Community => Site News & Feedback => Topic started by: Darrin on 2019-11-21 14:37:14
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(Updates Nov 21, 2019)
Darrin Profile/Message (;u=1)
Smiles2us Profile/Message (;u=3)
Community Monitors
Very nice work here. Good to see it more visible.
I have some questions about the rules, as I'm new here and from what I've seen by poking around, some of them seem like they're out of date or just ignored. The first that stands out to me is the one about signatures. I keep seeing images (even really big ones) and animations in signatures. Is this still supposed to be against the rules, or should the rule be updated?
I have some questions about the rules, as I'm new here and from what I've seen by poking around, some of them seem like they're out of date or just ignored. The first that stands out to me is the one about signatures. I keep seeing images (even really big ones) and animations in signatures. Is this still supposed to be against the rules, or should the rule be updated?
@Feather While we have no specific size limit, we ask people to use their best judgement. I don't know of any large signatures, but if you have seen some, please alert me to it. It also depends on how you consume PSF. If you are on a desktop computer, laptop, or a tablet, everything is quite small. If you are on a phone, it may seem bigger than it actually is.
Signatures must follow these guidelines:
80 characters maximum including spaces on one or two lines.
A site name, link and general tagline for your personal website is permitted.
No images or text size that stretches the page. Colors, bolding and Italicizing are permitted.
That's the stated rule. Stretching the page I have to assume means in any direction, which would mean anything that equates to more than the allowed two lines of text would be stretching.
Signatures must follow these guidelines:
80 characters maximum including spaces on one or two lines.
A site name, link and general tagline for your personal website is permitted.
No images or text size that stretches the page. Colors, bolding and Italicizing are permitted.
That's the stated rule. Stretching the page I have to assume means in any direction, which would mean anything that equates to more than the allowed two lines of text would be stretching.
We may have to reword it a bit, but it mainly refers to stretching horizontally. It's never been an issues so far vertically. But of course there would be a limit going down as well if someone's signature is beyond massive.
The rules might seems stringent, but we are very easy going here. There is no need to stress it down to the letter. We've never had a signature issue, so I wouldn't really worry about it.
I am really happy you are reading the rules. :)
I have read and agree to the rules.
Thank you. You actually read the intro too!
I have read and fully agree to the rules of the community.