doesn't make what Chris did right, but he has mental issues and is easy to manipulate.  He listened to her.  This woman has killed someone else before, I am more sure how she is not in jail. 

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« Reply #154 on: 2021-08-09 12:02:33 »

All this fuss about he/she/it pronouns... besides it trying to mitigate the real crime(s) here, is it advisable to give regular doses of potent female hormone injections to someone with a documented history of mental instability? I mean, look what it did to Bru--er--Caitlin... Jenner.  She reported wild mood swings and seeing her sex drive go through the roof-- from what I've heard, she became a perfect bitch, set off by something as simple as trying to use the telephone with those new long fingernails. And she's, by all accounts, fairly normal and altogether. It's no coincidence, perhaps, that some of Chris' more bizarre antics have happened while he was transitioning--steep an already-diseased mind in a brew of good strong lady-juices, and:

For my money, someone really should have stepped in when he took a kitchen knife to his gooch in a half-assed attempt to become a real girl.

His social circle has become a lot more... interesting as well. Besides this sociopathic young woman, he's been hanging out with a pack of troubled, dope-smoking layabout teens and a group known as the "Idea Guys" (weren't they, like, bad guys on The Tick?), whose input actually made the last few issues of Sonichu even more incomprehensible, disjointed, and deranged than before.

I rather like Chris' court-appointed attorney's take on the whole matter: basically, even in this, the information age, "innocent until proven guilty" is still the law in this country, so we shouldn't rush to judgement.  "Mental health issues causing misguided attention-seeking and often provocative engagement with others" is one thing, but does it wash?-- yeah, Chris doesn't handle "success" and "fame" well, but after all, you can be an asshole online and still not (bleep) your mom's (bleep). :-X  ::|

Of course, there's still over a month to go 'til the actual court date-- this is all just preliminary-- and I expect Chris is already anxiously climbing the walls. He'd do well to hunker down and come up with some sort of strategy to at least mitigate his almost-certain impending sentence. 

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« Reply #155 on: 2021-08-09 22:09:58 »

Further details on Chris Chan... and how this horrible woman baited him to doing this. She is insane and her ultimate goal was to have him end himself.  You can read/watch it all here.  This doesn't make what Chris did right, but he has mental issues and is easy to manipulate.  He listened to her.  This woman has killed someone else before, I am more sure how she is not in jail. 

She and Chris Chan need to be in jail. I had no idea some nutcase was doing that.  To think, she was the one that released this herself, and somehow didn't think people would find out about her psycho behavior?
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« Reply #156 on: 2021-08-09 22:40:45 »

To go off what Nostra was touching on... the leftwing media has caught on to the story.

After her arrest on an incest charge, Chris Chan is being categorized as male in jail despite being a trans woman   - Article
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« Reply #157 on: 2021-08-09 22:49:29 »

Further details on Chris Chan... and how this horrible woman baited him to doing this. She is insane and her ultimate goal was to have him end himself.  You can read/watch it all here.  This doesn't make what Chris did right, but he has mental issues and is easy to manipulate.  He listened to her.  This woman has killed someone else before, I am more sure how she is not in jail. 

I am concerned about this woman who provoked a lot of this, and it's concerning because there are ZERO sources online that even mention her.  That makes me think either the media doesn't know about her, or she is getting away scott-free with doing horrible acts here and in her past. She is partially responsible for Chris Chan's actions, but she also needs to face charges for the other crimes she supposedly committed.

I only found this un-credible article on who the woman is.  I won't post her name here, but it's linked in the article.  "Internet points fingers at woman for encouraging Chris Chan to rape mother"
« Last Edit: 2021-08-09 22:52:52 by Grapefoot » Logged

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« Reply #158 on: 2021-08-10 12:18:15 »

I only found this un-credible article on who the woman is.  I won't post her name here, but it's linked in the article.  "Internet points fingers at woman for encouraging Chris Chan to rape mother"

At least something exists of who this nutcase is.  She needs to be locked up. So does Chris too.
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« Reply #159 on: 2021-08-20 17:51:09 »



OnlyFans says it's getting out of the porn game

What a joke.
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« Reply #160 on: 2021-08-20 20:18:39 »

At least something exists of who this nutcase [Izzy Janke] is.  She needs to be locked up.

She has been, according to sources, on a weapons charge... but it's early yet, and it remains to be seen if anything sticks.

I'm kind of waiting for John Boy and Billy to do something about these two on the Big Show-- they may be a bit too gross for a "Dumb Crook News" segment, though.   :P

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« Reply #161 on: 2021-08-20 20:40:37 »

At least something exists of who this nutcase is.  She needs to be locked up.

She has been, according to sources, on a weapons charge... but it's early yet, and it remains to be seen if anything sticks.

I'm kind of waiting for John Boy and Billy to do something about these two on the Big Show-- they may be a bit too gross for a "Dumb Crook News" segment, though.   :P

Let me repeat what I said about Hilary Clinton to this Izzy gal....

Lock her up! Lock her up!
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« Reply #162 on: 2021-11-17 15:18:24 »

Izzy Janke isn't locked up (not yet, anyhow) but she's banned from her college campus for two years. It's described as a "suspension", not an outright expulsion, which seems awful lenient to me-- in my day, you got your transcript flagged for a hell of a lot less, and you can throw around as much money as you like, if you got it, but no school wanted a known troublemaker in their hallowed halls. It's a distinction without a real difference, really...maybe her well-connected parents pulled a few strings to keep Texas Tech University from freezing her records; Janke could transfer her academic credits to another school, and it's very likely within a year, if she hasn't leaned her lesson, we'll hear how bad she acted out over there.

Artists on Superman comic getting death threats over Man of Steel's sexual preference; police called in
Okay, this is wrong on so many levels. One, no matter what you think of this decision, there is a little something called the First Amendment. If you don't like this new direction DC's taking with Superman, cancel your subscription and quit reading the book.  Secondly, leave the damn artists alone. Many pencillers and inkers are freelance laborers, and their work may be seen on several books published by the same company. Your really good ones get commissioned for work by other comic houses or even TV shows. Each one probably cranks out so many pages a month I bet they blur together after a while: one day you're the guy or gal working on Spider-Man; the next, they got you on, I dunno, the Muppet Babies. It's, ultimately, an editorial decision; the scribblers have no say on Supey being a little light in the knee-high red boots. You may as well beat up the grocery store checker because of the high price of a top sirloin. Thirdly, whaddaya know, Lewis Grizzard was right.   :nervoussmile: :nervoussmile:

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« Reply #163 on: 2021-11-17 21:37:03 »

I heard that Superman (or his son or whatever) now no longer will say his motto, "Truth, Justice and the American Way."  Article

What a woke joke...
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« Reply #164 on: 2021-11-27 10:37:30 »

Also, why does Superman Jr.'s boyfriend look so much like his mother?  He even has basically the same job-- reporter. That disturbs me, somehow, more than his sexual preference.....

Mat-Adorable You: Big bad love-mad bull humps lady bullfighter before eyes of shocked crowd

Horny heifer doesn't even call her the next day

...It's either a Chuck Jones cartoon in hell, or that one weird episode of Family Guy.

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