All this fuss about he/she/it pronouns... besides it trying to mitigate the real crime(s) here, is it advisable to give regular doses of potent female hormone injections to someone with a documented history of mental instability? I mean, look what it did to Bru--er--
Caitlin... Jenner. She reported wild mood swings and seeing her sex drive go through the roof-- from what I've heard, she became a perfect bitch, set off by something as simple as trying to use the telephone with those new long fingernails. And she's, by all accounts,
fairly normal and altogether. It's no coincidence, perhaps, that some of Chris' more bizarre antics have happened while he was transitioning--steep an already-diseased mind in a brew of good strong lady-juices, and:

For my money, someone
really should have stepped in when
he took a kitchen knife to his gooch in a half-assed attempt to become a real girl.
His social circle has become a lot more...
interesting as well. Besides this sociopathic young woman, he's been hanging out with a pack of troubled, dope-smoking layabout teens and a group known as the "Idea Guys" (weren't they, like, bad guys on
The Tick?), whose input actually made the last few issues of
Sonichu even more incomprehensible, disjointed, and deranged than before.
I rather like Chris' court-appointed
attorney's take on the whole matter: basically, even in this, the information age, "innocent until proven guilty" is still the law in this country, so we shouldn't rush to judgement. "Mental health issues causing misguided attention-seeking and often provocative engagement with others" is one thing, but does it wash?-- yeah, Chris doesn't handle "success" and "fame" well, but after all, you can be an asshole online and still not (
bleep) your mom's (

Of course, there's still over a month to go 'til the actual court date-- this is all just preliminary-- and I expect Chris is already anxiously climbing the walls. He'd do well to hunker down and come up with some sort of strategy to at least mitigate his almost-certain impending sentence.