Behold, the most useless list ever made.LIST OF PSF'S SMILEYS (colon; right parenthesis) (semicolon; right parenthesis) (colon; uppercase D) (semicolon; uppercase D) (greater-than sign; colon; left parenthesis) (colon; left parenthesis) (colon; lowercase O) (8; right parenthesis) (three question marks) (two colons; right parenthesis) (colon; uppercase P) (colon; hyphen; left bracket) (colon; hyphen; uppercase X) (colon; hyphen; backslash) (colon; hyphen; asterisk) (colon; apostrophe; left parenthesis)UNLISTED (greater-than sign; colon; uppercase D) (circumflex; hyphen; circumflex)And there might be more.Yeah, I have too much time on my hands. XD
So as yourself? Ahhhhh! I jest I jest! I couldn't pass it up.